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網路人際的隱性人格理論之初探:以網路聊天室為例 / A Primary Study of Implicit Personality Theory in Internet Human Relations-The Case of Internet Relay Chat



人際傳播重要的「認知、過濾」理論-隱性人格論(Implicit Personality Theory),常被用於解釋人際互動間進展及是否持續接觸的重要理論之一,它牽涉到訊息蒐集、篩選、判斷等認知處理過程,同時也被引申到人際傳播的效果闡述上,經過多年來的論證已顯示此理論對於人際交往及傳播的影響層面是無庸置疑的,不過當面對被視為未來趨勢的虛擬網路世界時,隱性人格理論是否仍在網路交往過程中扮演一重要角色,抑或是會產生本質的改變,還是根本毫無影響,目前似乎沒有任何具體答案,因此如何將已精粹成形的人際傳播理論運用在網際網路中的人際傳播上,相信該是「人際傳播學」在21世紀開啟的此時最迫切的課題。


經本研究歸納深度訪談內容及訊息,顯示「隱性人格理論」在虛擬的網路世界中的確存在且有其不同層面的影響力,不僅在互動過程中該理論的現象發生得更早,並且牽涉到更多自我主觀的認知判斷,但相對真實世界而言,該判斷是比較脆弱且易變的,也間接顯示出網路人際關係與現實世界中的交往是有本質上的差異。 / THESIS ABSTRACT

The interaction among people is no longer limited by distance or space according to the development of new technology for information and transportation. The concept of ‘Global Village’ has been formed and ‘interpersonal communication behavior’ is getting more and more complicated and important as it is among the regions and across boundaries. For instance, serious attacking event of ‘911’ was caused by incorrect ‘communication strategy’ and different cultural background; and the ‘Ms. Chu event’ was also caused by inappropriate interpersonal relationship. These great sufferings could be avoided if the people or governments involved in those two events could have clarified the problems and taken proper ‘communication strategies’ in advance.

‘Implicit Personality Theory’, an important theory of ‘recognition and filtering’ in interpersonal communication, is a theory that was commonly applied to explain the progress of interpersonal interaction and to confirm the continuous connection. It involves in the process of handling recognition on information collection, screening, and judgment, etc. Other than that, it is also extended to elaborate the effect of interpersonal communication. After years of expound and prove, it is obviously that this theory has been demonstrated a deep impact to interpersonal association and communication. However, when facing the so-called future trend of virtual cyber world, there is still no concrete solution whether ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will play an important role in the cyber world? If there an essential change will be occurred, or even no any influence at all. Consequently, it is considered the most urgent issue in the opening of 21st century that how the maturely formed ‘interpersonal communication theory’ can be applied to interpersonal connection in the cyber world.

This study tried to get in from the different phases of AIDA in the process of handling information, and from an in-depth interview of several heavy users of IRC to explore the process of virtual interpersonal interaction to the chatting partner in internet chat room and further to understand if the phenomenon as described in ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will be occurred in the process of cyber association, just the same as that in the real world, or if there any other party and object will be impacted.

It was demonstrated that ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ exists in virtual cyber world and impacts to different parts throughout the induction of the contents and information from the in-depth interviews. The phenomenon of this theory not only appeared earlier in the process of interaction, but also more involved in judgment of recognition from self subjective. However, for the real world, this kind of judgment is weaker and easier to change, and indirectly shows that there were essential differences between cyber interpersonal relationship and real world communication. / 目錄




第一章 概論

第一節 研究動機..................... 1

第二節 研究目的..................... 3

第三節 研究問題..................... 4

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 人際傳播之定義.................. 5

第二節 人際傳播的理論基礎................ 9

第三節 隱性人格理論...................10

第四節 網際網路與人際傳播................16

第五節 網路人際傳播...................17

第六節 網路即時聊天...................21

第三章 研究方法

第一節 研究架構-A-I-D模式............... 27

第二節 研究方法.....................29

第三節 研究對象.....................31

一、 設定合格受訪者條件............31

二、 受訪者選取................33

第四節 研究設計.....................35

一、 研究工具.................35

二、 進行程序.................37

第四章 研究發現

第一節 研究對象共同特性 ................ 41

第二節 第一階段-“A”ttention注意 ............. 42

一、 在IRC中..................42

二、 在真實世界中................46

第三節 第二階段-”I”nterest興趣 ............. 47

三、 在IRC中..................47

四、 在真實世界中................55

第四節 第三階段-“D”esire欲望...............56

一、 在IRC中..................57

二、 在真實世界中................60

第五節 總整理.......................61

第五章 結論與建議

第一節 研究結論......................66

第二節 檢討與建議.....................69

參考文獻............................ 72

附件一:1996∼2001年蕃薯藤網路使用行為大調查........ 78

附件二:一對一深度訪談過錄文稿............... 83

附件三:受訪者背景與網路即時聊天室使用經驗簡介....... 111



圖2-1-1 傳播金字塔 5

圖2-1-2 5W公式 6

圖2-1-3 人際傳播的基本概念 8

圖2-3-1 交際關係的六個階段 13

圖2-5-1 微軟Out-look的e-mail 19

圖2-5-2 台北科技大學紅樓BBS資訊站 19

圖2-6-1 IRC多對多互動聊天畫面 22

圖2-6-2 IRC「悄悄話」一對一聊天房間 22

圖2-6-3 可針對特定對象,選擇擬人化動作 25

圖3-1-1 隱性人格理論的內向傳播過程 27

圖3-1-2 AIDA模式 28

圖3-1-3 研究架構 28

圖3-3-1:英國網路重度使用者定義圖示 32


表2-1-1 人際傳播理論 9

表2-5-1 網路人際傳播介面比較表 20

表3-2-1 質化研究與量化研究的取向觀點 29

表3-2-2 質化與量化研究的差異 29

表3-3-1 網路使用時數描述性統計結果 33

表3-3-2 網路上癮者與非上癮者網路使用時數t檢定 33

表3-3-3 受訪者簡介 34

表4-5-1 兩種場域「推測性格」行為不一致的受訪者 41

表4-5-2 兩種場域「意願受影響」行為的差異 41

表4-5-3 受訪者與陌生人接觸的差異化比較表 42
Date January 1990
Creators羅懷慈, Lydia Lo
Contributors江中信, Johnson Jiang
Publisher世新大學, 傳播研究所(含博士班)
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
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