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Ondersoek na uitkomsgebaseerde assessering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole / deur Samuel Lundie

The implementation of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South African schools brought radical changes to the teaching profession. The transition to an OBE curriculum exerted a great impact on teachers' assessment practices and required a major revision of teaching and learning activities.
Outcomes-based assessment (OBA) does not only require of teachers to design appropriate assessment plans, assessment programmes and assessment strategies, but it also implies that learners should be provided with expanded and 89Propriate opportunities to achieve in accordance with their abilities.
Thus, it is of the utmost importance that the training of teachers should not only focus on the demands that OBA make on the learner, but specifically on what OBA expects from the teacher. The main aim of assessment is to promote teaching and learning, which implies that teachers must assess in such a way that quality information about learner performance will be produced. The teacher must record and interpret this information carefully, in order to enable professional and accountable decisions about learner performance and to give constructive feedback to learners and their parents.
Easier said than done! The implementation of OBE and specifically OBA elicited serious debates and fierce criticism from a variety of sources. Since the implementation of OBE, quite a number of newspaper reports reflected the negativity of teachers, educationists and other role players towards OBE and particularly OBA. OBE and OBA have become problematic and controversial issues in South Africa.
In light of the above mentioned the purpose of this study was to determine the nature, scope and causes of the problems experienced with OBA in South African schools and come forward with practical, supportive recommendations that could alleviate and/or improve the situation.
In order to determine the difficulties experienced with OBA empirical, quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilised. A structured questionnaire, with closed and open items, was sent to a representative sample of South African public schools. The resultant data was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed and the following main findings emerged from the research:
1. The training that teachers receive from the education department is inadequate for the successful implementation of OBA in South African schools.
2. Teachers' knowledge of OBE, and more specifically OBA, is too superficial to implement OBA successfully.
3. The assessment practices of teachers reflect that they have not yet made the transition from traditional and conventional types of assessment to authentic OBA. Assessment is primarily used for summative purposes and not for formative purposes, as is supposed to be the case.
4. The education department do not adequately support and empower teachers for the successful implementation of OBA.
In light of the research findings, recommendations were made to promote the implementation of OBA in schools. / Die implementering van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) in Suid-Afrikaanse skole het radikale veranderinge vir die onderwysprofessie teweeggebring. Die oorgang na 'n UGOkurrikulum het 'n diepgaande impak op onderwysers se assesseringspraktyke gehad en het grootskaalse wysigings van onderrig-en leeraktiwiteite ingehou.
Uitkomsgebaseerde assessering (UGA) verlang nie net van onderwysers om toepaslike assesseringsplanne, assesseringsprogramme en assesseringstrategiee te ontwerp nie, maar ook om aan leerders uitgebreide en toepaslike geleenthede te bied om volgens hulle vermoe te presteer.
Dit is dus uiters belangrik dat daar in die opleiding van onderwysers nie net gelet sal word op wat UGA van die leerder vereis nie, maar spesifiek op wat UGA van die onderwyser verwag. Die hoofdoel van assessering is om onderrig en leer te bevorder en onderwysers moet dus op so 'n wyse assesseer dat dit kwaliteitinligting oor leerderprestasie lewer. Die onderwyser moet hierdie inligting noukeurig rekordeer en interpreteer, sodat professionele en verantwoordbare besluite oor leerderprestasie geneem kan word en op 'n konstruktiewe wyse aan leerders en hulle ouers oorgedra kan word.
Makliker gese as gedaan! Die implementering van UGO, en in besonder UGA, het 'n hewige debat en felle kritiek uit verskillende oorde ontlok. Talle koerantberigte het sedert die implementering van UGO die negatiwiteit van onderwysers, opvoedkundiges en ander rolspelers teenoor UGO en in die besonder UGA weerspieel. UGO en UGA het 'n problematiese en kontroversiele aangeleentheid in Suid-Afrika geword.
Teen die agtergrond van bogenoemde, was die doel van hierdie ondersoek om die aard, omvang en oorsake van die UGO-assesseringsknelpunte in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te bepaal en om met praktykgerigte, hulpverlenende aanbevelings na vore te kom om die situasie te verlig en/of te verbeter.
Ten einde die problematiek van UGA empiries te bepaal is daar van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik gemaak. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys (met geslote en oop items) is aan 'n verteenwoordigende steekproef van Suid-Afrikaanse staatskole gestuur. Die ingesamelde data is kwalitatief en kwantitatief geanaliseer en die volgende hoofbevindinge het uit die ondersoek voortgespruit:
Die opleiding wat onderwysers van die onderwysdepartement ontvang, is ontoereikend vir die suksesvolle implementering van UGA in Suid-Afrikaanse skole.
Onderwysers se kennis van UGO, en meer spesifiek UGA, is te oppervlakkig om UGA prakties suksesvol te implementeer.
Die assesseringspraktyke van onderwysers weerspieel dat hulle nog nie van die tradisionele en konvensionele tipes van assessering wegbeweeg het, na outentieke UGA toe nie. Assessering word ook oorwegend vir summatiewe doeleindes aangewend en nie vir formatiewe doeleindes, so os dit veronderstel is om te gebeur nie.
Onderwysers word ook nie toereikend deur die onderwysdepartement ondersteun en bemagtig om UGA suksesvol te implementeer nie.
Aan die hand van die bevindinge is aanbevelings, te, bevordering van UGA-implementering in skole, gemaak. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
Date January 2009
CreatorsLundie, Samuel
PublisherNorth-West University
Source SetsNorth-West University
Detected LanguageUnknown

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