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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

International law as a constitutionalized legal system

Detsomboonrut, Noppadon January 2016 (has links)
Constitutional approaches have been frequently employed in recent international legal literature. This unavoidably triggers the question of the quality of international law as a constitutionalized legal system. This thesis attempts to answer such a question by determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for a constitutionalized international legal system and whether or not, at present, such minimum requirements have been fulfilled. The main difficulty in the articulation of these conditions is the semantic problem regarding the contours and content of constitutionalism caused by the transfer of this highly contested concept to the international context. In order to understand the destination context, a cosmopolitan paradigm will be consulted to provide explanations for the state-centred character of international law as part of the world’s multi-level governance. The thesis argues that the conditions for a constitutionalized international legal system must be articulated based on the viability of the proposed legal structure and its capacity to fulfil the underlying aims of international constitutionalism. The viability criterion demands compatibility with the pluralist structure of international society. The capacity criterion requires that the proposed legal structure can fulfil the underlying aim of international constitutionalism, which is, due to its complementary relationship with domestic constitutional sites, to create international self-governance with a limited mandate for peace and fundamental human rights. Thus, it is proposed that, in order to qualify as a constitutional legal system, international law must first be sufficiently equipped with secondary rules which will provide efficacy for international law to exist as a legal system. Secondly, there must also exist a hierarchy conferring a constitutional status on certain international primary rules protecting peace and fundamental human rights. Finally, international constitutionalization requires the institutionalization of international constituted power. The examination of whether or not each condition has been met in the current international legal structure is undertaken in order to determine the constitutional quality of international law, paying particular attention to the role of jus cogens rules and the United Nations in the process of international constitutionalization. It is argued that with the existence of the three elements, international law has already been constitutionalized to a large extent. However, there remain some deficiencies especially with regard to the legitimacy of the exercise of power on matters of peace and security by the Security Council, which require further constitutionalization.

The Role of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in the Constitutionalization of Regional Trade Agreements

Jensen, Theresa 08 December 2011 (has links)
This paper discusses the role played by Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the way in which they potentially contribute to the constitutionalization of such Regional Trade Agreements. The European Court of Justice has played a major role in the constitutionalization of the European Union due to the preliminary reference procedure, as well as the principles of direct effect and supremacy. The lack of availability to NAFTA Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of the principles which are so influential with the European Court of Justice mean that NAFTA’s Dispute Resolution Mechanisms are unable to drive constitutionalization in a manner similar to the ECJ. Chapter 11 of NAFTA however has the potential to act as a agent of constitutionalization within the scope of international investment law, but not of NAFTA itself.

The Role of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in the Constitutionalization of Regional Trade Agreements

Jensen, Theresa 08 December 2011 (has links)
This paper discusses the role played by Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the way in which they potentially contribute to the constitutionalization of such Regional Trade Agreements. The European Court of Justice has played a major role in the constitutionalization of the European Union due to the preliminary reference procedure, as well as the principles of direct effect and supremacy. The lack of availability to NAFTA Dispute Resolution Mechanisms of the principles which are so influential with the European Court of Justice mean that NAFTA’s Dispute Resolution Mechanisms are unable to drive constitutionalization in a manner similar to the ECJ. Chapter 11 of NAFTA however has the potential to act as a agent of constitutionalization within the scope of international investment law, but not of NAFTA itself.

La liberté de religion dans les Etats de droit musulman / Freedom of religion in Muslim countries

Nadafi, Hamdam 10 December 2013 (has links)
Le système juridique des Etats de droit musulman est composé de règles et de principes hétérogènes. A côté du droit positif codifié, les règles religieuses constituent une source de référence pour le législateur et pour le juge. La constitutionnalisation de l’islam comme religion officielle et comme source de législation dans les Etats de droit musulman, développe ce pluralisme juridique. La coexistence des différentes sources de droit, positive et religieuse, est accentuée par le système de personnalité des lois. Dans ce contexte, l’effectivité de la liberté de religion proclamée par la Constitution des Etats de droit musulman est remise en cause. Le principe d’égalité sans discrimination fondée sur la religion, la liberté de pratiquer librement sa religion ou encore le droit de changer de religion sont encadrés par la législation ou par la jurisprudence. Bien que tous les Etats aient amorcé le processus de constitutionnalisation, les juges constitutionnels peinent à affirmer leur autonomie par rapport au pouvoir exécutif. Le droit musulman est instrumentalisé par les pouvoirs politiques pour asseoir leur autorité sur une légitimité religieuse. Toutefois, la jurisprudence avant-gardiste de la Haute Cour constitutionnelle égyptienne qui a affirmé son indépendance et la jurisprudence civile des tribunaux tunisiens qui ont interprété l’article 1er de la Constitution tunisienne, sont le signe encourageant d’un changement possible. / The legal system in states governed by Islamic law is comprised of a set of heterogeneous rules and principles. Alongside its codified, positive law, religious laws serve as a referential source for the legislature and judiciary. The constitutionalization of Islam as both an official religion and a legislative source in Islamic law states nurtures this legal plurality. The coexistence of these different sources of law, positive and religious respectively, is further accentuated by the subjective variability of law. In this context, the existence of freedom of religion, as enshrined in the constitutions of these Islamic law states, is called into question. The principle of equality without discrimination on grounds of religion; the liberty to freely practice one’s religion; or, indeed, the right to change one’s religion, are framed by legislation or jurisprudence. Although all states have begun the process of constitutionalization, constitutional judges still struggle to assert their autonomy over the executive branch. Islamic law is being exploited by political powers wishing to anchor their authority in religious legitimacy. Nonetheless, encouraging signs of change are evident in the forward-thinking jurisprudence of certain jurisdictions.

