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KAPB surveys for HIV/AIDS : a critical review

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS is one of the most devastating pandemics the world has ever faced. SubSaharan
Africa remains the region most affected where more two thirds of the total
HIV positive population resides. Despite this region trying to grapple with many
negative factors like political unrest, draughts, armed conflict, it now also have to
content with HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS has already killed ten times more Africans than all
of the armed conflicts on the African continent combined (The Washington Quarterly,
Many of the Sub-Saharan countries are renowned for unemployment and poverty
which can be partly be alleviated by economic growth. Studies by Bonnel (2000)
concluded that a typical Sub-Saharan country with a 20% HIV/AIDS prevalence rate,
would suffer a 2.6% reduction in GDP growth per annum. This indicates that South
Africa, where an estimated S.5 million HIV positive people resides (the most in globe)
and ever increasing HIV prevalence, is in a serious predicament.
There are many interacting variables causing the negative socioeconomic decline. At
organisational level direct and indirect costs attributable to HIV, results in a severe
decline of profitability and jeopardises sustainable economic activity. Direct costs
include costs for medical treatment, health insurance, funeral expenses, retirement
and disability and costs to manage HIV in the workplace. Indirect costs include
absenteeism and loss of productivity, retraining and recruiting of employees to fill
deceased employees' places etc.
Although South African organisations acknowledge and predict that HIV/AIDS will
have an ever-increasing negative impact on their business, the response to dealing
with this issue has been insufficient. The deficient response could be partly ascribed
to a lack of guidance, deficient proof of cost effectiveness with no real measurement
for the outcomes of intervention programs.

This study will critically evaluate a KAPB (knowledge, attitude, perception and
behaviour) survey as a second-generation HIV surveillance tool that could address
these organisational concerns. KAPB surveys have advantages like providing
guidance and increasing cost effectiveness of HIV programs, benchmarking
interventions and providing a platform for communication design and feedback to
stakeholders. These benefits should motivate organisations to initiate programs that
address HIV at an organisational level.
KAPB surveys evaluate four employee factors related to HIV - knowledge, attitudes,
perception and sexual behaviour. This report will critically evaluate the
appropriateness of measuring these factors and some tools used to measure these
factors. Further elaboration of the methodology during the execution of a KAPB
survey will highlight the current best practices identified in literature. The report will
also highlight the obstacles and ways of negotiating them when conducting a KPAB
survey. The study will conclude that a well -executed KAPB survey through its many
benefits should motivate and assist organisations in designing and implementing
HIV/AIDS programs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: HIV is een van die ernstigste pandemies wat die wereld al ooit beleef het. Die state
in die Sub-Sahara streek is die ergste geaffekteer en meer as twee derdes van die
totale HIV positiewe populasie kom in die gebied voor. Die streek wat deurgaans
geteister word deur politieke onrus, droogte, oorlog, moet nou ook probeer tred hou
met MIV /VIGS. MIV/VIGS het tot op hede alreeds tien keer meer mense gedood as al
die oorloë op die Afrika continent saam (The Washington Quarterly, 2001: 191-196).
Die meeste van die state in Sub-Sahara word gekenmerk deur werkloosheid en
armoede wat deels verlig kan word deur ekonomiese groei. Studies deur Bonnel
(2000) het getoon dat die tipiese staat in Sub-Sahara, met 'n 20% MIV insidensie 'n
vermindering van tot 2.6% groei in die GDP kan ondervind. Dit voorspel dat Suid-Afrika
met 'n voorspelde 5.5 miljoen HIV positiewe inwoners (die meeste in die
wereld) ekonomiese noodlot in die oog staar.
Daar is verskeie faktore wat saamwerk om die negatiewe ekonomiese 'effek van
MIV/VIGS te bewerkstellig. Organisasies se ekonomiese vooruitgang en oorlewing
word bedreig deur direkte en indirect kostes van MIV. Direkte kostes wat
organisasies moet aangaan sluit in mediese behandeling, mediese fonds bydraes,
begrafnis onkostes, aftrede en ongeskiktheidspensioenbetalings. Indirekte kostes
sluit in afwesighede, verlies aan produktiwiteit en die heropleiding en werwing van
werknemers wat afgestorwe werknemers se plek moet neem.
Ten spyte van die feit dat organisasies erken en voorspel dat MIV/VIGS 'n negatiewe
impak op die ekonomies welvaart van organisasies sal hê, het weining van die
organisasies aksie geneem om die probleem aan te spreek. 'n Moontlike rede vir die
onvoldoende aksie kan toegeskryf word aan die tekort aan leiding, bewyse vir
kostedoeltreffendheid en geen werklike maatstaf om die programme se resultate te
Hierdie studie sal KGPG (kennis, gevoelens, persepsie ' en gedrag) studies as 'n
tweede generasie MIV opname, krities evalueer. KGPG studies bied verskeie voordele
soos om leiding vir HIV programme te bied en verbeterde koste effetiwiteit van MIV
programme te bewerkstellig. KGPG studies voorsien ook 'n maatstaf om MIV
programme te evalueer en 'n kommunikaise platvorm tussen aandeelhouers. Hierdie
voordele sal moontlik organisasies motiveer om aksie te neem en MIV in die
organisasie aan te spreek.
KGPG studies evalueer vier werknemer faktore met betrekking to MIV /VIGS. Die vier
faktore is kennis, gevoelens, persepsie en seksuale gedrag. Die verslag sal die vier
faktore krities evalueer vir toepaslikheid en ook fokus op die instrumente wat die
faktore evalueer. Aanbevelings sal ook gemaak word ten opsigte van die korrekte en
beste metodes wat gevold moet work tydens 'n KGPG studie. Die struikelblokke wat
ondervind kan word tydens 'n KGPG studie asook hoe om dit te oorkom sal
bespreek word. Die verslag sal bewys dat 'n KGPG studie wat uitgevoer word in Iyn
met die beste praktyk baie waarde kan toevoeg tot organisasies ten opsigte van die
beplanning en uitvoering van programme om MIV/VIGS te bekamp.
Date12 1900
CreatorsFourie, Stephanus
ContributorsFish, T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format68 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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