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Emergence and Breakdown of Quantum Scale Symmetry: From Correlated Condensed Matter to Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Scale symmetry is notoriously fickle: even when (approximately) present at the classical level, quantum fluctuations often break it, sometimes rather dramatically. Indeed, contemporary physics encompasses the study of very different phenomena at very different scales, e.g., from the (nominally) meV scale of spin systems, via the eV of electronic band structures, to the GeV of elementary particles, and possibly even the 10¹⁹ GeV of quantum gravity. However, there are often – possibly surprising – analogies between systems across these seemingly disparate settings. Studying the possible emergence of quantum scale symmetry and its breakdown is one way to systematically exploit these similarities, and in fact allows one to make testable predictions within a unified technical framework (viz., the renormalization group). The aim of this thesis is to do so for a few explicit scenarios. In the first four of these, quantum scale symmetry emerges in the long-wavelength limit near a quantum phase transition, over length scales of the order of the correlation length. In the fifth example, quantum scale symmetry is restored at very high energies (i.e., at and above the Planck scale), but severely constrains the phenomenology at 'low' energies (e.g., at accelerator scales), despite scale invariance being badly broken there.

We begin with the Gross–Neveu (= chiral) SO(3) transition in D = 2+1 spacetime dimensions, which notably has been proposed to describe the transition of certain spin-orbital liquids to antiferromagnets. The chiral fermions that suffer a spontaneous breakdown of their isospin symmetry in this setting are fractionalized excitations (called spinons), and are as such difficult to observe directly in experiment. However, as gapless degrees of freedom, they leave their imprint on critical exponents, which may hence serve as a diagnostic tool for such unconventional excitations. These may be computed using (comparatively) conventional field-theoretic techniques. Here, we employ three complementary methods: a three-loop expansion in D = 4 - ε spacetime dimensions, a second-next-leading order expansion in large flavour number N , and a non-perturbative calculation using the functional renormalization group in the improved local potential approximation. The results are in fair agreement with each other, and yield combined best-guess estimates that may serve as benchmarks for numerical simulations, and possibly experiments on candidate spin liquids.

We next turn our attention to spontaneous symmetry breaking at zero temperature in quasi-planar (electronic) semimetals. We begin with Luttinger semimetals, i.e., semimetals where two bands touch quadratically at isolated points of the Brioullin zone; Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BBLG) within certain approximations is one example. Luttinger semimetals are unstable at infinitesimal 4-Fermi interaction towards an ordered state (i.e., the field theory is asymptotically free rather than safe). Nevertheless, since the interactions are marginal, there are several pathologies in the critical behaviour. We show how these pathologies may be understood as a collision between the IR-stable Gaußian fixed point and a critical fixed point distinct from the Gaußian one in d = 2 + ε spatial dimensions. Observables like the order-parameter expectation value develop essential rather than power-law singularities; their exponent, as shown herein by explicit computation for the minimal model of two-component ‘spinors’, is distinct from the mean-field one. More tellingly, although finite critical exponents often default to canonical power-counting values, the susceptibility exponent turns out to be one-loop exact, and, in said minimal model takes the value γ = 2γᵐᵉᵃⁿ⁻ᶠᶦᵉˡᵈ = 2. Such an exact yet non-mean-field prediction can serve as a useful benchmark for numerical methods.

We then proceed to scenarios in D = 2 + 1 spacetime dimensions where Dirac fermions can arise from Luttinger fermions due to low rotational symmetry. In BBLG, the 'Dirac from Luttinger' mechanism can occur both due to explicit and spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry. The explicit symmetry breaking is due to the underlying honeycomb lattice, which only has C₃ symmetry around the location of the band crossings (so-called K points). As a consequence, the quadratic band crossing points each split into four Dirac cones, which is shown explicitly by computing the two-loop self-energy in the 4-Fermi theory. Within our approximations, we can estimate the critical coupling up to which a semimetallic state survives; it is finite (unlike a quadratic band touching point with high rotational symmetry), but significantly smaller than a 'vanilla' Dirac semimetal. Based on the ordering temperature of BBLG, our rough estimate further shows that the (effective) coupling strength in BBLG may be close to the critical value, in sharp contrast to other quasi-planar Dirac semimetals (such as monolayer graphene). Rotational symmetry in BBLG may also be broken spontaneously, i.e., due to the presence of nematic order, whereby a quadratic band crossing splits into two Dirac cones. Such a scenario is also very appealing for BBLG, since the precise nature of the ordered ground state of BBLG has not been established unambiguously: whilst some experiments show an insulating ground state with a full bulk gap, others show a partial gap opening with four isolated linear band crossings. Here, we show within a simplified phenomenological model using mean-field theory that there exists an extended region of parameter space with coexisting nematic and layer-polarized antiferromagnetic order, with a gapless nematic phase on one side and a gapped antiferromagnetic phase on the other. We then show that the nematic-to-coexistence quantum phase transition has emergent Lorentz invariance to one-loop in D = 2 + ε as well as D = 4 - ϵ dimensions, and thus falls into the celebrated Gross-Neveu-Heisenberg universality class. Combining previous higher-order field-theoretic results, we derive best-guess estimates for the critical exponents of this transition, with the theoretical uncertainty coming out somewhat smaller than in the monolayer counterpart due to the enlarged number of fermion components. Overall, BBLG may hence be a promising candidate for experimentally accessible Gross–Neveu quantum criticality in D = 2 + 1 spacetime dimensions.

