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輔導員的聲望與受輔者的人格特質對受輔意願的影響江進發 Unknown Date (has links)
實驗的方法採用 3 ×2 ×2多因設計。108名男性受試者和120名女性受試者係自18班高二學生當中選取。取樣時,以修訂F量表分數的上、下各33%劃分權威、非權威,以洛特內-外量表分數的上、下各33%劃分外控、內控。實驗處理的進行是讓受試者聽一段輔導晤談錄音。學歷聲望組,輔導員被形容是個學歷高,頭銜好的輔導者;經歷聲望組,輔導員被描述為經驗豐,表現好的輔導者;控制組,則無任何有關輔導員聲望的描述。
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國中校長領導型式輔導教師教育背景對輔導教師工作滿足之影響任晟蓀 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣區國民就業輔導政策及實施之研究劉廣平 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民中學導師尋求輔導室支援及其相關因素之探討郭書毓 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響高中學生心理求助過程的決定因素 / The factors which influence senior high school students to seek school counselor's help for their psychological disturbances吳志祥, Wu, Chih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在了解主客觀上對心理困擾的評估, 自我與社會資源, 對輔導過程和結果的預期及對求助時要付出之代價的評估 ,對高中學生向輔導老師求助意願的影響. 並了解是否有求助障礙存在, 使有求助意願的高中學生無法順利求助.
本研究以臺灣北十五所公私立高中高職學校之一年級和二年級學生為受試 ,實得有效樣本1259人. 研究的工具包括 ,身心症狀量表 ,自我與社會資源量表 ,輔導預期量表, 及自編之, 自我評估量表 ,求助意願量表 ,求助代價量表, 再加上基本資料問卷研究的主要發現有: 影響高中學生求助意願的主要因素為預期是否喜歡輔導老師, 對輔導老師角色的預期, 對時間代價的在乎和對接受輔導之負向感受的預期, 其解釋力佔總解釋量的36.1%主客觀對心理困擾的評估和求助意願沒有相關, 其次, 曾主動向輔導老師求助者對接受輔導之負向感受的預期和輔導非專業的預期要低於未曾求助與曾被動求助者, 曾主動求助者對於是否喜歡輔導老師的預期要高於未曾求助與曾被動求助者.
另有28.2% 的受試者曾有向輔導老師求助的意願, 卻因自己沒有時間, 覺得輔導老師沒有時間, 不知道如何和輔導老師約時間或沒有勇氣等求助障礙而未去求助.
依研究結果提出以下對輔導工作的建議: 1.加強學生對個別輔導的認識, 使學生了解個別輔導進行的方式 2.輔導老師應主動積極的接觸學生, 給予學生真誠親和的印象, 使學生對輔導有正向的預期 3.了解學生對輔導的認識儘可能的澄清學生對輔導的誤解 4.輔導老師應讓學生能透過更多元的管道得到幫助, 並教導學生如何覺察自己的心理困擾及心理健康對個人的重要 5.教育行政人員應協調提供輔導老師和學生有進行輔導或輔導活動的時間並考慮開設心理衛生等相關課程供學生選修。 / The study was designed to understand if the evaluation of psychological disturbances, the social surport and self copying resources, the expectation about counseling, and the evaluation about help seeking cost will influence the help seeking intention of senior high school students. And is there any obstacle that make students not to seek help, even thay have strong help seeking intention.
