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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國大專院校就業輔導組織及功能之研究 / The study of organization and function of the vocational guid- ance in higer education

張淑媚, Chang,Shu May Unknown Date (has links)
大專畢業青年乃國家寶貴的人力資源, 其是否充分運用, 影響國家建設至 深且鉅; 四十年來, 政府致力於高等教育的發展, 並獲顯著績效, 所培育 之各類高級人才, 已成為增進國家建設的主要動力。惟近年來, 由於專上 畢業生人數急遽增加, 加上世界經濟景氣起伏不定, 國內就業市場飽受衝 擊, 致人力供求關係漸趨複雜, 大專青年就業問題日益嚴重。而影響青年 就業的主要因素有教育產出品質、人力需求狀況與就業輔導措施。大專院 校就業輔導工作即在於協助學生充實主動謀求工作之條件, 掌握各種可資 運用之社會資源與就業機會, 俾能順利進入就業市場。本研究探討我國大 專院校就業輔導組織及功能, 藉文獻資料分析及實證調查方式, 深入瞭解 大專院校辦理就業輔導工作現況及遭遇困難, 探訪校院長、導師、大專學 生及企業廠商對學校就業輔導組織及功能之看法,期能取得多方意見, 發 現問題, 並提出合理的就業輔導組織型態, 使確實發揮輔導功能。


朱賡忠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市立國民中學自訂「教師輔導與管教學生辦法」的過程,瞭解其實施的現況,學校處理學生問題時所遭遇的困境,實施「零體罰」及「解除髮禁」所造成的衝擊,並提出改善策略與建議,俾供教育主管機關、學校行政與教師參考。 研究內容包含文獻分析與深度訪談等兩種方法。其中文獻分析的部分,首先探究輔導與管教之法規與適用及其內涵與救濟,然後以英、美為例,探究其他國家之輔導與管教辦法,對照我國過去在相關議題部分之研究文獻。至於深度訪談部分,則以教育主管單位及臺北市各型學校抽樣,選出與本研究問題之業務有直接相關的教育工作者共39人進行深入訪談,將訪談內容加以分析並提出建議。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、 各校訂定本辦法時,均能夠遵循國民教育法、行政命令等相關法規,依法定程序與精神辦理。 二、 學校學生常發生之偏差行為可分為四類,包括:學習態度不佳、生活常規不良、違規行為、違法行為等四大類型。 三、 學校在實施本辦法時所面臨的困擾,主要來自:辦法本身的不週延、學生人格特質、家庭因素或學區環境影響、家長的態度、學校行政的效能、以及教師的專業知能等。 四、 「零體罰」政策部分,教育主管單位、校長、訓導人員、輔導人員、教師、家長等,角色職責不同,其看法分歧,亟待整合。 五、 「解除髮禁」政策部分,教師期待學生自律與自愛,能自我澄清髮禁的意義與價值,不要為追求外表的特色而迷失了自我。 六、 受訪者提出多項看法,針對不同困擾的因素,提供各種改進的意見與建議,以提供各相關業務人員參考使用。 / This research focuses on the process in which junior high schools in Taipei develop individual “regulations of student guidance and discipline by teachers,” in an attempt to understand the current execution of those regulations, the predicament that the school administrators might encounter when dealing with students’ problems, and the impact of implementing “zero corporal punishment” and “lifting of the ban on hairstyle,” at the same time proposing strategies and suggestions for improvement, which may serve the educational administration, school administrators, and teachers for future reference. This study adopts two approaches—the review of literature and an in-depth interview. In terms of literature review, we first examine current regulations of guidance and discipline, also exploring their inherent compensatory mechanisms. Then, in the light of our studies on some cases of guidance and discipline methods in such western countries as Britain and the US, we re-examined research on relevant issues done by scholars in Taiwan in the past. And for the in-depth interview, we choose among education authorities and junior schools of all sizes in Taipei, and base our study on a sample of totally 39 educators directly related to our research question. An analysis of the result of the interviews is made, and suggestions offered accordingly. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. In making the aforementioned regulations, the school administrations are able to abide by the Statute of Civil Education and related governmental codes, executing such regulations within the confines of legality and justice. 2. Common deviant behaviors among junior high students can be categorized into 4 major types—bad learning attitudes, awful daily routines, behavior against regulations, and behavior against the law. 3. The problems schools face when executing such regulations are mainly due to: the inadequacy of the regulation per se, the students’ personalities, the influence of family or learning environment, parents’ attitude, effectiveness of school administrations, and the teachers’ professional knowledge and abilities. 4. In terms of “zero corporal punishment,” there are separate roles to play for education administrators, principals, school discipline staff, school guidance staff, teachers, and parents, and their ideas about this policy differ greatly and need to be integrated. 5. As for he policies on lifting the ban on hairstyle, the teachers expect their students not only to exhibit self-discipline and self-respect, but also to appreciate the meanings and values of the ban on hairstyle instead of blindly seeking beautiful appearances while losing their selves. 6. The interviewees offer various viewpoints on how different kinds of problematic situations can be improved, thus providing related educational administrators with future references.


