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The new partnership for Africa's development (NEPAD) and food security : reviewing the activities of the Comprehensive Africa Agrigulture Development Programme (CAADP)

Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) represents the New Partnership for Africa’s Developments’ (NEPAD) framework for revitalising Africa’s agriculture. Improving agricultural performance is at the heart of improved economic development and growth. NEPAD believes that agriculture will provide the engine for growth in Africa.
The CAADP framework was developed by the NEPAD Steering Committee in
collaboration with the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. It also includes the contributions of other institutions such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FAD), the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Bank, and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA). The CAADP focused on investments in four pillars that can make the earliest difference to Africa’s agricultural crisis. These mutually reinforcing pillars were expected to bring about improvements in terms of Africa’s agriculture, food security, and trade balance. This will ultimately enable Africa to reach its Millennium Development Goal of reducing hunger and
poverty by half by 2015 (WDR). For the purpose of this particular study, the first investment pillar, which is water and land management, will be scrutinised extensively, as this is critical to achieving the so much
talked about food security. The study will utilise both secondary and primary documents of NEPAD. More specifically the implemented water and irrigation projects in the East and West Africa countries will be reviewed to determine success in African agricultural development under NEPAD. It will identify specifically water management projects already implemented and those already
initiated, and find out whether the CAADP is set to deliver the Millennium Development Goal. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ‘Omvattende Landbou Ontwikkelingsprogram’ (CAADP) is die raamwerk van NEPAD se pogings om Afrika se landbousektor te hergenereer. Verbeterde landbou is die kern van verbeterde ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling in Afrika. Trouens, NEPAD glo dat landbou die dryfkrag van Afrika se ekonomiese groei sal wees. Die CAADP-raamwerk is ontwikkel deur NEPAD se leierskap, in noue samewerking met die Verenigde Nasies se Voedsel en Landbouorganisasie (FAO). Die raamwerk sluit ook in bydraes van ander liggame, soos die Internasionale Fonds vir Landbouontwikkeling (FAD), die Wêreldvoedselprogram (WFP), die Wêreldbank en die Forum vir Landbounavorsing in Afrika (FARA). Die CAADP fokus op vier investeringspilare wat Afrika se landboukrisis van onder af kan aanpak. Hierdie interafhanklike pilare is veronderstel om Afrika se landbou, voedselversorging en handelsbalans gelyktydig aan te pak. Hierdie stappe behoort te help dat Afrika die Millennium Ontwikkelingsoogmerk (nl. ‘n halvering van honger teen 2015) te
bereik. In hierdie studie val die klem op die eerste pilaar, nl. water en grondbestuur, as voorwaarde vir voedselsekuriteit. Die studie maak gebruik van sowel primêre en sekondêre dokumentasies van NEPAD, met besondere fokus op water en besproeiingsprojekte in Oos- en Wes-Afrika. Daar word gekyk na spesifieke projekte wat reeds bestaan en wat geïnisieer is, ten einde die sukses van CAADP te bepaal.
Date03 1900
CreatorsOlufunsho, R. T.
ContributorsThomas, Wolfgang, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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