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Papel do munic?pio e rela??es federativas: atua??o de munic?pios cearenses nas pol?ticas de forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores

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Previous issue date: 2014-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / A investiga??o analisa o papel exercido pelo Munic?pio nas pol?ticas de forma??ocontinuada de alfabetizadores, tomando como campo de estudo os Munic?pios cearenses deJaguaruana e Palhano. O espa?o pol?tico-educacional tido como recorte do estudo ? oper?odo de 2003 a 2006, momento em que se verifica, nas diretrizes de governo e naspol?ticas educacionais brasileiras, ?nfase na a??o cooperativa entre os entes federados,real?ando a atua??o municipal na implementa??o e execu??o dessas pol?ticas. Aperspectiva materialista hist?rico-dial?tica, entendida como an?lise da realidade socialcomo elabora??o hist?rica e produto da pr?xis humana, ? expressa como o caminhote?rico-metodol?gico requerido. A investiga??o se operacionaliza por meio de etapas interrelacionadas:uma que envolve an?lise bibliogr?fica e documental, na qual se integram osaportes te?ricos do exame, bem como documentos federais, estaduais e municipaisacessados; e outra, referente ao trabalho de campo, estudando o car?ter espec?fico doobjeto e suas rela??es m?tuas nas municipalidades. O exame traz a no??o de rela??esintergovernamentais e mecanismos cooperativos como ferramentas te?ricas centrais e,dialogando com essas, inserem-se ideias como descentraliza??o, municipaliza??o eautonomia municipal, num corpo te?rico/pr?tico, pelo qual se explicitam os aspectoshist?ricos e l?gicos do objeto. O estudo realiza a descri??o e interpreta??o das pol?ticas deforma??o continuada de alfabetizadores com foco nas diretrizes nacionais formuladasdesde os anos 1990 e na incorpora??o governamental nos espa?os nacionais esubnacionais. Neste sentido, assenta a an?lise na compreens?o da inter-rela??o daspol?ticas municipais e as pol?ticas elaboradas pelo Governo Federal e/ou Estadual paraofertar forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores. Considerando o recorte investigado,mostra como se constitu?ram o papel municipal e as rela??es entre Estado e munic?pioscearenses e suas caracter?sticas quanto ? pol?tica e ? gest?o da educa??o, considerando aspr?ticas de municipaliza??o e de colabora??o entre estes na sua constitui??o hist?rica. Comefeito, revela as pr?ticas que se evidenciam nos munic?pios pesquisados, destinadas ?forma??o continuada de alfabetizadores, trazendo as realidades constatadas e marcasespec?ficas da atua??o municipal na ?rea, evidenciando o papel atribu?do e o papelexercido. Com base na vis?o dos gestores entrevistados nos Munic?pios de Jaguaruana ePalhano, verifica os significados e a efetividade das pol?ticas executadas. Com taiselementos, discute as assimetrias municipais em suas homogeneidades e heterogeneidadesna execu??o do seu papel federativo. A an?lise mostra que o papel do Munic?pio seapresenta sentindo os efeitos das interven??es hist?ricas, pol?ticas e sociais em cadamunic?pio. No ?mbito da formula??o e da execu??o de pol?ticas educacionais, a a??o dosgovernos municipais, situada e com significativas inger?ncias, revela assimetrias queap?em um munic?pio com maior autonomia do que outro e participando de modo maisefetivo na produ??o e distribui??o das pol?ticas. No plano das realidades pesquisadas,mostra-se que cuidar das pol?ticas de forma??o continuada dos alfabetizadores n?o ? papelmunicipal exclusivo, mas ? assim assumido e exercido nas municipalidades com variadosn?veis de ?xito. Esse papel ?, na verdade, uma compet?ncia comum aos entes federados, no?mbito do federalismo cooperativo brasileiro. / The investigation analyze
s the role of the municipalities in the ongoing development of
literacy teachers, having as a field of study the municipalities of Jaguaruana and Palhano,
both in the State of Cear?. The political
educational space adopted as a sample of the study
is the p
eriod between the years 2003 and 2006, when the emphasis on cooperative action
among the federated entities is observed in the Government?s guidelines and Brazilian
educational policies, showing the municipal presence in the implementation
and execution
these policies.
he historical
dialectical materialistic perspective, understood as an
analysis of the social reality as historical elaboration and product of the human praxis, is
expressed as the required theoretical
methodological path.
The investigatio
n is
operationalized through interconnected stages: one that involves bibliographical and
documental analysis, in which the theoretical input of the research is
added, as well as the
Federal, State and M
unicipal documents
; and another, regarding t
he field work,
studying the specific character of the object and its mutual rela
tionships in the
The research brings the notion of intergovernmental relationships and
cooperative mechanisms as central theoretical tools and, dialoguing with
them, ideas such as
decentralization, municipalization and municipal autonomy are inserted into a
theoretical/practical body, through which the historical and logical aspects of the object are
The study describes and interprets the policies of on
going development of literacy
teachers with focus on the national guidelines formulated since the 1990?s and on the
mental incorporation in the national and subnational spaces.
In this sense, the analysis
is based on the comprehension of the interrel
ationship between the municipal policies and
the p
olicies created by the S
tate or
Federal G
overnments in order to offer
development of literacy teachers.
Considering the investigated sample, it shows how the
municipal role and the relationships
ween the State and municipalities of Cear? have
emerged, as well as their characteristics regarding the education management policies,
taking into account the practices of municipalization and cooperation between the State and
municipalities in their histo
rical composition. It shows the practices which aim at the
ongoing development of literacy teachers observed in the researched municipalities, pointing
out the realities and specific marks left by municipal presence in the area, demonstrating the
role and the role played. Based on the points of view of the managers interviewed
in the municipalities of Jaguaruana e Palhano, it is possible to note the meaning and
effectiveness of the policies carried out. With such elements, it discusses the municipa
asymmetries in their homogeneities and heterogeneities rega
execution of their
federative role.
The analysis shows that th
e role of the municipalities vary
according to the
historical, political and social interventions in each municipality.
the fields of formulation
and execution of educational policies, the actions of the municipal governments, situated and
with expressive interferences, reveal asymmetries in the sense that some municipalities have
bigger autonomy and participate more effect
in the production and distribution of
policies than others.
In terms of the researched realities, the study shows that taking care of
the policies of ongoing development of literacy teachers is not a task
that should be
exclusively to the mu
nicipalities, nonetheless it is a role that they
play with varying degrees
of success.
This role is in fact a joint competence of the federated entities, in the scope
Brazilian cooperative federalism.
Date29 July 2014
CreatorsRab?lo, Clotenir Damasceno
Contributors18930689515,, Cabral Neto, Ant?nio, 05754372434,, Sano, Hironobu, 21299461867,, Farias, Isabel Maria Sabino de, 28431952334,, Franca, Magna, 12861138149,, Silva, Marcelo Soares Pereira da, 26030292153,, Farias, Maria da Salete Barboza de,, 13213814415, Castro, Alda Maria Duarte Ara?jo
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, PROGRAMA DE P?S-GRADUA??O EM EDUCA??O, UFRN, Brasil
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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