倪自強, Ni,John Unknown Date (has links)
任何企業不論大或小,不論任何產業,都希望成長與獲利,這是企業存在的根本目的,而基本企業的運作,大多是以縱向的功能部門導向設置,例如營業部門,生產部門,開發部門,管理部門,財會部門,但是企業的運作卻是橫向跨部門的協同運作,所以有句話說企業管理靠的是制度,制度靠的是流程,流程靠的表單,把企業的制度流程表單整合起來就是一個企業的運作,但是怎麼樣的把企業的橫向制度流程表單整合呢?需要一個資訊化的平臺,也需要一個跨部門的資訊系統,所以就開始有了所謂的ERP(EntERPrise Resource Planing企業資源規劃系統) 企業在做資訊化建設的時候,包含很多部分與面向,從辦公室軟體MS OFFICE到郵件系統MAIL SYSTEM,從WEB網站建設到電子商務應用,或是知識管理KM,電子化流程WORKFLOW,客戶關係管理CRM,高階決策支援EIS的商業智慧BI,上下游供應鏈的整合SCM,現場製造管理MES,產品設計管理PDM。而ERP是所有資訊化建設牽扯部門與耗用資源最多,但又是最直接必須的基礎建設。但凡企業要公開上市或公開發行,在九大循環與內稽內控當中也強調了企業稽核管理的制度重要性,或是跨國海外的企業經營,更需要能夠以集團總部的管理角度,整合資訊,做出有效的決策,這都是ERP所扮演的角色。而在導入系統或是實施輔導過程的階段,更是要步步為營,讓ERP真正發揮協助管理的資訊平臺工具。中國IT教父柳傳志有一句名言︰上ERP是找死,不上ERP是等死。道出了企業變革之路必須經過的資訊化建設改造,才能脫胎換骨,精益求精。隨著無疆界的企業海外經營,如何善用系統工具,發揮效益也是現代企業打造企業神經網路必須面臨的新課題。

人格特質、學校組織氣氛對國小輔導教師專業倫理行為之影響 / The Influence of Personality Traits and School Organizational Climate on the Professional Ethical Behavior of Elementary School Counselors

