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Investigation and development of advanced Si/SiGe and Si/SiGeC Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors by means of Technology Modeling

The present work investigates the technology development of state-of-the-art SiGe and SiGeC Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT) by means of technology computer aided design (TCAD). The objective of this work is to obtain an advanced HBT very close to the real device not only in its process fabrication steps, but also in its physical behavior, geometric architecture, and electrical results. This investigation may lead to achieve the best electrical performances for the devices studied, in particular a maximum operating frequency of 500 GHz. The results of this work should help to obtain more physical and realistic simulations, a better understanding of charge transport, and to facilitate the development and optimization of SiGe and SiGeC HBT devices.The TCAD simulation kits for SiGe/SiGeC HBTs developed during our work have been carried out in the framework of the STMicroelectronics bipolar technology evolution. In order to achieve accurate simulations we have used, developed, calibrated and implemented adequate process models, physical models and extraction methodologies. To our knowledge, this work is the first approach developed for SiGe/SiGeC HBTs which takes into account the impact of the strain, and of the germanium and carbon content in the base, for both: process and electrical simulations.In this work we will work with the successive evolutions of B3T, B4T and B5T technologies. For each new device fMAX improves of 100 GHz, thus the technology B3T matches to 300 GHz, B4T and B5T to 400 and 500 GHz, respectively.Chapter one introduces the SiGe SiGeC heterojunction bipolar technologies and their operating principles. This chapter deals also with the high frequency AC transistor operation, the extraction methods for fMAX and the carrier transport in extremely scaled HBTs.Chapter two analyzes the physical models adapted to SiGeC strained alloys used in this work and the electrical simulation of HBT devices. This is also an important work of synthesis leading to the selection, implementation and development of dedicated models for SiGeC HBT simulation.Chapter three describes the B3T TCAD simulation platform developed to obtain an advanced HBT very close to the real device. In this chapter the process fabrication of the B3T technology is described together with the methodology developed to simulate advanced HBT SiGeC devices by means of realistic TCAD simulations.Chapter four describes the HBT architectures developed during this work. We will propose low-cost structures with less demanding performance requirements and highly performing structures but with a higher cost of production. The B4T architecture which has been manufactured in clean-room is deeply studied in this chapter. The impact of the main fabrication steps is analyzed in order to find the keys process parameters to increase fMAX without degrading other important electrical characteristics. At the end of this chapter the results obtained is used to elaborate a TCAD simulation platform taking into account the best trade-off of the different key process parameters to obtain a SiGeC HBT working at 500 GHz of fMAX.
Date14 November 2013
CreatorsQuiroga, Andres
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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