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A fit between the external forces driving change in the banking industry and the ABSA Group's response to it since 1998

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to fit the external forces driving change with the
ABSA Group's transformation since 1998; as well as to measure the success of it
by evaluating the market's response to the changes.
To provide a theoretical framework, a background to the external forces driving
change, with specific reference to the South African banking industry is given. It
was concluded that the entry/exit of major firms, globalisation, regulation and
technological changes are the major forces impacting on the banking industry.
There are however, also a number of unique forces driving change that is related
to the South African environment. ABSA also had to deal with these factors such
as the socio-political change and the domestic economic development.
ABSA responded to these challenges by implementing various projects since the
merger in 1991. Since 1998 (the time frame within which this study is
undertaken), two major projects were initiated and implemented. Both these
projects (Project IMPACT and Project ABLE) are two of the biggest
transformation exercises ever undertaken in South Africa. ABSA's strategy
evolved over time to such a point where the Group is currently focussed on the
customer in targeted market segments. Strategic Business Units were
established to optimise the focus on the customer. This process is currently still
The success of the ABSA Group's transformation exercises is however, only as
successful as the degree to which their changes fit the driving forces and the
market's response to it. Against the backdrop of the major external driving forces
(Chapter 2), it is concluded that these forces do fit the forces driving change
within the ABSA Group. Looking at the cost-to-income ratio, it is evident that
ABSA still need to do much more to improve this figure and to bring it more in
line with its peer competitors. It is however heartening to see that the Group
managed to reduce the ratio constantly year-an-year in spite of the considerable cost of the major initiatives undertaken. A comparison of the price-earnings
ratio's of the four major banks over time indicate that the market's trust in ABSA's
earnings potential increased and that their response to the changes is therefore
in general positive / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die eksterne kragte wat verandering dryf, te pas
met die ABSA Groep se transformasie sedert 1998; asook om die sukses
daarvan te meet deur te kyk na die mark se respons op die veranderinge.
Ten einde 'n teoretiese raamwerk te verskaf, word as agtergrond die eksterne
kragte geskets wat veranderinge dryf, met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid-
Afrikaanse bank industrie. Die belangrikste kragte wat 'n impak het op die bank
industrie is die intree/uittree van groot firmas, globalisering, regulering en
tegnologiese veranderinge. Behalwe vir hierdie belangrike kragte, moes die
Groep ook verskeie kragte uniek aan die Suid-Afrikaanse omgewing in ag neem,
naamlik die sosio-politieke veranderinge en die plaaslike ekonomiese
ABSA se reaksie op hierdie uitdagings was die implementering van verskeie
projekte sedert die samesmelting in 1991. Sedert 1998 (die tydsraamwerk
waarbinne hierdie studie handel) is twee groot projekte geïnisieer en
geïmplementeer. Beide hierdie projekte (Projek IMPACT en Projek ABLE) was
reuse ondernemings en kan beskou word as twee van Suid-Afrika se grootste
transformasie oefeninge wat nog onderneem is. Die ABSA strategie het egter
onwikkel oor tyd tot die huidige punt waar die Groep gefokus is op die kliënt in
spesifieke mark segmente. Ten einde hierdie fokus te optimaliseer, is Strategiese
Besigheidseenhede gevestig. Die vestiging en ontwikkeling van hierdie fokuspunt
is steeds in proses.
Die sukses van ABSA se transformasie oefeninge is egter net so suksesvol soos
die mate waartoe dit die dryfkragte en die mark se respons daarop pas. Teen die
agtergrond van die belangrike dryfkragte (Hoofstuk 2) is tot die slotsom gekom
dat die Groep se transformasie proses wel in pas is met die eksterne dryfkragte Die koste-inkomste verhouding is 'n syfer wat deur beide die Groep en die mark
uitgelig word. Deur hierdie syfer te vergelyk met die kompetisie, is dit duidelik dat
ABSA nog baie werk het om te doen om hierdie syfer te verbeter. Dit is egter
gerustellend dat die Groep daarin geslaag het om die syfer konstant jaar-op-jaar
te verlaag, ten spyte van die groot kostes wat aangegaan is met die verskeie
inisiatiewe. 'n Vergelyking van die vier groot banke se prys-verdienste
verhoudings oor tyd dui dat die mark se vertroue in ABSA se verdienste
potensiaal toeneem en dat hul respons tot die verandering oor die algemeen
positief is.
Date12 1900
CreatorsCompaan, Linda
ContributorsBurger, Johan, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format79 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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