吳嘉展 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小輔導教師之人格特質、知覺之學校組織氣氛與其專業倫理行為間的影響情形,並進ㄧ步探討人格特質、學校組織氣氛是否可以解釋輔導教師之專業倫理行為。 研究過程採用問卷調查法,以服務於國內北中南三區之313位國小輔導教師(專任及兼任)為研究對象。研究工具包含「五大人格特質量表」、「學校組織氣氛量表」、「輔導教師專業倫理行為量表」。 本研究以SPSS 17.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,依據所得資料,進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關、單因子變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法來驗證假設,研究結果如下: 一、國小輔導教師之五大人格特質中,以「和善性」特質最明顯,「情緒穩定 性」特質則相對不明顯。 二、國小輔導教師知覺之學校組織氣氛類型中,以「開放型」之比例為最多, 以「約束型」之比例為最少。 三、國小輔導教師在專業倫理之表現上,以「對當事人之責任」之表現程度最 高,「對監護人之責任」表現程度較低 四、國小輔導教師會因輔導倫理了解程度、輔導年資以及學校所在位置之不 同,而在部分專業倫理行為的表現上有所差異。 五、國小輔導教師之人格特質與專業倫理行為間有顯著相關,其中以「外向 性」之關聯性為最高。 六、知覺學校組織氣氛為「開放型」之國小輔導教師,在部分專業倫理行為 上,表現程度高於「封閉型」和「疏離型」之輔導教師。 七、學校組織氣氛中的「教師同僚行為」、「教師親密行為」、「校長支持行 為」,與輔導教師專業倫理行為有顯著相關,其中以「教師親密行為」關 聯度最高。 八、國小輔導教師之人格特質、學校組織氣氛能有效預測其專業倫理行為,其 中以「外向性」之預測效力為最高,其次是「教師親密行為」以及「對輔 導倫理的了解程度」。 最後根據研究結果,針對國小輔導教師、教育行政單位,以及未來研究提出建議以供參考。

「孩子的書屋」對偏鄉弱勢兒童的意義 —孩童角度的觀點 / The Meaning of “Kid’s Bookhouse” to Underprivileged Children in Rural Areas — from the Perspective of Children

