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Spiritualiteit as perspektief op adolessensie : 'n studie gerig op pastorale beraad

Text in Afrikaans / Adolessensie is die ontwikkelings- en oorgangsperiode tussen kindertyd en volwassenheid. Alhoewel adolessensie 'n bepaalde konflikkarakter het, kan dit nie kategories as 'n storm-en-drang probleemstadium tipeer word nie.
Adolessensie is 'n positiewe stadium wat gekenmerk word deur groei en nuwe uitdagings. Adolessensie word gekenmerk deur ingrypende veranderinge met betrekking tot die terreine van die fisiologies-somatiese, kogni ti ewe, emosionele, identiteit, sosiale, morele en religieuse. 'n Multidimensionele perspektief is dus n vereiste met die oog op n verstaan en definiering van adolessensie. Om hierdie rede kan adolessensie vanuit 'n verskeidenheid van teoriee beskryf word.
Hierdie biologiese, psigoanali tiese, psigososiale, antropologiese en
ekologies-kontekstuele teoriee gee egter geen aandag aan 'n teologiese
orientasie nie. Verder bied nie een van hierdie teoriee 'n perspektief wat
die ontwikkelingsterreine tot 'n eenheid integreer nie. Die gevolg is dat
daar nie 'n kernstruktuur is wat die verskillende ontwikkelingsveranderinge
en ontwikkelingstake kan orden en 'n teologiese betekenis (semantiek)
daaraan kan toeken nie.
Binne die raamwerk van 'n prakties-teologiese orientasie word 'n Christelike
spiritualiteit as teologiese perspektief op adolessensie beskou.
Spiritualiteit is die mens se dinamiese respons op die transendente
werklikheid. Vanuit 'n Bybelse antropologie word die mens beskou as 'n
relasionele wese wat in die teenwoordigheid van God leef (die coram Deo
beginsel). Die mens se totale lewe (ook die adolessent se ontwikkelingsveranderinge) word op God betrek.
Spiritualiteit as semantiese struktuurkern funksioneer as geestelike lens
wat 'n bepaalde fokus op die adolessent se ontwikkeling bied, en wat die
verskillende ontwikkelingsprosesse tot 'n geiintegreerde geheel saamtrek.
Deur spiritualiteit word adolessensie 'reframe' en as transendentteologiese roepingsterrein beskou. Die adolessent word geroep om die Skriftuurlik-evangeliese beginsels te internaliseer met betrekking tot eie ontwikkelingsprosesse.
Die pastorale implikasie is dat die berader die proses waardeur 'n integrasie plaasvind tussen adolessente se spiri tualiteit en hul ontwikkelingsprosesse en probleemhantering, moet fasiliteer. Hierdie dinamika kan optimaal realiseer indien die berader binne die raamwerk van 'n relasie (as ontmoetingsgebeure) orienteer aan 'n epistemologie van deelname. In die beraadproses moet adolessente as verantwoordelike wesens beskou word wat betekenis aan eie ontwikkeling en probleme toeken. Verder moet pastorale beraad ook interdissipliner, ontwikkelingstoepaslik en ekosistemies gerig wees. / Adolescence is the developmental and tccansitional stage between childhood and adulthood. Although adolescence is marked by conflict, it should not be categorised as a problem period. It is a positive stage characterised by growth and challenging new processes.
Adolescence is characterised by radical changes in the physiologicalsomatic, cognitive, emotional, identity, social, moral and religious spheres. A multidimensional perspective is therefore a prerequisite for understanding and defining adolescence. Adolescence can thus be described in terms of a wide range of theories.
These biological, psychoanalytical, psychosocial, anthropological and
ecological-contextual theories devote no attention to a theological
orientation. None of the theories can offer an integrating and unifying
perspective in regard to the developmental areas. The result is a lack of a
centre of structure that has an ordering and theological meaning-qi ving
(semantic) function with reference to the variety of developmental changes and tasks.
Within the framework of a practical-theological orientation, a Christian
spirituality is considered as theological perspective on adolescence.
Spirituality is a person's dynamic response to the transcendent reality. A
Biblical anthropology compels us to view human beings as relational beings who live in the presence of God (the coram Deo principle). Every aspect of a person's life (the adolescent's developmental changes included!) is implicated in this relationship with God.
Spirituality as centre of semantic structure functions as a spiritual lens.
It presents us with a particular focus on the development of the adolescent, and it integrates and unifies the developmental processes. By means of spirituality, adolescence is reframed and viewed as a transcendenttheological vocation. The adolescent is called to internalise the Biblicalevangelical principles with reference to his/her developmental processes.
The pastoral implication is that the counsellor should facilitate the process through which adolescents integrate their spirituality with their
development and management of problems. This dynamics can best be achieved within the framework of a relationship (personal encounter) in which the counsellor functions on the basis of an epistemology of participation. In the counselling process adolescents must be seen as responsible beings who can contribute meaning to their development and problems. Pastoral counselling should also be an interdisciplinary, developmentally appropriate and ecosystemic process. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)
Date11 1900
CreatorsGrobler, Leon Pieter
ContributorsDe Jongh van Arkel, Jan
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (xi, 427 pages)

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