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Die effek van die afstudering van MBA-studente op owerheidsbefondsing

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The theme of this study is an investigation of the financing issues of Universities,
with specific reference to the Graduate School of Business of the University of
Stellenbosch. The goal of the study is to determine what influence the
successful or non-successful completion of studies at the Management School
have on the subsidies that the University of Stellenbosch, and therefor the
Business School, receive from the state. The following critical factors influence
the University's revenue from subsidies.
Firstly, time plays a role. It is a fact that when a student is successful in obtaining
a degree within the minimum period or longer, or not al all, this directly influences
the funding of the University, and therefor also that of the specific department,
because each cost unit at University and Faculty level is directly influenced by
the number of enrolled students who successfully complete their credits.
The principles of the subsidising of instruction inputs and outputs causes that it is
more important for the university that students attain their specific credits and
therefor their degrees in the minimum prescribed period of time, rather than
eventually attaining their degrees. If a student enroll for a number of credits in a
specific year, but he does not attain those credits that year, it means that the
university will effectively only receive half of the normal subsidy amount, because
subsidy will not be calculated for the next year for success. The second factor is the demographic profile of students. Because of the entry
of previously disadvantaged communities, and their bigger demand and need for
training, there will in future be more and more pressure on the funding principles
and the subsidies that universities receive from the government. This will force
universities to find ways to support students, and encourage them to attain their
degrees within the prescribed time frame, without compromising standards.
The third factor is that the central government does not pay the subsidies that it
should pay in terms of the so-called subsidy formula.
These factors make it imperative that enrolled students should attain their
degrees as soon as possible. This study focuses therefor on the so-called
subsidy formula and how the success ratio of MBA-students impact on the
financing of current expenditure of the Business School of the University of
In order to make recommendations on which actions the Business School needs
to take in the light of successful completion of studies, the following work method
was followed.
Various personnel of the Administrative Department of the University of
Stellenbosch (US), as well as the Business School of the University of
Stellenbosch (USB), was interviewed to determine how the formula is used within
the framework of the University, as well as to obtain information and statistics on the study patterns of students of the USB. A study was conducted of
previous, the current and future funding formulae. Personal interviews were
conducted with people at the Management School of the University of
Potchefstroom to compare their MBA-course with that of the USB.
The most important finding of this study is that Universities should do everything
in their power to ensure that students successfully obtain their course credits
within the prescribed minimum period, as the subsidy payable for non-successful
students are half of that payable for successful students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tema van hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die finansieringsvraagstukke van
universiteite, met spesifieke verwysing na die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit
van Stellenbosch. Die doelwit van die studie is om te bepaal watter invloed die
afstudering of nie-afstudering van studente aan die Bestuurskool (USB) het op
die subsidie wat die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, en uiteindelik die
Bestuurskool, van die Staat ontvang. Die volgende kritieke faktore beïnvloed die
Universiteit se inkomste uit subsidies.
Eerstens speel tyd 'n rol. Dit is 'n feit dat indien 'n student suksesvol binne die
minimum tydperk of langer afstudeer, of glad nie, dit 'n direkte invloed op die
befondsing van die Universteit, en uiteindelik die befondsing van die departement
het, omdat elke koste-eenheid op Universiteits- en Fakulteitsvlak direk geraak
word deur die getal ingeskrewe studente wat hulle krediete suksesvol voltooi.
Die beginsels ten opsigte van die subsidiëring van instruksie-insette en -uitsette
veroorsaak dat dit belangriker is vir die universiteit dat studente hulle spesifieke
krediete en dus hulle grade binne die voorgeskrewe minimum periode moet
behaal, eerder as dat hulle uiteindelik grade moet behaal. Indien 'n student
inskryf vir 'n aantal krediete in 'n sekere jaar, maar nie in daardie jaar sy krediete
behaal nie, beteken dit dat hy effektief net die helfte van sy normale
subsidiebedrag vir die universiteit beteken, aangesien daar vir die volgende jaar
nie weer subsidie bereken kan word ten opsigte van sukses nie. Die tweede faktor is die demografiese profiel van studente. Die toetrede van die
voorheen agtergeblewe gemeenskappe, en hulle groter eise en behoefte aan
opleiding, veroorsaak dat daar in die toekoms meer en meer druk op die
befondsingsbeginsels en die subsidie wat universiteite van die staat ontvang,
gaan wees. Dit sal universiteite noodsaak om wyses te vind om studente te
ondersteun en aan te moedig om hulle grade binne die voorgeskrewe tyd te
behaal, sonder om standaarde te verlaag.
Die derde faktor is dat die sentrale regering vir die afgelope paar jaar al, nie die
volle subsidies betaal wat hy behoort te betaal ingevolge die sogenaamde
subsidieformules nie.
Hierdie faktore noodsaak dit dat ingeskrewe studente dus so vinnig as moontlik
moet afstudeer. Die studie fokus derhalwe op die sogenaamde subsidieformule
en hoe die suksesratio van MBA-studente impakteer op die finansiering van
lopende uitgawes van die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
Ten einde aanbevelings te maak oor watter optredes die Bestuurskool in die lig
van suksesvolle afstudering behoort te neem, is die volgende werkswyse gevolg.
Onderhoude is gevoer met verskeie persone verbonde aan die Administratiewe
Departement van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US), sowel as die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (USB), om te bepaal hoe die
formule binne die raamwerk van die Universiteit toegepas word, asook om
inligting te opsigte van die afstuderingstendense van studente aan die USB te
bekom. Daar is 'n studie gedoen ten opsigte van vorige, die huidige en
toekomstige subsidieformules. Die respondent het ook onderhoude gevoer met
persone verbonde aan die Bestuurskool van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir
Christelike Hoër Onderwys om vergelykings te tref tussen hulle MBA-program en
die van die USB.
Die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie studie is dat Universiteite alles in hulle
vermoë moet doen om te verseker dat studente hulle kursuskrediete op tyd
suksesvol voltooi, aangesien die subsidie betaalbaar ten opsigte van nie suksesvolle
studente die helfte beloop van die subsidie wat betaal sal word vir 'n
suksesvolle student.
Date12 1900
CreatorsCilliers, Johann J.
ContributorsBrand, A. M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format134 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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