蔡羽筑, Tsai, Yu Chu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來教育部為了秉持弱勢關懷的精神,推動不同形式的課後輔導計畫,目的就是為了落實弱勢學童的教育輔導。相較於以往的課後輔導多以成人的需求去安排學習,但成效往往不佳,不禁讓研究者去思考:「什麼樣的教育才是弱勢學童所需要的?」因此,本研究選取此位於偏鄉的課後輔導機構「孩子的書屋」作為研究的個案,從國中生的角度,藉由訪談的方式,輔以田野札記、省思紀錄及文件資料等工具,試圖進行資料中種種現象的理解與意義的建構,分別呈現四位國中生的研究結果及綜合討論,得到的研究結論如下: 一、課業需求方面 (一)書屋的教師能針對孩子的學習困境與程度,以淺顯易懂的輔導方式提供孩子所需的補救教學;同時,師生雙向互動的教學法,讓孩子勇於在課堂中表達自己的想法。 (二)書屋教師因師資不足時而採用電腦輔助的教學方式,導致孩子在面臨學習困境時,無法及時向教師尋求協助。 二、興趣需求方面 (一)書屋從「孩子能力」而非「課業」的角度來發展課後學習活動,並試圖理解孩子的主體需求,協助其進行生涯探索。 (二)孩子在音樂會、單車訓練以及各種學習課程體驗中重新賦予自我定位的角色,找回對自己的認同與自信。 (三)非強制性的課後學習活動,讓孩子在選擇上擁有較多的自主權。 三、在生理需求方面,書屋具有生活照顧的機能,提供晚餐、親職照顧、個人衛生清潔的教導,關注孩子的生理需求。 四、心理需求方面 (一)書屋營造的安全環境以及師生關係的正向經營,讓書屋教師和孩子的互動關係上,分別扮演教師、談心的朋友以及家人三種角色,藉由同理學生的情緒與學習狀態,有助於孩子的心理需求得到即時的關注。 (二)家長和孩子對書屋的認知不同,家長則視書屋為課業補救輔導的場所;孩子卻認為書屋主要為興趣發展、娛樂、社交的場所。面臨親子之間對書屋的認知衝突,書屋扮演孩子親子溝通的橋樑,協助改善親子關係。 五、在社會需求方面,藉由與同儕的互動關係,讓孩子在書屋找到歸屬感;然而,國中同儕大量流失的問題會間接影響孩子來書屋的意願、人際互動的模式。 六、影響四位書屋國中生書屋意義建構的相關原因,是起因於孩子本身、隱藏在背後的複雜家庭狀況以及學校部分。其中,在個人層面為學童本身的個性、學習態度及人際關係不佳;在家庭層面為家庭型態、家長教育期望及親子互動關係;在學校層面為教師的教學方式與態度、上課所造成的疲憊、學生的分類、師生互動關係。 最後,依照研究結果,研究者針對課後輔導的機構以及後續研究給予建議。 / Recently, in order to be based on the spirit of caring for the under-priviledged minority, Ministry of Education promoted vary forms of after-school programs. The purpose of the program was to carry out education guidance of under-priviledged children. But after-school programs which were designed from the adults’ perspectives to arrange the learning in the past, the results were not as well as they expected .The researcher started to think: “ What kinds of education was needed for these under-priviledged children? “ Therefore, this study took “ Kid’s Bookhouse ” as an case. From the perspective of junior high school students, the study was carried out mainly by interviews and proved by field note, reflection journal and documents to explain these phenomena from the field, reconstruct these information and meaning. The results of the four junior high school students were presented as a comprehensive discussion. The resulting conclusions are showed as following: 1. In terms of school work needs: (1) The teachers in the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” could provide different teaching strategies that depend to the different learning difficulties of the child. Meanwhile, children could express their ideas easily in the classroom by two-way teacher-student communication. (2) Because the number of the faculty was decreasing, the teacher in the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” used the computer-assisted instruction. It led the child to be unable to seek help from teachers when she faced the learning difficulties. 2. In terms of interesting needs: (1) Instead of "homework finishing" ,the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” developed after-school program from the children’s ability and understand their needs to explore careers. (2) Children found their own identity and self-confidence in variety programs: concert, bicycling training courses and so on . (3) Non-mandatory after-school learning activities made children have more autonomy in choice. 3. In terms of interesting needs, the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” had a life care function, provided dinner, parenting care, personal hygiene teachings and physical needs of the child. 4. In terms of psychological needs: (1) To create a secure environment and a positive attitude of teacher-student relationship in the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” , teachers played three roles : a heart-to-heart talking as a friend, interaction as family and the teacher. By understanding student's emotional state and learning, it paid immediate attention to help the child's psychological needs. (2) Parents and children had different standpoints of the “Kid’s Bookhouse”. The parents took the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” as a place to remedy schoolwork, but children tought the “Kid’s Bookhouse” as a place to develop hobbys, engaged in recreation and promoted social skill. Faced with cognitive conflict between parents and children to the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” , the teacher played a role of communication bridge between parents and children to improving parent-child relationship. 5. In terms of social needs, by interaction with peers, the children found a sense of belonging in the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” . However, the huge decreasing of student indirectly affected the desire of child to come to there and their interpersonal patterns. 6. Related factors affecting four children in the “ Kid’s Bookhouse” were due to the child itself, hidden behind a complex family and school condition: (1) At the individual level was for children's own personality, learning attitude and poor relationships. (2) At the household level was for family patterns, parental expectations and the interaction between parent-child education. (3) At the school level was for teachers teaching methods and attitudes, school fatigue caused by classification of students, teacher-student interaction. Finally, in accordance with the findings, the researcher gave advice for after-school tutoring agency and following-up studies.

政策行銷之研究─以臺北市新移民照輔政策為例 / The Research of Public Policy Marketing: Case Study in Taipei City Immigration Policy