The subjects came from 15 senior high schools. The total numbers of subjects are 1259.The study used questionaire which edited by researcher. The main found is :"the expectation about if students will like the school counselor" , "the expectation about the school counselor's role", "concern aboutthe cost time " and "the expectation about the feelings of receive counseling" will influencd students' intention of help seeking. And "the evaluation of psy-chological disturbances has no relation with help seeking intention. students who had seeking school counselor's help have more positive expec-tation about counseling than students who had not and students who was forced to receiving help.
there are 28.2% subjects who had tried to seek help and because of some obstacles thay did really go to seeking help. The obstacles are: subjects hadno time ,subjects felt that school counselor will have no time, subjects did notknow how to make an appointment with school counseling, and subjects had no encouragement. According to the result, the resarcher proposes that: 1.School counselorsshould help students to know what is counseling and how it proceed.; 2.Schoolcounselors should contact to students more often ,and make students have positive expectations about counselors.; 3. School counselors should correctstudents understanding about counseling.; 4.School counselors should help students to get help from more ways, and teach students the importants of seeking help.; 5.All teachers should make sure that students would have time to seek help ,and school should think about provideing mental-health education.
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整合導向評估模式之運用-以「教育部輔導工作六年計畫」為例 / A Model of Integration-oriented Assessment-the Six-Year School Guidance Program of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan鄭崇趁 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 整合導向評估模式具有目標模式、CIPP模式及理論導向評估模式之優點,能有效客觀評估中長程行政計畫之優劣。
二、 依據整合導向評估模式,總評「教育部輔導工作六年計畫」認同百分率為72.1,依五大層面優劣排序為:
三、 依據整合導向評估模式二十個向度得分排比,輔導工作六年計畫之「規劃作業程序」、「方案架構」、「方法策略」及「目標策略」四個評估向度上具有中長程計畫之優點與特色,在「量的績效」、「成果績效」、「質的績效」及「專業支援」四個向度上,則呈現了不足與缺失。
四、 各類不同人員對於輔導工作六年計畫之評價不一,以性別而言,男性認同度高於女性;以職務而言,輔導室主任、校長認同度較高;以服務單位而言,國中、國小人員認同度極顯著高於大專校院人員;以服務年資而言,呈現服務年資愈長認同度愈高之明顯趨勢;以輔導專業背景而言,計畫直接受益者(修畢二十學分或十學分者,知能研習36小時以上者)認同度較高。
五、 教育部輔導工作六年計畫總目標達成度約四成,第一階段目標達成度約六成,第二階段目標達成度約五成,第三階段目標達成度約僅三成。
六、 教育部輔導工作六年計畫重點工作中,由計畫性輔導工作轉化為學校經常性輔導工作,多數需三至五年,建立輔導專業人員証照制度則需六至十年。
一、 在計畫評估方面:推廣整合導向評估模式之運用。
二、 在輔導工作方面:包括(1)設置青少年問題與輔導研究中心、(2)建立青少年文化與心理態度指標、(3)推展學校本位教師進修(輔導知能)制度、(4)發行教師輔導知能護照、(5)系統規劃教師輔導學生職責、(6)建置階層式輔導網絡系統、(7)全面推動認輔制度及生涯輔導、(8)規劃問題家庭扶助支援系統、(9)推動學校訓輔整合,規劃教學、訓導、輔導人員最佳互動模式與內涵、(10)推展選替性(另類)教育方案、及(11)建立輔導專業人員証照制度等。
三、 在教育計畫作為方面:包括(1)全面推動嚴謹之中長程施政計畫、(2)策訂滾進式中長程計畫、(3)加強培育教育計畫人才、(4)建立教育計畫執行機制、(5)推動統合式年度校務計畫等。 / This study is to use an integration-oriented assessment method to evaluate the implementation results of the "Six-Year School Guidance Program of the Ministry of Education" in Taiwan. To give a theoretical basis of this study, a literature review is first applied as part of the methodology to analyze the program's assessment methods and the implications of the integration-oriented assessment method in this program. To this end, it also analyzes education planning theories and student counseling services at schools. The study also provides a brief introduction to the Ministry of Education's "Six-Year School Guidance Program," and the program's implementation process, achievements and performance efficiency. The Delphi method is later applied to ensure the study's assessment indicators based on which a questionnaire and a number of questions for interview are designed. The results of the survey and interview, in comparison with those of the theoretical analysis in the literature review, are finally studied.