Finally, we turn our attention to the 'low-energy' consequences of transplanckian quantum scale symmetry. Extensions to the Standard Model that tend to lower the Higgs mass have many phenomenologically attractive properties (e.g., it would allow one to accommodate a more stable electroweak vacuum). Dark matter is one well-motivated candidate for such an extension. However, even in the most conservative settings, one usually has to contend with a significantly enlarged number of free parameters, and a concomitant reduction of predictivity. Here, we investigate how asymptotic safety (i.e., imposing quantum scale symmetry at the Planck scale and above) may constrain the Higgs mass in Standard Model (plus quantum gravity) when coupled to Yukawa dark matter via a Higgs portal. Working in a toy version of the Standard Model consisting of the top quark and the radial mode of the Higgs, we show within certain approximations that the Higgs mass may be lowered by the necessary amount if the dark scalar undergoes spontaneous symmetry breaking, as a function of the dark scalar mass, which is the only free parameter left in the theory.:1 Introduction
1.1 Scale invariance – why and where
1.1.1 Fundamental quantum field theories
1.1.2 Universality
1.1.3 Novel phases of matter
1.2 Outline of this thesis

2 Renormalization Group: A Brief Review
2.1 Quantum fluctuations and generating functionals
2.2 Renormalization group flow
2.3 Basic notions
2.4 Scale transformations, scale symmetry and RG fixed points
2.5 Characterization and interpretation of RG fixed points
2.5.1 Formal aspects
2.5.2 Scaling at (quantum) phase transitions
2.5.3 Predictivity in fundamental physics
2.5.4 Effective asymptotic safety in particle physics and condensed matter

3 Gross–Neveu SO(3) Quantum Criticality in 2 + 1 Dimensions
3.1 Effective field theory
3.2 Renormalization and critical exponents
3.2.1 4 - ϵ expansion Method Flow equations Critical exponents
3.2.2 Large-N expansion Method Critical exponents
3.2.3 Non-perturbative FRG Flow equations Representation of the effective potential Choice of regulator Limiting behaviour
3.3 Discussion
3.3.1 General behaviour and qualitative aspects
3.3.2 Quantitative estimates for D = 3
3.4 Summary and outlook

4 Luttinger Fermions in Two Spatial Dimensions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Action from top-down construction
4.3 Renormalization
4.3.1 4-Fermi formulation
4.3.2 Yukawa formulation
4.4 Fixed-point analysis
4.5 Non-mean-field behaviour
4.5.1 Order-parameter expectation value
4.5.2 Susceptibility exponent
4.6 Bottom-up construction: Spinless fermions on kagome lattice
4.6.1 Tight-binding dispersion
4.6.2 From Hubbard to Fermi
4.6.3 Fate of particle-hole asymmetry
4.7 Discussion

5 Dirac from Luttinger I: Explicit Symmetry Breaking
5.1 From lattice to continuum
5.1.1 Fermions on Bernal-stacked honeycomb bilayer
5.1.2 Continuum limit
5.1.3 Interactions
5.2 Mean-field theory
5.3 Renormalization-group analysis
5.3.1 Flow equations
5.3.2 Basic flow properties
5.3.3 Phase diagrams
5.4 Discussion
5.5 Summary and outlook

6 Dirac from Luttinger II: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
6.1 Model
6.2 Phase diagram and transitions
6.3 Emergent Lorentz symmetry
6.3.1 Loop expansion near lower critical dimension Minimal 4-Fermi model Gross–Neveu–Heisenberg fixed point Fate of rotational symmetry breaking
6.3.2 Loop expansion near upper critical dimension Gross–Neveu–Yukawa–Heisenberg model Gross–Neveu–Yukawa–Heisenberg fixed point Fate of rotational symmetry breaking
6.4 Critical exponents
6.5 Discussion

7 Higgs Mass in Asymptotically Safe Gravity with a Dark Portal
7.1 Review: The asymptotic safety scenario for quantum gravity and matter
7.2 Review: Higgs mass, and RG flow in the SM and beyond
7.2.1 Higgs mass in the SM
7.2.2 Higgs mass bounds in bosonic portal models
7.2.3 Higgs mass in asymptotic safety
7.2.4 Higgs Portal and Asymptotic Safety
7.3 Higgs mass in an asymptotically safe dark portal model
7.3.1 The UV regime
7.3.2 Flow towards the IR
7.3.3 Infrared masses
7.3.4 From the UV to the IR – Contrasting effective field theory and asymptotic safety
7.4 Discussion

8 Conclusions

A Position-space propagator for C₃-symmetric QBT
B Two-sided Padé approximants for C₃-symmetric QBTs
C Corrections to the mean-field nematic order-parameter effective potential due to explicit symmetry breaking
D Self-energy in anisotropic Yukawa theory
E Master integrals for anisotropic Yukawa theory

Date13 October 2022
CreatorsRay, Shouryya
ContributorsVojta, Matthias, Gies, Holger, Janssen, Lukas, Technische Universität Dresden
Source SetsHochschulschriftenserver (HSSS) der SLUB Dresden
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, doc-type:doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, doc-type:Text
Relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/Sonderforschungsbereiche/247310070// Korrelierter Magnetismus: Von Frustration zu Topologie/SFB 1143

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