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An investigation into the impact of the Internet on brand building strategies in the physical and virtual world

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990's, traditional principles of
building brand equity, as they were applied in physical markets, were challenged.
This happened because brands were traditionally built using passive media such as
radio, television and print magazines and newspapers. The Internet introduced
interactive media where the consumer is not only highly informed because of the
exponential expansion of technology especially on the Internet, but also because the
consumer could now choose to be a participant, or not, in marketing and brand
building initiatives.
Theoretically, it is possible to establish certain principles to build brands in virtual
markets. The best solution is however to look at past studies of different companies
that present various challenges that relate directly to the Internet and its brand
building initiatives, and then combine this practical knowledge with a theoretical
In the case studies, eight success drivers were identified as being crucial to build a
brand firstly in a virtual market, but also secondly in physical markets. The success
drivers that were implemented by companies that managed to build strong brands on
the Internet include: using a multimedia mixture to differentiate and build the brand;
focusing on supreme customer commitment: entering into distribution and content
alliances; moving first, fast and keeping up the pace; developing intimate customer
and market knowledge; building a reputation for excellence; delivering outstanding
value and in respect of cross-over marketers, respecting core brand attributes,
improving on the offline brand experience online and leveraging key offline assets in
favour of the online brand.
Brand building on the Internet, should be clear, consistent and reflecting leadership
not only in the implementation of the above success drivers, but also in respect of the
overall construction of the brand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die bekendstelling van die Internet in die vroeë negentiger jare, is die
tradisionele beginsels van "brand building" soos toegepas in tradisionele markte
bevraagteken. Dit het gebeur omrede "brands" tradisioneel gebou was deur
passiewe media soos radio, televisie, tydskrifte en koerante te gebruik. Die Internet
het nie net interaktiewe media bekend gestel waar die kliënt oor baie inligting beskik
as gevolg van die eksponensiële uitbreiding van tegnologie op die Internet nie, maar
ook het die kliënt nou die keuse om deel te neem of nie aan bemarkings en "brand
building" insentiewe.
Dit is moontlik om deur middel van 'n teoretiese studie sekere beginsels vas te stel
ten opsigte van hoe "brands" gebou moet word op die Internet. Die beste oplossing is
egter om na gevallestudies te kyk wat betrekking het op 'n paar maatskappye wat 'n
verskeidenheid van uitdagings daarstel wat direk van toepassing is op "branding"
insentiewe op die Internet. Die kennis verkry van die gevallestudies kan dan
gekombineer word met die teoretiese kennis om 'n raamwerk daar te stel vir
"branding" op die Internet.
Die gevallestudies het agt sukses drywers geïdentifiseer wat krities is vir die
ontwikkeling van "brand building" insentiewe in fisiese markte sowel as markte op die
Internet. Die sukses drywers deur die maatskapye geïmplimenteer wat sterk "brands"
of die Internet gebou het, sluit in: die gebruik van 'n multimedia mengsel om die
"brand" te differensïeer en te bou; konsentrasie op uitstekende ktïente diens; sluit van
verspreidings en inhouds vennootskappe, om eerste in die mark te wees en aan te
hou beweeg; ontwikkel intieme klïente en mark kennis; bou 'n uitstekende reputasie;
lewer uitstaande waarde en ten opsige van oorbruggings bemarkers, respekteer die
basis van die "brand", verbeter die Internet "brand" se ervaring in vergelyking met die
fisiese "brand" en gebruik die bates van die fisiese "brand" ten gunste van die
Internet "brand". Die bou van 'n "brand" moet eenvouding, deursigtig en konstant
wees sowel as leierseienskappe toon wat nie net betrekking het op die bogemelde
sukses drywers nie, maar ook op die algehele "brand" projeksie en implimentasie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsPienaar, Hannelie
ContributorsLoubser, S., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format164 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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