1. The integration-oriented assessment method was found to boast of the benefits of the target-oriented, CIPP and theory-oriented assessment methods, so it is a method that can be used to analyze mid-term and long-term administrative projects more efficiently and objectively.
2. Following the integration-oriented assessment method, the Ministry of Education's "Six-year School Guidance Program" gained an average score of 72.1, with the five studied aspects being scored as follows:
a. Program Contents: 72.2
b. Planning: 76.8
c. Program Strategy: 76.6
d. Implementation process: 70.3
e. Efficiency: 59.7
The performance efficiency failed to score more than 60 because the budget set aside for this program has been slashed while only a bit more than one third of the expected works have been completed.
3. According to the analysis results acquired through the integrated-oriented assessment method, the Six-year School Guidance Program's "planning process," "framework," "methodology strategy" and "target strategy" were found to own the benefits and characteristics of a mid-term and long-term program. In terms of efficiency in "quantity," "achievement," "quality" and "professional support," the program has instead shown deficiency and incompleteness.
4. Different groups of respondents in the questionnaire and interview have also shown a significant variety of opinions over the guidance program. In terms of gender, the program was considered more acceptable to males than females. In terms of occupation, school principals and directors of guidance offices found themselves more satisfied with the program than other colleagues.In terms of school, those who work at primary or junior high schools found the program more acceptable than those who work at colleges or universities. In terms of service years, it has apparently shown a tendency that the program is more satisfactory to senior personnel. As for professional background, those who can benefit directly from the program found it more helpful.
5. The Ministry of Education has managed to complete about 40 percent of the school guidance program's overall goals. In the first stage, the ministry managed to achieve about 60 percent of its goals. In the second stage, it completed about 50 percent, while only 30 percent were fulfilled in the third stage.
6. Judging from the target works of the guidance program, it was found that it would take three to five years for most of the planned projects to become routine guidance works at school. It was also found that it would take six to ten years to set up a qualification system for professional student counseling workers.
1. In terms of program assessment, it is highly recommended to promote such a method as integration-oriented assessment.
2. In terms of guidance services, it is suggested to establish a research center on juvenile problems and student guidance affairs, to build evaluation indicators on youth culture and mentality, to push forward a school-based teacher in-service training program on school guidance and to issue aptitude passports for qualified guidance teachers. It is also suggested to systematically regulate teachers' duties in student guidance, to build a multi-level guidance networking system, to comprehensively enforce a guidance adoption system for career planning and to design an aid package for problematic families. Moreover, it is suggested to integrate the disciplinary and guidance works for better interaction between school disciplinary and guidance personnel, to promote alternative education programs, and to set up a qualification system for professional counseling workers.
3. In terms of education planning, it is suggested to extensively push forward well-designed mid-term and long-term administrative work plans, to formulate progressive mid-term and long-term policies, to strengthen the training of education talents, to establish an education program implementation mechanism, and to enforce comprehensive annual school plans.
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我國中小企業輔導政策之研究梁耀文, LIANG, YAO-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
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國中生在輔導情境的被看重知覺與其輔導效果之關係探討 / The Relationship between junior high students' perceived mattering under counseling situation and the counseling effect張綺芳, Chang, Chi fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在針對國中生在輔導情境的被看重知覺,以及其對輔導效果之關係進行探討。研究樣本採立意取樣,以台灣地區受輔國中生共303名為研究對象,研究方式為問卷調查法。研究結果發現:在輔導老師的背景變項部分,相關系所在輔導情境的被看重知覺量表得分高於非相關系所,大學程度在輔導情境的被看重知覺量表及輔導效果量表上皆高於研究所程度,年資4-6年及7-9年的輔導教師在這兩個量表上皆高於10年以上者。在受輔國中生部分,兩個量表的研究結果都顯示主動個案得分高於被動個案。在輔導情境的被看重知覺研究結果上,情緒問題及人際問題皆高於家庭問題。在輔導效果的研究結果上,情緒問題及行為問題皆高於家庭問題。而輔導情境的被看重知覺的四個因子:「保護、信任與支持」、「適當引導與反映」、「注意與肯定」及「傾聽」對輔導效果有較高的預測力,顯示在輔導情境中,運用此四個策略能有效增進輔導效果。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between perceived mattering of junior high students under counseling situation and the counseling effect. This study used purposive sampling. Subjects were 303 Taiwanese junior high students under counseling situation. The way of this survey was questionnaire research method.
