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整合導向評估模式之運用-以「教育部輔導工作六年計畫」為例 / A Model of Integration-oriented Assessment-the Six-Year School Guidance Program of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan

一、 整合導向評估模式具有目標模式、CIPP模式及理論導向評估模式之優點,能有效客觀評估中長程行政計畫之優劣。
二、 依據整合導向評估模式,總評「教育部輔導工作六年計畫」認同百分率為72.1,依五大層面優劣排序為:
三、 依據整合導向評估模式二十個向度得分排比,輔導工作六年計畫之「規劃作業程序」、「方案架構」、「方法策略」及「目標策略」四個評估向度上具有中長程計畫之優點與特色,在「量的績效」、「成果績效」、「質的績效」及「專業支援」四個向度上,則呈現了不足與缺失。
四、 各類不同人員對於輔導工作六年計畫之評價不一,以性別而言,男性認同度高於女性;以職務而言,輔導室主任、校長認同度較高;以服務單位而言,國中、國小人員認同度極顯著高於大專校院人員;以服務年資而言,呈現服務年資愈長認同度愈高之明顯趨勢;以輔導專業背景而言,計畫直接受益者(修畢二十學分或十學分者,知能研習36小時以上者)認同度較高。
五、 教育部輔導工作六年計畫總目標達成度約四成,第一階段目標達成度約六成,第二階段目標達成度約五成,第三階段目標達成度約僅三成。
六、 教育部輔導工作六年計畫重點工作中,由計畫性輔導工作轉化為學校經常性輔導工作,多數需三至五年,建立輔導專業人員証照制度則需六至十年。
一、 在計畫評估方面:推廣整合導向評估模式之運用。
二、 在輔導工作方面:包括(1)設置青少年問題與輔導研究中心、(2)建立青少年文化與心理態度指標、(3)推展學校本位教師進修(輔導知能)制度、(4)發行教師輔導知能護照、(5)系統規劃教師輔導學生職責、(6)建置階層式輔導網絡系統、(7)全面推動認輔制度及生涯輔導、(8)規劃問題家庭扶助支援系統、(9)推動學校訓輔整合,規劃教學、訓導、輔導人員最佳互動模式與內涵、(10)推展選替性(另類)教育方案、及(11)建立輔導專業人員証照制度等。
三、 在教育計畫作為方面:包括(1)全面推動嚴謹之中長程施政計畫、(2)策訂滾進式中長程計畫、(3)加強培育教育計畫人才、(4)建立教育計畫執行機制、(5)推動統合式年度校務計畫等。 / This study is to use an integration-oriented assessment method to evaluate the implementation results of the "Six-Year School Guidance Program of the Ministry of Education" in Taiwan. To give a theoretical basis of this study, a literature review is first applied as part of the methodology to analyze the program's assessment methods and the implications of the integration-oriented assessment method in this program. To this end, it also analyzes education planning theories and student counseling services at schools. The study also provides a brief introduction to the Ministry of Education's "Six-Year School Guidance Program," and the program's implementation process, achievements and performance efficiency. The Delphi method is later applied to ensure the study's assessment indicators based on which a questionnaire and a number of questions for interview are designed. The results of the survey and interview, in comparison with those of the theoretical analysis in the literature review, are finally studied.
1. The integration-oriented assessment method was found to boast of the benefits of the target-oriented, CIPP and theory-oriented assessment methods, so it is a method that can be used to analyze mid-term and long-term administrative projects more efficiently and objectively.
2. Following the integration-oriented assessment method, the Ministry of Education's "Six-year School Guidance Program" gained an average score of 72.1, with the five studied aspects being scored as follows:
a. Program Contents: 72.2
b. Planning: 76.8
c. Program Strategy: 76.6
d. Implementation process: 70.3
e. Efficiency: 59.7
The performance efficiency failed to score more than 60 because the budget set aside for this program has been slashed while only a bit more than one third of the expected works have been completed.
3. According to the analysis results acquired through the integrated-oriented assessment method, the Six-year School Guidance Program's "planning process," "framework," "methodology strategy" and "target strategy" were found to own the benefits and characteristics of a mid-term and long-term program. In terms of efficiency in "quantity," "achievement," "quality" and "professional support," the program has instead shown deficiency and incompleteness.
4. Different groups of respondents in the questionnaire and interview have also shown a significant variety of opinions over the guidance program. In terms of gender, the program was considered more acceptable to males than females. In terms of occupation, school principals and directors of guidance offices found themselves more satisfied with the program than other colleagues.In terms of school, those who work at primary or junior high schools found the program more acceptable than those who work at colleges or universities. In terms of service years, it has apparently shown a tendency that the program is more satisfactory to senior personnel. As for professional background, those who can benefit directly from the program found it more helpful.
5. The Ministry of Education has managed to complete about 40 percent of the school guidance program's overall goals. In the first stage, the ministry managed to achieve about 60 percent of its goals. In the second stage, it completed about 50 percent, while only 30 percent were fulfilled in the third stage.
6. Judging from the target works of the guidance program, it was found that it would take three to five years for most of the planned projects to become routine guidance works at school. It was also found that it would take six to ten years to set up a qualification system for professional student counseling workers.
1. In terms of program assessment, it is highly recommended to promote such a method as integration-oriented assessment.
2. In terms of guidance services, it is suggested to establish a research center on juvenile problems and student guidance affairs, to build evaluation indicators on youth culture and mentality, to push forward a school-based teacher in-service training program on school guidance and to issue aptitude passports for qualified guidance teachers. It is also suggested to systematically regulate teachers' duties in student guidance, to build a multi-level guidance networking system, to comprehensively enforce a guidance adoption system for career planning and to design an aid package for problematic families. Moreover, it is suggested to integrate the disciplinary and guidance works for better interaction between school disciplinary and guidance personnel, to promote alternative education programs, and to set up a qualification system for professional counseling workers.
3. In terms of education planning, it is suggested to extensively push forward well-designed mid-term and long-term administrative work plans, to formulate progressive mid-term and long-term policies, to strengthen the training of education talents, to establish an education program implementation mechanism, and to enforce comprehensive annual school plans.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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