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重見(建)隱形另類: 艾里森的 <<隱形人>> 研究 / Re-vision of the Invisible Other: A Reading of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

由於深受雙重文化的陶養,艾里森在美國黑白文學典範所樹立的成就及地位是毋庸置疑的。儘管毀譽參半,其文學創作著實超越了種族的藩籬,潛藏深厚的意蘊。藉由《隱形人》主人翁探尋身分的書寫,艾里森不僅微觀的牽引出非裔美人的血淚傷痕史,更宏觀的突顯出人我之間謬誤的漠視及人類面對宇宙真實和虛幻的迷惘。本文藉西方二元思維排擠異己的探究,揭櫫西方論述及權力共謀運作如何使黑人主體性、文化、及文學傳統遭受肢解及消音,並期以重新省視及建構宿遭扭曲和存而不論的黑人主體性及傳統。本論文概分五章。首章梗概艾里森之生平、理念及創作技巧,並略述各章脈絡。次章探討西方歧視性論述及霸權交相運作如何箝制剝奪黑人的主體性。第三章描述黑人尷尬的雙重身分和闕離中心的主體,並探究恢復黑人主體的可能性。第四章提出重建黑人文化、文學傳統和反制的策略試圖鬆動主流文化。末章則檢視美國黑白種族相生相剋的關係,並嚐試以艾里森提倡的多元並置無限生機的理念去摸索出美國黑白種族之間生息與共的出路。 / Deeply inculcated by double cultural heritages, Ellison's
literary status and achievement are beyond question. Though
both attacked and applauded, his artistic works impregnated with profundity move beyond the racial boundary. His Invisible Man both microscopically touches on the sorrowful black history and macroscopically lays bare mankind's invisibility to intersubjectivity and the obscurity between reality and appearance in the cosmos. Through the analysis of the western binary system with complicity of power and discourse which excludes the denigrated Other, this thesis aims to depict how black subjectivity and black cultural and literary tradition are dismembered and silenced. It attempts to re-see and reconstruct the distorted black subjectivity and literary tradition put in bracket. The first chapter introduces Ellison' sbiographical background, his ideas, and literary techniques.
Chapter two focuses on black subject formation under the control of discourse and power. Chapter three expounds the dilemma of black double-consciousness and black decentered identity by partially borrowing the concept of differences of postmodernism and poststructuralism. Chapter four poses the problem of reconstruction of black tradition and its subversive strategies.
The final chapter examines the symbiotic and intensified
relationbetween blacks and whites and seeks to find a way out by Ellison's integrationist advocation of multiple possibilities.
Creators王淑華, Wang, Shu-hua
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright &copy; nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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