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Micromechanics of strength and strain hardening in mono- and multiphase fine grained materials

In the transportation industry, weight reduction is essential in order to reduce fuel consumption. A solution towards lighter structures is to improve the mechanical properties while keeping a sufficient ductility for the forming operations. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the enhancement of the mechanical properties of metallic alloys by the refinement of the grain size while playing with other microstructural features in order to maintain the strain hardening, and thus the ductility, as high as possible.
Various fine grained dual phase steels were produced by severe plastic deformation followed by thermal treatment. Nano-indentation and tensile tests have been performed to measure the change of flow properties associated to the grain refinement. A new methodology, based on performing nano-indentation tests at different depth inside each phases of the steels, has been proposed in order to separate the different hardening contributions affecting the behaviour of the material.
In order to gain a better understanding of the link between the fine grained microstructure and the flow properties, three models were developed introducing successively a richer and richer description of the microstructure. The first model allows interpreting the nano-indentation data at different depths. The second model predicts the flow curve of dual phase steels by considering the accumulation of dislocations on the grain boundaries with the associated back stress and the saturation of this accumulation of excess dislocations, while introducing the second phase particles through a homogenization scheme. Finally, the third model promotes a new explanation of the Hall-Petch law and the interaction of the grain size and the texture for pure copper using a multigrain crystal plasticity model incorporating grain boundary effects.
Guidelines are given to optimize the microstructures towards an improvement of the structural properties and formability.
Date28 February 2008
CreatorsDelincé, Marc
PublisherUniversite catholique de Louvain
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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