吳盈瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
公部門服務的主要目標在於創造公共價值,公共政策制定過程重視民眾的偏好選擇,是民主社會基本價值之所在。因此,公共政策的執行除了強調政策方案制定的合理性與課責性外,政府主動積極地「行銷」政策,以贏得民眾對其認同,十分重要。 政策行銷是「以議題為中心,以政策為本位」,從而可能會涉及到不同的組織,以達成政策目標或政治價值。政府愈來愈重視民眾的需求,為期政策制定符合民眾實際需要,政府要具有「公民導向」的觀念,為公民服務。本研究以臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策為中心,探討該方案施行之相關要素,包括政策目標、政策資源、政策夥伴、行銷通路、行銷策略和政策評估等項,藉以了解臺北市政府有關新移民照顧輔導政策方案之內涵,探討相關行銷作為對新移民照顧輔導工作推動的影響。 本研究以公部門政策行銷概念為面向,分析近年來臺北市新移民照顧輔導政策之推動情形。主要目的在了解臺北市政府的政策行銷作為,對新移民生活適應的可能影響。透過文獻分析並佐以訪談內容發現,未來臺北市政府在新移民照顧輔導政策的推行上,對新移民資訊取得之可近性以及社會大眾對多元文化精神之尊重及移民社會觀念之倡導是行銷政策成敗的關鍵,並應藉由與民間團體良好的互動,共同達成族群融合、健康城市的目標。

聽眼淚訴說:國中資深輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為處遇之研究 / The voices of tears: The study of the treatments of experienced junior high school counselors facing clients' tears

鄧美君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解資深輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為的處遇行動,研究透過文獻分析、實地訪談資深教師、分析受訪資料,而形成研究發現、結論與建議,以及自我反思。 研究目的有三: 一、 探討國中資深輔導教師如何看待不同輔導階段的個案哭泣行為。 二、 探討國中資深輔導教師在不同輔導階段如何處理個案的哭泣行為。 三、 探討國中資深輔導教師由資淺到資深面對個案哭泣行為之歷程轉變,提供新進輔導教師面對個案哭泣行為處理之掌握。 研究過程一共訪談五位資深輔導教師,以故事軸線的方式,呈現輔導教師們在個別輔導上的經驗。資淺階段的教師們,經歷初期的慌張、急切、不知從何反應的心情寫照與處遇行動,在督導的提醒、經驗的累積、回顧與反思,跨越初期的障礙,並在態度、心情、資源的連結上,有所轉變。進入資深階段後,對於個別輔導三階段,個案落淚哭泣的狀況,在五位資深教師的口中,涵括了各種更深度的意義,對於三階段哭泣意涵的解讀,亦讓輔導教師們在處遇行動上展現了不同的方法與訣竅,並提供給新進教師在處遇行動上的建議。 根據分析結果得知,「研究發現」哭泣個案需要專業輔導人員來處理;處遇 受到性別、時間、輔師議題、導師與家長的限制;以及說明衛生紙的提供與否有不同需要注意的地方。「研究結論與建議」統整了國中資深輔導教師對不同輔導階段個案哭泣行為的解讀與處遇、說明結案階段個案因彼此的關係、輔導架構、以及畢業可隨時回校見到輔導老師,而較少出現個案哭泣的現象,並整理了資淺到資深階段面對個案哭泣行為的轉變;在「研究建議」上,包含對新進教師與未來研究兩部份提出建議。研究最末,研究者針對研究歷程和研究影響省思。 / This research is focus on experienced junior high school counselors deal with the cry of clients. According to the analysis of reference, interview of senior teachers, we can deduce some suggestion, conclusion and introspection. There are three objectives for this research: 1. To realize how junior high school counselors perceive to cry of client of different phase of counseling. 2. To realize how junior high school counselors deal with cry of client of different phase of counseling. 3. What is the difference between the junior and senior on client treatment, and provide new comer some experience of counseling. According to interview five experienced junior high school counselors, the research express as a story form, and provided suggestions for new junior high school counselors and new research.

提升對大陸台商子女學校輔導政策之研究-以大上海地區兩所台商學校為例 / A study of enhancing government guidance policy for Taiwanese children schools:with a case of two schools in Shanghai

