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Perceived entrepreneurial ability and the quality and quantity of entrepreneurial activities

Through a set of four papers this dissertation is aimed at understanding the role of
subjective ability judgment in the form of perceived entrepreneurial ability in
influencing the decision to initiate entrepreneurial activities. Recent studies suggest that
the decision to initiate entrepreneurial activities could be influenced by subjective
ability judgment i.e. positive perceptions of one´s entrepreneurial ability. This
dissertation extends this steam of research by comparing perceived entrepreneurial
ability with actual ability and examines the role of these two ability dimensions in
influencing the quality and quantity of entrepreneurial activities. In this dissertation
entrepreneurial ability is defined as the cognitive and non-cognitive abilities necessary
to undertake and pursue the tasks of new venture creation and management while
perceived entrepreneurial ability is an individual´s subjective judgment about his/her
own entrepreneurial ability.
The main premise of this dissertation is that perceived entrepreneurial ability is an
important determinant of entrepreneurial behavior. Secondly, the impact of perceived
entrepreneurial ability is higher than actual ability in the decision to initiate
entrepreneurial activities leading to increase in the quantity of entrepreneurial
initiatives. Thirdly, individuals with high actual ability are more likely to initiate
entrepreneurial activities when they develop positive perceptions about their
entrepreneurial ability. Fourthly, the interaction effect of high actual ability and
perceived entrepreneurial ability is positive and influences both the decision to initiate
entrepreneurial activities and the choice of innovative entrepreneurship. This implies
that perceived entrepreneurial ability in conjunction with high actual ability is a source
of quality entrepreneurship. To test the above premises this dissertation uses a large
statistical sample with consistent definitions and concepts across multiple contexts.
Overall the results of this dissertation support the contention that perceived
entrepreneurial ability have a distinct and significantly positive influence on the
decision to initiate t entrepreneurial activities and its impact is greater than actual
ability. Furthermore, the joint effect of perceived entrepreneurial ability and high actual
ability not only influences entrepreneurial action but also leads to innovative form of
Date06 June 2014
CreatorsChandra Bayan, Manoj
ContributorsVaillant, Yancy, Lafuente, Esteban, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa
PublisherUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Source SetsUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format171 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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