The results were: in the part of school counselor, the score of perceived mattering under counseling situation scale was higher in the related-graduated department ones than non-related ones. Undergraduate-degree school counselors got higher score in both perceived mattering under counseling situation scale and counseling effect scale then graduate ones. 4-6 year and 7-9 year working-experience school counselors got higher score in both two scales than over 10 year ones. In the part of junior high students under counseling situation, the results of both two scales showed that active clients got higher score in both two scales then passive ones. In perceived mattering under counseling situation scale, clients of emotional problem and interpersonal problem got higher score then clients of family problem. In counseling effect scale, clients of emotional problem and behavior problem got higher score then clients of family problem.
In perceived mattering under counseling situation, there were four factors which could highly expect counseling effect. These four factors were: “protection, trust and support”, “properly guidance and response”, “attention and acknowledge” and “listening”. Using these strategies can enhance counseling effect.
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國中輔導教師與專任專業輔導人員跨專業合作經驗探討-以新北市北區為例 / The experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school陳思瑜, Chen, Sz Yu Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 與專任專業輔導人員合作帶來的幫助:(1)加快處遇、(2)與個案晤談更深入、(3)促進與家長的合作、(4)減輕輔導教師負擔、(5)提供不同觀點。(二)與學校心理師合作帶來的幫助:(1)提升專業信任、(2)跳脫學校教育的角度與個案工作。(三)與學校社工師合作帶來的幫助:(1)整合資源、(2)更清楚法規上的規定。
(一)對專任專業輔導人員的期待:(1)專任專業輔導人員對學校需求的瞭解、(2)專任專業輔導人員提供穩定校內督導、(3)專任專業輔導人員可協助增強初級預防。(二)對制度的期待:(1)補足目前應有人力、(2)增置校內專任專業輔導人員。 / In 2011, Taiwan Government draw up the regulations for elementary school and junior high school to having the professions of school counselors and social workers. With the new regulations, the professions of school counselors and social workers are expected to improve the profession and quality of school guidance networks. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers in junior high school. This study also wanted to know were there any impact brought in when the professions got into school guidance teams and know the expectation of guidance teachers.
This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 6 guidance teachers (including managers and teachers) who work in junior high school in North Dist of New Taipei City. Thematic Analysis is adopted to transcribe, analyze and code all recordings.
The main findings of this study were as follows:
1. The situation of trans-disciplinary cooperation:
The cooperation contents include direct service and indirect service. When working with different profession guidance teachers have different mode. In trans-disciplinary cooperation processes all of the professions have their own roles. However the chance of trans-disciplinary cooperation among the professions of guidance teachers, school counselors, and social workers is less common.
2. The assistance of trans-disciplinary cooperation:
The school counselors and social workers could accelerate treatments, deeply work with clients, promote the cooperation with parents, release guidance teachers’ pressure, and provide different views. The school counselors could upgrade trust of profession and use another role working in the school. The school social workers could integrate the resources and they know more about the laws.
3. The expectation to trans-disciplinary cooperation:
The guidance teachers expect that the school counselors and social workers could know more about junior high school, provide stable supervision in school, and help primary prevention. From a policy perspective, the guidance teachers expect that the government could fill the vacancy and recruit full time school counselors and social workers in junior high school.
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英文科學習輔導策略探討--以某專校求助個案為例 / Learning counseling strategies in learning English--for academy school students woth troubles in learning English汪敏慧, Wang, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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