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A critical analysis of the capital gains tax system for South Africa

Thesis (MAcc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Capital gains tax has been introduced into the South African tax system for
the first time, on all capital gains arising on or after 1 October 2001. The issue
of whether a capital gains tax will be a suitable tax for South Africa has
already been addressed in the form of Commission Reports. In these reports,
the idea of adopting this tax system was not recommended for the South
African tax system or only a limited capital gains tax was recommended. This
study, however, investigates whether the legislation passed by government is
in line with the basic principles of an efficient and effective tax system.
Firstly, the principles of an efficient and effective tax system are set out as
those originally proposed by Adam Smith as well as those that have been
adapted to modern tax theory. The factors that impact on capital gains tax are
identified and specific criteria are formulated against which the legislated
capital gains tax is evaluated.
The mechanics of the capital gains tax is discussed, classified into the factors
that impact a capital gains tax and evaluated against the abovementioned
lt has been held that the introduction of this new form of tax to the South
African tax system addresses many inefficiencies and deficiencies in the
current tax system. lt is the writer's opinion that an investigation as to the
degree to which this tax system adheres to the principles of an effective and
efficient tax system, was thus necessary.
For the purposes of this investigation, the legislated capital gains tax was
evaluated against the principles of neutrality, certainty and simplicity,
administrative efficiency, flexibility, invisibility and equity (fairness, horizontal
and vertical equity). lt was found that the principles of flexibility, fairness and
horizontal equity are achieved. To a lesser extent, the principles of neutrality,
certainty and simplicity, and administrative efficiency are achieved, and the
principles of invisibility and vertical equity have not been achieved. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kapitaalwinsbelasting is nou vir die eerste keer deel van die Suid Afrikaanse
belastingstelsel. Dit affekteer alle kapitale winste wat op of na 1 Oktober 2001
realiseer. Die vraagstuk oar die geskiktheid van kapitaalwinsbelasting vir
Suid-Afrika is alreeds voorheen in die vorm van Kommissieverslae
aangespreek. Geen, of slegs 'n beperkte kapitaalwinsbelasting is in hierdie
verslae aanbeveel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingstelsel. Die studie wat
volg, ondersoek die mate waarin die wetgewing ten opsigte van
kapitaalwinsbelasting aan die basiese beginsels van 'n effektiewe en
doeltreffende belastingstelsel voldoen.
Eerstens word die beginsels van 'n doeltreffende en effektiewe
belastingstelsel uiteengesit as die soos oorspronklik voorgestel deur Adam
Smith, asook die wat deur moderne belastingteorie aangepas is. Tweedens
word die faktore wat kapitaalwins be·invloed ge·identifiseer en laastens word
spesifieke kriteria geformuleer waarteen die kapitaalwinsbelasting geevalueer
sal word.
Die werking van die kapitaalwinsbelasting word bespreek, geklassifiseer in
faktore wat 'n kapitaalwinsbelasting be·invloed en teen die bogenoemde
kriteria geevalueer.
Daar is beslis dat die toevoeging van hierdie vorm van belasting tot die Suid
Afrikaanse belastingstelsel die ondoeltreffendheid en ander gebreke in die
huidige belastingstelsel aanspreek. Dit is die skrywer se mening dat 'n ondersoek ten opsigte van die mate waartoe hierdie belastingstelsel die
beginsels van 'n effektiewe en doeltreffende belastingstelsel nakom, dus
nodig was.
Vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek, is kapitaalwinsbelasting geevalueer
teen die beginsels van neutraliteit, sekerheid en eenvoudigheid,
administratiewe doeltreffendheid, aanpasbaarheid, onsigbaarheid en billikheid
(regverdigheid, horisontale en vertikale billikheid). Daar word tot die
gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar aan die beginsels van aanpasbaarheid,
regverdigheid en horisontale billikheid voldoen word. Tot 'n minder mate, word
daar aan die beginsels van neutraliteit, sekerheid en eenvoudigheid, en
administratiewe doeltreffendheid voldoen. Daar word nie aan die beginsels
van onsigbaarheid en vertikale billikheid voldoen nie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSchwarze, Corrinna Lina
ContributorsVan Schalkwyk, C. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Accountancy.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format61, [3] p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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