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La constitutionnalisation du droit pénal roumain et français : étude de droit comparé / The constitutionalization of Romanian and French criminal law : comparative law study

La constitutionnalisation représente “une action qui consiste en l’octroide la nature constitutionnelle à un règle ou en la confirmation d’une institution par larègle constitutionnelle ”1. La définition trouvée dans le Vocabulaire juridique este trèsrestreinte et incomplète. Le phénomène de constitutionnalisation est complexe et semanifeste dans toutes les branches du droit, tant par l’entremise de la doctrine quepar des moyens jurisprudentielles, qui seront mises en évidence à travers cetouvrage.De nos jours, le procès de constitutionnalisation du droit en général et du droit pénalen particulaire, comporte d’intérêt par les méthodes utilisées, par les effets qu’ilproduit, mais également par la nécessité de la différentiation d’autres conceptssimilaires, comme constitutionalité ou constitutionalisme.L’importance du thème se focalise sur la nécessité de l’élimination des confusionscrées autour du terme de constitutionnalisation. En égale mesure, on se propose àmettre en valeur les prémisses du phénomène de constitutionnalisation, mais aussiles moyens par lesquels le procès en soi-même produit ses effets.Le thème choisi comporte l’intérêt d’une approche interdisciplinaire, tels quel’approche de la perspective du droit comparé, ce qui confère d’originalité, maiségalement une vision innovatrice sur l’intersection des deux branches du droit.Le plan binaire suppose une analyse concernant les premisses de laconstitutionnalisation du droit pénal et les moyens et les effets de laconstitutionnalisation du droit pénal roumain et français. / The chosen topic sets forward the interest of an interdisciplinaryapproach as well as the approach from the perspective of comparative law, thusconferring originality, but also an innovating vision on the intersection of two lawbranches. We propose the analysis of criminal law constitutionalization due to thegeneral trend in which criminal law is equally subscribed, namely that ofinternationalization, Europeanization and constitutionalization of law. Moreover, thestudy of the two law branches is relevant given the highly intimate connectionsbetween them, through rendering more effective the protection of fundamental rightsand liberties.As research method we subscribed the entire thesis to a well-known method ofRomanian and French university school which embraces a new binary structure:problematization – solutions or hypothesis – demonstrations. The problem orhypothesis raised by the thesis is ”What is the starting point and how does the process of constitutionalization of the criminal law acts/functions?”, implicitlyadmitting the existence of such a phenomenon. The solutions or demonstrations arereflected as answers to the central questions, forged on the research plan of thethesis: highlighting the relations between criminal law and the Constitution,respectively of the means of constitutionalization and the effects of this phenomenon.Following the principles exposed by Legal Sociology regarding the integration of aprocess in the limits of a phenomenon, we reached the conclusion that in the case ofconstitutionalization, it fulfills all necessary requirements in order to be catalogued assuch. An argument in this respect is represented by the spread of this phenomenonboth from the spatial perspective (being encountered both in the European space aswell as in the international space) and from the perspective of the branches of law,which are subject to the process of constitutionalization (accordingly, we identified aseries of illustrations from Administrative Law, Labor Law, Economic Law, EuropeanLaw of Contracts or the Right to a Healthy Environment).The crystallization of the constitutionalization notion is carried out by reporting toother terms, so as to configure the delimitation of the concept. In order to delimit theconcept of constitutionalization we conducted a reporting to codification,constitutionalism, conventionality and constitutionality, underlining the existingdiscrepancies between these terms. It is estimated that there are seven stages ofconstitutionalization: 1) rigid constitution, 2) jurisdictional guaranteeing of theConstitution, 3) the compulsory force of the Constitution, 4) ”over-interpretation” ofthe Constitution, 5) interpretation of laws in accordance with the Constitution, 6)direct application of constitutional norms, 7) influence of the Constitution on politicalreports.The binary structure of the doctorate thesis proposes the analysis of theconstitutionalization phenomenon from a dual perspective: the premises ofconstitutionalization (materialized in the supremacy of the Constitution, theconstitutional grounds of criminal law, as well as constitutional guarantees in criminalmatters), and the proper constitutionalization of criminal law (which we equallystructured on the means of achievement of constitutionalization and the effects of thisphenomenon).
Date08 November 2014
CreatorsIftimiei, Andra
ContributorsBordeaux, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza (Iaşi, Roumanie). Facultatea de drept, Saint-Pau, Jean-Christophe, Toader, Tudorel
Source SetsDépôt national des thèses électroniques françaises
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation, Text

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