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Miestų architektūros formavimo politika ir visuomenė šiuolaikinės demokratijos sąlygomis / The Policy of Development of Urban Architecture and Society Under Modern Democratic Cinditions

On the threshold of the 21st century (in the 1990s), public organizations of European and other countries focused their attention on the problems, the solution of which could help improve standards of living in the cities and towns. Theoretical propositions about the citizens’ right to protection from aggression, environmental pollution and aggressive urban environment as well as the rights to shelter, health care, cultural life, mobility, democratic control of authorities and participation in the development of democratic principles have been analyzed in the great number of documents and in this investigation from various perspectives. The aim is to describe the process of society participation in the development of urban architecture showing the main trends, principles and methods, and to optimize, rationalize the process of developing urban architecture on the principles of sustainable development.
Date27 March 2007
CreatorsJakaitis, Jonas
ContributorsGlemža, Jonas, Melnikas, Borisas, Jakovlevas-Mateckis, Konstantinas, Vanagas, Jurgis, Bučas, Jurgis, Staniūnas, Eugenijus, Buivydas, Rimantas, Taraškevičius, Ričardas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDoctoral thesis

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