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Tourism and the impact thereof on the economy of the Western Cape

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Tourism is seen and promoted as the economic cure in the developing world. However,
in recent years it has been realised that tourism is not an easy or quick solution to
economic growth.
Business and government have identified tourism as one of the country's critical job
providers. In 1989 Smith (1989: 15) identified the following challenges confronting the
tourism industry:
• A lack of credible measures and objective analysis.
• Diversity of the industry.
• Complexities created by geographical characteristic of the industry.
• The lack of industry organisation.
• The need to anticipate future developments.
Can the Tourism Industry stimulate the economy and be a solution to unemployment?
As the Western Cape is seen as the tourism leader in South Africa, this study will
determine whether the industry will lead to an economically stronger Western Cape and
ultimately be a helpful and healthy source of income to South Africa.
The writer will start this study with world tendencies and the realities of tourism and then
move onto tourism in South Africa, including both international and domestic tourism.
An important factor for economic growth is the tourism potential in the Western Cape,
which will be examined. It is clear from all the data and literature that the tourism
industry hold potential for growth in South Africa.
Wesgro (2001) has identified the Western Cape as the strongest tourism region. The
Western Cape can offer unusual and alternative experience to tourists as facilities are in
place for eco-tourism with excursions such as shark diving. The Western Cape is furthermore ensuring that more business tourists can be
accommodated with the building of the Conference Centre in Cape Town.
Government has realised the potential of the tourism industry and as such has
increased the budget allocation drastically. This means that marketing can be done
more aggressively ensuring that both the domestic and international tourist markets
On the negative side is the effect that crime and political instability has on the tourism
industry. It is interesting to note that despite crime, tourism arrivals are still increasing.
A vital challenge for the tourism industry is to develop and promote our cultural assets
and experiences. Repositioning the role of the previously disadvantage within the
tourism infrastructure is an issue that needs to be addressed. We need to re-evaluate,
re-package and re-interpret our distinct resources.
The Western Cape's growth potential lies in its natural beauty and favourable weather,
the wide variety of internationally renowned natural tourist attraction, and a well established
infrastructure, all available at a relatively low cost to foreigners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toerisme word gesien en adverteer as die ekonomiese oplossing in die ontwikkelende
wêreld. Dit is egter die afgelope jare besef dat toerisme nie 'n maklike of vinnige
oplossing vir ekonomiese groei is nie.
Die besigheidswêreld en die regering het toerisme geïdentifiseer as een van die land se
kritiese werkvoorsieners. Smith (1989: 15) het in 1989 die volgende uitdagings wat die
toerisme industrie konfronteer, geïdentifiseer:
• 'n Tekort aan geloofwaardige maatstawwe en objektiewe ontleding.
• Die uiteenlopendheid van die industrie.
• Ingewikkeldhede geskep deur die geografiese eienskappe van die industrie.
• 'n Tekort aan industrie organisasie.
• 'n Behoefte om toekomstige ontwikkelings te voorspel.
Kan die toerisme industrie die ekonomie stimuleer en die oplossing vir werkloosheid
Aangesien die Wes-Kaap gesien word as die toerisme leier in Suid Afrika sal hierdie
studie poog om te bepaal of die industrie sal lei tot 'n ekonomies sterk Wes-Kaap en
uiteindelik 'n gesonde bron van inkomste vir Suid Afrika.
Die skrywer sal die studie begin met wêreldneigings en die realiteite van toerisme en
dan oorgaan tot toerisme in Suid Afrika, insluitend beide internasionale en binnelandse
'n Belangrike faktor vir ekonomiese groei wat bestudeer sal word is die toerisme
potensiaal in die Wes-Kaap. Dit blyk duidelik uit data en literatuur wat bestudeer is dat
die toerisme industrie groot potensiaal vir Suid Afrika inhou. Wesgro (2001) het die Wes-Kaap as die sterkste toerisme streek geïdentifiseer. Die
Wes-Kaap kan buitengewone en alternatiewe ervarings aan toeriste bied aangesien
fasiliteite reeds bestaan vir eko-toerisme met ekskursies soos haai-duik.
Die Wes-Kaap is verder besig om te verseker dat besigheidstoeriste geakkommodeer
kan word met die aanbou van die nuwe konferensie sentrum in Kaapstad.
Die regering het ook die potensiaal van die toerisme industrie besef en het as sulks die
begroting aanwysing drasties verhoog. Dit het tot gevolg dat bemarking meer aggressief
kan plaasvind en verseker sodoende dat beide die binnelandse en internasionale
toerisme markte groei.
Aan die negatiewe kant is die effek wat geweld en politieke onstabiliteit op die toerisme
industrie het. Dit is egter interessant om daarop te let dat toerisme aankomste nog
steeds groei ten spyte van misdaad.
'n Belangrike uitdaging vir die toerisme industrie is om ons kulturele bates en ervarings
te ontwikkel en bevorder. 'n Saak wat aandag moet geniet is die herposisionering van
vorige agtergeblewende mense binne die toerisme infrastruktuur. Ons sal ons
hulpbronne moet herevalueer, herverpak en herinterpreteer.
Die Wes-Kaapse groeipotensiaal is geleë in sy natuurlike skoonheid en gunstige weer,
die wye verskeidenheid van internasionaal erkende natuurlike toeriste attraksies en 'n
goed gevestigde infrastruktuur wat alles beskikbaar is teen 'n relatiewe lae prys vir
Date12 1900
CreatorsHulk, Helga
ContributorsRoux, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format138 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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