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Essene sectarianism as a Judaic alternative to Pharisaism and Sadduceanism

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Essenism is, according to the data being discussed in this thesis, closely
associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls material and had alienated itself from Second
Temple Judaism as manifested through both Pharisaism and Sadduceanism. The
problem that presents itself is the fact that Essenism is sometimes seen, with
Pharisaism and Sadduceanism, as one of the three major trends within Second Temple
Judaism, albeit schismatic in origin and nature.
With Sadduceanism deriving its authority from the Temple and written Torah, and
with Pharisaism its authority from both the written Torah as well as the oral tradition of
the Sages, this thesis attempts to determine the criteria to be applied to cults of the
Second Temple period in order for them to be classified as being Judaic. This is done
in order to be able to establish what, in their own minds, set the Essenes apart from the
other two prominent groups. That their motivation for exclusiveness must have been
very strong becomes clear through the fact that, in their writings, the Essenes did not
see themselves as just another group within Judaism, but as the only true and
legitimate group.
The ultimate aims of this thesis therefore are, firstly to find out exactly what
constituted mainstream Second Temple Judaism according to certain historical and
religious factors as well as Judaic ha/achic interpretation. Secondly, the thesis attempts
to ascertain if Essenism met the determined criteria to be regarded as part of
mainstream Judaism, and if not, if it can be regarded as sectarian Judaism, or as a
separate religion altogether.
In view of all the abovementioned criteria discussed, the probable conclusion
would be that the sectarians from Qumran never thought of themselves as anything
other than Jews within the ha/achic tradition, even though it may have been a ha/acha
that may in certain respects have radically deviated from that of their fellow Jews. They
can therefore rightly be regarded as part of the Judaic tradition of the Second Temple
period. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Essenisme is, volgens die data bespreek in hierdie tesis, nou geassosiëer met
die materiaal van die Dooie See Rolle, en die eksponente daarvan het hulself vervreem
van Tweede Tempel Judaïsme soos gemanifesteer deur beide Fariseïsme en
Sadduseïsme. Die probleem wat homself voordoen, is dat Essenisme, saam met
Fariseïsme en Sadduseïsme, somtyds gesien word as een van die drie hoofstrominge
binne Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, alhoewelskismaties van aard.
Met Sadduseïsme wat sy outoriteit aan die Tempel en geskrewe Tora ontleen, en
Fariseïsme sy gesag van beide die geskrewe Tora en die mondelinge tradisie van die
Wyses, probeer hierdie tesis die kriteria bepaal wat toegepas kan word op kultusse van
die Tweede Tempel tydperk, om sodoende as Judaïsties geklassifiseer te kan word, al
dan nie. Dit word gedoen om vas te stel wat, in hul eie oë, die Esseners onderskei het
van die ander twee prominente groepe. Uit hul geskrifte kan 'n mens aflei dat die
Esseners se dryfveer vir eksklusiwiteit baie sterk moes gewees het, aangesien hulle
hulself nie net as nog 'n verdere groep binne die Judaïsme gesien het nie, maar in der
waarheid as die enigste ware en legitieme groep.
Die uiteindelike doel van hierdie tesis is dus eerstens, om vas te stel presies wat
verstaan kan word as Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, aan die hand van sekere historiese
en religieuse faktore, asook ha/aehiese interpretasie. Tweedens, probeer dit vasstelof
Essenisme aan die vasgestelde kriteria voldoen het om as deel van die hoofstroom
Judaïsme gesien te kan word, en indien nie, of dit gesien kan word as sektariese
Judaïsme, of as 'n heeltemal aparte godsdiens.
In die lig van al die bogemelde bespreekte kriteria, sal die waarskynlike
gevolgtrekking wees dat die sektelede van Qumran hulself nooit gesien het as enigiets
anders as Jode binne die ha/aehiese tradisie nie, alhoewel dit 'n ha/aeha was wat in
sekere opsigte radikaal verskil het van die van hul mede-Jode. Hulle kan gevolglik met
reg gesien word as deel van die Judaïstiese tradisie van die Tweede Tempel tydperk.
Date03 1900
CreatorsBotha, P. D. (Pieter Daniël)
ContributorsCook, J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format143 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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