譚仁傑 Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部投資審議委員會公佈的資料顯示,歷年來台商在大陸投資的區位選擇戰略已由南向北遷移,尤其是江蘇、浙江的投資金額約佔51%以上,2005年以後這種趨勢還在持續的往長江三角洲前進。而內政部資料在大上海地區有60萬台商,其家庭高中以下就學子女至少約有一萬餘人,但是此地區的華東與上海兩所台商子女學校,所招收的學生總人數卻遠低於預估人數。我政府基於輔導立場,應該更進一步瞭解其間辦學的問題,藉以在輔導政策上提升對此一地區台商子女就學與教育的服務。 透過文獻、資料與訪談、問卷的實施,發現大上海地區各類型的學校與教育資源非常豐富,台商子女現在的就學環境不再似2000年以前那樣的窘困,由於大陸教育主管不斷的釋出各項優惠政策、台商投資的在地化趨勢、台籍幹部被取代的情勢等因素都有可能牽動台商學校的招生前景,這些問題都為政府輔導台商學校的政策,埋下許多的變數。2010年8月起,兩所台商學校在中學部的轉學生人數竟同時有較大幅度的成長,這個現象卻未反映在台商子女返台升學的選擇上,倒是藉學測成績留在大陸申請進入高校升學的人數開始增加。 政府向來肯定台商學校在大陸辦學有其需要與價值,在台商學校面對主客觀辦學的壓力下,本研究在今後的輔導政策上,對政府的建議是:一、協助台商學校發揮台灣教育的特色;二、協助學校能合法的擴大辦理招生與經營範圍;三、對其他非台商學校的台商子女宜加強教育政策的宣導;四、提升國內大學教育素質,以吸引台商子女返國升學的意願。 / According to information released by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment Commission, location choice strategy of Taiwanese investors in mainland have been migrated from south to north over these years, in particular of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. After 2005 this trend continues forward to the Yangtze River Delta. The Ministry of the Interior data shows there are over 600,000 Taiwan businessmen in Shanghai, and at least about one million school children among these families. However, the total number of students enrolled by two Taiwanese Children's schools is far lower than the estimated number. Based on the position of guidance, our government should further understand the problem to enhance the education services of Taiwanese children's schools through the counseling policy. Through literature, information, interviews and the implementation of the questionnaire, I found various types of schools and educational resources in Shanghai. There is no longer difficult for Taiwanese Children choosing schools now as before 2000. Reasons like the mainland education authorities continue to release various preferential policies, the trend of localization for Taiwanese investors, and the replacement of Taiwanese managers, may affect the prospects of enrollment for schools. These problems are also the reasons for government making policies. Since August 2010, there is a big growth of transfered high school students enrolled by two Taiwanese schools, but not reflected in the return students. This may due to the new policy of admission for mainland colleges. The government has always affirmed the need and value of Taiwanese children`s schools. In the case of the running pressure of schools, the proposals through my study are: 1.To help on the school show the characteristics. 2.To assist schools that can legally extended to apply for enrollment and scope. 3.To enhance the advocacy of education policy for non-Taiwanese school children. 4.To upgrade the quality of domestic universities to attract Taiwanese children willing to return to study in Taiwan.

探討移民輔導政策的政策執行網絡 -以新北市新住民關懷服務為例 / Exploring the care service policy for new immigrants in New Taipei City: The perspective of policy implementation network

陳品諭 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的婚姻移民現象自1980年代興起後,政府為了減少初來台的新住民因語言、文化的不同而產生生活困難之現象,特別制定外籍與大陸配偶照顧輔導措施,希望能夠藉此幫助新住民盡快融入台灣社會。內政部頒布之生活適應輔導措施中,其中一項強調輔導措施應強化社區性的服務功能,因此,內政部始於各縣市成立新住民家庭服務中心,由各地方政府依照各縣市的狀況執行新住民相關輔導措施。 在政策執行的層面上,新北市內提供新住民關懷服務的主要有三大行動者,分別為移民署新北市服務站、新北市新住民家庭服務中心與新住民家庭關懷服務站,三者間因具有資源交換與依賴的關係而將其視為一政策網絡。本研究透過文獻分析與深度訪談之方式,先了解目前政策的執行現況,並闡述三大行動者之間的互動關係與各自在網絡內扮演的角色;除此之外,因採取Rhodes中觀層次的網絡概念,以組織的角度理解關懷站的承辦動機與提供服務之情況,並比較公、私部門的家庭關懷服務站提供服務的區別。 結果發現,新住民關懷服務的政策執行網絡行動者間,雖因同意政策理念而聚合,但行動者之間的互動關係並不緊密,致使成員流動性高,可能影響服務品質。就組織的層面來說,公、私部門的關懷服務站因為組織性質不同、具有不同的承辦動機,會影響執行關懷服務的態度與後續繼續辦理的意願;對非營利組織來說,政府提供的經費不足不僅影響到組織提供服務的內容,更是造成其考慮退出網絡的重要考量因素之一。綜言之,新北市新住民關懷服務的政策理念雖然受到肯定,但缺乏第一線執行者意見反饋的情形。

