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Factores determinantes que influyen en la decisión de evaluar la formación en las grandes empresas peruanas

En la presente tesis doctoral, se presenta una investigación que tiene como propósito conocer los factores determinantes que influyen en la decisión de evaluar la formación en las grandes empresas peruanas. En primer lugar, se examinaron los conceptos relacionados con la evaluación de la formación y los modelos propuestos por los autores, desarrollados en los últimos 50 años. En este sentido, se señala que, a pesar de que la formación es un aspecto importante que produce efectos positivos en las organizaciones, escasamente se evalúa y se conoce el impacto en los resultados. La investigación ha permitido precisar el contexto en que los programas de formación son impartidos en las grandes empresas peruanas. Asimismo, se plantea un enfoque integral sobre los principales motivos e impedimentos que tienen los directivos de las empresas para evaluar las acciones formativas impartidas al personal, y, por otro lado, se espera que sea un punto de partida para futuras líneas de investigación / This thesis presents a research which objective is to examine the key factors that influence training and development of personnel in large Peruvian enterprises. A key motivation behind developing this thesis is to make a systematic research of academic character in relation to aspects of personnel training, in particular focusing on the evaluation phase, which is the phase that has been the least studied and least applied in enterprises. Knowledge that has come from the academic research on evaluation of personnel training is still not much known among large Peruvian enterprises and the studies that exist neither presents practical techniques on how to implement and execute this knowledge. This study has been developed with large Peruvian enterprises in mind, which, due to technological changes and the dynamics in the markets where they operate, need to have personnel that participate in training programs at a continuous basis. This is the only way the enterprises can respond to the challenges facing them. Also, it should be mentioned that these enterprises have the financial strength to invest in training programs for their personnel.
In the case of large Peruvian enterprises, one can observe the importance that management includes in their strategy the relevance of developing the personnel and the organization. However, they are aware that these programs are seldom evaluated despite of that it is important to know the impact they have on learning and on the growth of the enterprise and in generating sustainable competitive advantages.
The justification of this research is the necessity of large Peruvian enterprises to remain competitive and that they can respond to the demands from a globalized marketplace. Management of these enterprises consider the training programs as an important strategy, and the evaluation of these programs as a key indicator for documenting the impact on the enterprise¿s results. First, the concepts related to evaluation of personnel training are examined in conjunction with the models that have been proposed during the last 50 years. The research has helped to clarify the context in which these programs are executed in large Peruvian enterprises. The sample size used in this study consists of 89 large enterpresies in different economic sectors in Peru. The study contributes with important information that management in these large organizations should take into account in relation to evaluating the training programs and to know the impacts of these on the performance of the organization. Also, the study presents an integral overview of the chief motivations and impediments that management have when evaluating the different actions in relation to training of personnel. Moreover, this study is expected to be a point of departure for future research within this field. It is in this respect that the results from this research contributes to establish what are the determining factors that influence the decision to evaluate training programs in large Peruvian enterprises, a subject that has received very little dissemination.
Date07 May 2013
CreatorsValle Ramella, Yolanda
ContributorsSabaté, Ferran, Llinàs Audet, Xavier, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Organització d'Empreses
PublisherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Source SetsUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Format203 p., application/pdf
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
Rightsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, L'accés als continguts d'aquesta tesi queda condicionat a l'acceptació de les condicions d'ús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons:

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