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Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a retail product line

Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following research report is titled “Crafting and executing an operational strategic plan for a
retail product line”. The report presents operational analysis which results in creating
operational strategy which is relevant to current trading conditions and which is clearly aligned
with both the organisation’s group and corporate strategic goals. The primary focus is therefore
not on the development of organisational strategy, but on strategic implications, interpretation
and operational execution.
The central research question is described as follows:
How can the current operational strategic planning process be improved in order to deliver
strategic plans which are aligned and clearly support the key strategic thrusts at group and
corporate level?
A literature study was conducted by consulting a vast number of books, articles and websites in
order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest management thinking pertaining to
the creation and implementation of strategy. Primary research, which took the form of informal
interviews with key personnel, was also conducted in order to ascertain the opinions and
insights of individuals who are directly affected by the operational strategic process.
The research resulted in a one year operational strategic framework which can be used as a
tool by all central buying teams when creating operational strategic plans. The framework
allows teams to follow a standardised process which results in concise summary populated with
key strategic points. Teams are thus guided by these points and are also prompted to
corrective action by ensuring that each strategic action has a measurable outcome. The framework is also populated with group and corporate goals, which act as guiding principles to team members.
The final recommendation is that teams allow for a degree of flexibility in the operational
strategic actions which were identified in their initial analysis. While key strategic points at group
and corporate level will most likely remain unchanged during the course of a financial year,
certain operational activities may have to be reconsidered should the micro and macro trading environment change.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die titel van die volgende navorsingverslag is: “Crafting and executing an operational plan for a
retail product line”. Die verslag is ‘n weergawe van ‘n bedryfsontleding wat lei tot die ontwerp
van ‘n bedryfs-strategie wat van toepassing is op die huidige handelsmilieu. Die strategie is
verder in lyn met beide die organisasie se groep en korparatiewe doelwitte. Die verslag fokus
hoofsaaklik op strategiese implikasies, interpretasie en operasionele uitvoering en nie op
strategiese ontwikkeling nie.
Die sentrale navorsingskwessie word soos volg beskryf:
Watter verbeterings kan aangebring word aan die huidige bedryfs-strategiese beplannings
proses om sodoende strategiese planne op te lewer wat in lyn sal wees en ondersteuning sal
gee aan die sleutel strategiese dryfkrag op groep en korporatiewe vlak.
‘n Aantal sekondêre bronne – boeke,artikels and webwerwe - is nageslaan en ‘n letterkundige
studie is gedoen om ‘n omvattende begrip te kry van die nuutste bestuursdenke met betrekking
tot die ontwerp en implementering van strategie. Onderhoude is gevoer met sleutel personeel
wat gedien het as primere bronne. Sodoende is die opinies en insigte verkry van individue wat
direk betrokke is by die bedryfs-strategiese proses.
Die ondersoek het as gevolg ‘n bedryfs-strategiese raamwerk. Dit kan as instrument gebruik
word deur alle sentrale aanskaffingspanne wanneer hulle bedryfs-strategiese planne
ontwerp. Die raamwerk maak voorsiening vir ‘n gestandaardiseerde proses wat kulmineer in ‘n
een-bladsy opsomming wat strategiese punte bevat. Die opsomming gee dus rigting aan
spanne en hulle word aangespoor tot korrektiewe aksies elk met meetbare uitkomstes. Die
raamwerk bevat ook groeps- en korporatiewe doelwitte wat deur spanne as riglyne gebruik kan word.
‘n Finale voorstel is dat spanne voorsiening maak vir ‘n mate van plooibaarheid in die bedryfsstrategiese
aksies wat aanvanklik in hul ontledings geidentifiseer was. Sekere strategiese punte
sal waarskynlik op groep en korporatiewe vlak onveranderd bly na afloop van die finansiele jaar terwyl sekere bedryfsaktiwiteite heroorweeg sal moet word na gelang van veranderinge in
die mikro en makro handelsmileu.
Date03 1900
CreatorsCollins, Bradley
ContributorsUngerer, Marius, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format109 p.
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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