學校本位教學視導之研究 - 以一所國中二位實習教師為例

池勝源, chih sheng yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用台北市政府教育局所發展的「發展性教學輔導系統」作為研究工具,以台北縣一所國中的二位實習教師作為研究對象,進行學校本位教學視導的行動研究,藉以瞭解學校本位教學視導對實習教師在教學輔導上的成效。 本研究先以文獻分析法探討學校本位教學視導的理論內涵,再從實施學校本位教學視導所蒐集的教學觀察、座談回饋、學生反應、教師感想等等相關資料,分析比較二位實習教師在接受學校本位教學視導前後的教學變化情形,並與一位未接受學校本位教學視導的實習教師作對照,最後提出如下的研究發現與建議: 一、研究發現 (一)學校本位管理與教學視導為學校本位教學視導的理論基礎。 (二)學校本位教學視導的實施方式會因校制宜。 (三)實施學校本位教學視導可以幫助教師專業成長,增加教師教學信心;促進教學專業對話,建立教學專業團隊;提高學生學習興趣,提升學生學習效果;培訓教學視導人員,成為校內種子教師。 二、綜合建議 (一)教學視導的規準與指標內容要具體、客觀、明確。 (二)依學校條件與教師需求權變實施學校本位教學視導。 (三)學校本位教學視導應成為學校例行措施。 (四)教師聘約上明文規定教師應接受學校本位教學視導。 (五)師資培育機構協助教育實習學校培訓教學視導人員。 (六)採用質量並行的研究方法繼續後續研究。 / The research adopts Developmental Instructional Assistance Program developed by the bureau of education in Taipei City Government as the study tool. The subjects of the research are two intern teachers who work in a junior high school of Taipei County. In order to realize the effect of school based instructional supervision on intern teachers’ teaching assitance, we proceed the action research of school based instructional supervision. First, the research explores the content of the theory school based instructional supervision by means of literature analysis, And then put it into practice. In the wake of collecting relevant information about teaching observation, discussion feedback, students’ reaction, teachers’opinions etc., analyze and compare the difference of the two intern teachers’teaching, which is compared before accepting schoolbased instructional supervision and after accepting it. Moreover, in contrast with an intern teacher who does not accept school based instructional supervision, we finally bring forward the findings of the research and suggestions as follows: 1. The findings of the research: (1) School based management and instructional supervision are the basis of the theory school based instructional supervision. (2)The method of implementing school based instructional supervision should be alternative. (3)Implementing school based instructional supervision helps teachers cultivate professional, increases teacher’s confidence in teaching, promotes professional conversation in teaching, establishes professional group in teaching, uplifts student’s interest in learning, enhances student’s learning effect, and training instructional supervision personnel to make them beome seed teachers in schools. 2.Integrated suggestions: (1) The content of the standard and indication for instructional supervision must be concrete, objective, and definitive. (2) Delegate and implement school based instructional supervision, depending on school’s conditions and teacher’s needs. (3)School based instructional supervision Should become the routine in schools. (4) It should be clearly stipulated in the formal letter of employment that teacher should accept school based instructional supervision. (5)The teacher training institutes assist educational intern schools to educate and train instructional supervision personnel. (6)Adopt the method of research, which is qualifying accompanied with quantifying, to continue the follow-up research.

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