Return to search 名媛網 - 女性美夢成真的線上社群網站商業計畫 / entertainment - A girl's dreams-come-true online social network service business plan

每個女孩都有個夢想,希望某天能成為光鮮亮麗的鎂光燈焦點,擁有美好的物質生活。亞洲社會普遍有這種女子愛慕虛榮的現象,尤其以台灣最為風氣盛行。台灣過去的10年間,電視偶像劇如雨後春筍般地快速成長,儼然成為台灣電視收視群的最大戲劇種類之一。而大部分的這些偶像劇內容不外乎是講述某位平凡小女子與有錢有權的公子哥兒的偶然相遇,燦爛的交集為平凡的女子帶來人生的轉捩點。從無到有,從平凡百姓到坐擁榮華富貴,人見人愛的,已成為時下台灣年輕女性最喜愛的電視橋段,也同時投射出她們幻想成為劇中女主角的渴望。從2001年紅極一時的 『流星花園系列』 到2008年底剛剛落幕且創下台灣電視史上收視率最高的偶像劇 『命中注定我愛你』。這些偶像劇的成功在在顯示出台灣女性心理對平凡女麻雀變鳳凰的遭遇有極大的連結。

只要有需求,供給的市場就會浮現,aSTAR.com名媛網正是以台灣數百萬年輕女性福祉為出發點而創造出來的全新Web2.0 虛擬網路社群新概念。突破市面網路社群框架,開發史無前例的虛擬平台再搭配養成概念的線上社群互動設計,aSTAR.com名媛網將為台灣女性提供獨一無二的虛擬世界新體驗。透過各式機制和會員互動以及打造一間充滿獨特奢華的精緻空間,女性使用者現實社會中得不到的虛榮心和眾人目光將可在aSTAR.com名媛網上得到滿足。

詹宏志:『台灣還有再做100家網路上市公司的機會』。 aSTAR.com名媛網將會在台灣網路社群市場大放光芒,朝上市的終極目標前進。 / Every girl has a very dream, a dream that one day they will live a famously glamorous life with luxurious material-world satisfaction. This phenomenon of females pursuing vanity is especially evident in Asian countries, particularly in Taiwan. In past 10 years, there has been a rapidly growing surge of teen-idol dramas in Taiwan's television-show-making industry. The storyline of the majority of these idol dramas portrays one thing and one thing only and that is the story of a very ordinary girl falling in love with a life-turning rich and handsome young man and live a happily ever after life. From the nearly decade-ago Meteor Garden(流星花園) to the most recent television super hit Destiny Love(命中注定我愛你), they all share this very pattern and both received enormously high viewership from female audience.

Where there is demand, there is supply. is the solution to fulfill this inner wish of Taiwanese females. With an unprecedented Vanity Room Space concept and an interactive social networking platform, is proud to bringing this brand new online social networking experience to Taiwan's audience. users will be able to enjoy the fun of building up their very own virtual rooms with precious and exclusive collections for showcase and, at the same time, experiencing a series of interesting networking interaction with other aSTAR users to win the Socialite title.

“Taiwan has room for at least a hundred more Internet companies' IPO,” a quote from Taiwan's famous Internet entrepreneur, Hung-Tze Jan(詹宏志)., with its virtual space and socialite networking experience, will make big presence in Taiwan's Internet market and reach ultimate IPO goal.
Creators周紘德, Chou, Steven
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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