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The effects of water immersion on the recovery and performance of competitive cyclists

Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Post-exercise recovery has become an important area in research due to the high demands
placed on competitive athletes. Different recovery strategies are used by athletes during
competition and training. For the competitive athlete it is important to maintain performances
during competition and also to enhance performances during training. However, if the athlete
fails to recovery from daily exhaustive training and competition, inadequate recovery may
lead to poor performances, burn-out, sickness and even injuries. There is very little evidence
available on the possible performance recovery effects of the use of water immersion during
multi days of intensive endurance training. Theoretically, water immersion should aid the
overall recovery process without any additional energy cost involved as with active recovery.
The objective of this investigation was to determine whether water immersion (cold water vs.
neutral) has any effects on the post-exercise recovery rate of competitive cyclists during 3
days of intensive endurance training and whether recovery with water immersion is more
effective than active recovery.
Seventeen competitive cyclists (mean ± SD age: 27.6 ± 5.94 years, weight: 78.8 ± 6.67 kg,
height: 180.5 ± 4.42 cm VO2max: 49.8 ± 4.13, and PPO: 352.6 ± 35.94 Watts)
completed 3 days of intensive endurance cycling sessions. Cyclists were randomly assigned
to either a 20 minute ice bath (IB) (n = 6, 11 ± 0.9oC), neutral bath (NB) (n = 6, 30 ± 0.6oC),
or active recovery (AR) (n = 5; 81 ± 1.74% of HRLT ) which were performed directly after the
training sessions on Day 1 and 2. Dependent variables such as anaerobic performance,
creatine kinase concentrations (CK), c-reactive protein concentrations (CRP), blood lactate
concentrations, muscle soreness (VAS) and perceived fatigue (POMS), and limb
circumferences were measured prior to the training sessions at Day 1, 2 and 3. In addition,
changes in exercise performances over the last 2 days were also assessed.
There were significant increases over the three days in plasma [CK] (P < 0.05) and [CRP] (P
< 0.001) demonstrating that muscle damage and inflammation occurred during and after the
training sessions. However, there were no treatment or interaction effects observed for any
of the dependent variables for any of the recovery interventions (P > 0.05). Blood [La] was
significantly reduced on Day 2 for the IB group in comparison to the NB group (P < 0.05). A
strong tendency was observed for [CK] when the IB and NB groups were combined (WG),
indicating that AR had a strong tendency to enhance the recovery of [CK] in comparison to
the WG (P = 0.05). Also, there were no significant time or interaction effects observed in %
changes in performances for the last two 100km TTs between Day 2 and 3 for any of the
recovery interventions (P > 0.05).
These findings suggest that neither cold water, nor neutral water therapy, have more
beneficial effects on post-exercise recovery rates compared to active recovery. Importantly,
however, is that the cyclists’ were able to maintain their performances over the three
consecutive days, indicating that water therapy per se is not detrimental to endurance
performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na-oefening herstel het ‘n belangrike area van navorsing geword, aangesien die eise wat
aan elite atlete gestel word buitengewoon hoog is. Vir die kompeterende fietsryer is dit baie
belangrik om prestasie tydens kompetitisie asook tydens inoefening te handhaaf. Inteendeel,
as die atleet nie daarin slaag om effektief te herstel na daaglikse oefening en kompetisie nie,
mag dit lei tot swak prestasie, uitbranding, siekte en beserings. Tot hede is daar geen baie
min bewyse beskikbaar oor die potensiële voordele van waterterapie vir die herstel van
atlete, veral tydens meervoudige dae van intensiewe uithouvermoë inoefening. Teoreties
behoort waterterapie die algehele herstelproses bevorder sonder dat enige addisionele
energiekostes betrokke is, soos in die geval van aktiewe herstel.
Die doel van die ondersoek was om vas te stel of waterterapie (koud teenoor neutraal) enige
effekte het op die na-oefening hersteltempo van kompeterende fietsryers tydens 3 dae van
intensiewe uithouvermo oefening en om te bepaal of waterterapie meer effektief is as
aktiewe herstel.
Sewentien kompeterende fietsryers (gemiddeld ± SD; ouderdom: 27.6 ± 5.94 jaar, gewig:
78.8 ± 6.67 kg, lengte: 180.5 ± 4.42 cm, VO2maks: 49.8 ± 4.13, en Piek krag uitset:
352.6 ± 35.94 Watts) het 3 dae van intensiewe uithouvermoë inoefeing voltooi. Die fietryers
was lukraak ingedeel in ‘n 20 minute Ysbadgroep (IB) (n = 6, 11 ± 0.9oC), neutrale bad groep
(NB) (n = 6, 30 ± 0.6oC) en ‘n aktiewe herstelgroep (AR) (n = 5; 81 ± 1.74% van HRLT),
Herstelsessies het op Dag 1 en 2 direk na die inoefeningsessies plaasgevind. Afhanklike
veranderlikes soos funksionele kapasiteit, kreatienkinase konsentrasies (CK), c-reaktiewe
proteïen konsentrasies (CRP), bloedlaktaat konsentrasie ([La]), spierseerheid en persepsie
van vermoeienis (STEMS), en beenomtrekke was gemeet voor die inoefeningsessies op Dag
1, 2 en 3. Veranderinge in oefeningprestasie oor die laaste 2 dae was ook geassesseer.
Daar was ‘n statistiese betekenisvolle toename in plasma [CK] (P < 0.05) en [CRP] (P <
0.001) oor die drie dae, wat daarop wys dat spierskade en inflammasie wel plaasgevind het.
Daar was geen behandeling of interaksie effekte waarneembaar vir enige van die
intervensies nie (P > 0.05). Bloed [La] was beduidend verlaag op Dag 2 vir die IB groep in
vergelyking met die NB groep (P = 0.05). Die verlaging in plasma [CK] na AR het gegrens
aan statisties betekenisvolle resultate (P = 0.05) in vergelyking met die waterterapie (IB en
NB gekombineer). Daar was geen statisites beduidende tyd of interaksie effekte
waargeneem in die % veranderinge in oefeningprestasie vir die laaste twee 100km tydtoetse
tussen Dag 2 en 3 vir enige van die herstelstrategieë nie (P < 0.05) Die resultate wys dat waterterapie nie enige voordelige effekte op die na-inoefening herstel
tempo het in vergelyking met aktiewe herstel nie. Dit is egter belangrik om daarop te let dat
die fietsryers in staat was om hul oefeningprestasies te handhaaf oor die drie opeenvolgende
dae, wat aandui dat waterterapie nie nadelig inwerk op uithouvermoë prestasie nie.
Date03 1900
CreatorsKoekemoer, Christa Magrieta
ContributorsTerblanche, Elmarie, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format130 p.
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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