Constitution internationale et droits de l'Homme / International Constitution and Human Rights

Callejon, Lucille 25 November 2013 (has links)
La terminologie constitutionnelle se développe largement au-delà de la sphère étatique. Le constitutionnalisme européen témoigne clairement de ce phénomène, qui se trouve être en lien étroit avec la protection des droits de l’Homme. Pour autant, ce détachement du lien entre « Constitution » et « Etat » autorise-t-il à penser une Constitution internationale ? Dans l’affirmative, quels sont les liens entre cette Constitution internationale et les droits de l’homme ? L’hypothèse retenue est que, non seulement il existe une Constitution internationale, mais que les droits de l’homme n’en sont pas seulement un objet : s’ils sont saisis par la Constitution internationale, celle-ci est également saisie par le droit des droits de l’Homme. Dès lors, les droits de l’Homme modifient la Constitution internationale dans ses deux principales composantes. D’une part, en influant sur l’agencement des compétences à l’échelle internationale. Si le principe de souveraineté n’est pas remis en cause en tant que tel, c’est bien son caractère absolu qui est affaibli, et la place de l’Etat qui est redéfinie. D’autre part, les droits de l’Homme engagent une nouvelle vision du Bien commun de l’Humanité, à travers laquelle l’environnement figure comme élément clé. / Constitutional terminology has developed far beyond States’ remit. European constitutionalism exemplifies this phenomenon, which is closely linked to the protection of human rights. However, does this loosened tie between the“Constitution” and the “State” allow us to conceive an international Constitution ? If so, what kind of ties exist between this international Constitution and human rights ? We argue that such a Constitution does exist and human rights are not just one of its subjects : they are enshrined in the international Constitution – they have a constitutional value as well as a constitutional remit. Thus human rights transform the international Constitution in two key ways. On the one hand, they alter the organisation of competencies at the international level. Although the sovereignty principle is not questioned as such, its absolute character is altered and the State’s place re-defined. On the other hand, human rights have also substantial consequences in that they are at the core of a superior project in which the environment is a key element of what should be called the “Common Good of Humanity”.

La participation du citoyen vietnamien à la vie politique / The participation of Vietnamese citizens in political life

Ngô, Văn Thìn 08 April 2014 (has links)
Dans une société démocratique, il faut que la relation entre l’État et ses citoyens soit égale, et que laparticipation du citoyen à la vie politique soit envisagée non seulement comme le critère d’évaluationdu niveau de démocratie d’un pays, mais encore comme la condition de légitimité du pouvoir desgouvernants. En bref, dans un État de droit, le peuple doit être le centre et l’origine des pouvoirspublics. Les organes essentiels de l’appareil d’État doivent être, directement ou indirectement,désignés par le peuple. Les problèmes les plus importants du pays doivent être consultés par le peuple,avant la prise de décisions définitives par l’autorité. Le droit de vote, d’éligibilité et le droit departicipation aux consultations populaires sont des droits politiques fondamentaux du citoyen. Enréalité, pour différents motifs, la mise en oeuvre de ces droits n’est pas respectée dans plusieurs pays.Comment ces droits sont-ils exercés et garantis au Vietnam ? Quelles sont les solutions appropriées àrenforcer pour une meilleure garantie de ces droits est donc le thème de notre étude qui répondra à unesérie de questions : la participation du citoyen vietnamien à la vie politique est un droit acquis ou droitdonné ? Dans quelles circonstances et pourquoi y participe-t-il ? Quelles sont les restrictions envers saparticipation ? Les cadres juridiques sont-ils suffisants pour sa participation ? Quelles sont lesinfluences issues de sa participation sur le Parti communiste toujours au pouvoir ? Que faut-ilentreprendre pour faciliter et garantir une vraie participation du citoyen dans l’avenir ? La pratique dela démocratie directe et la tendance du renforcement de la démocratie locale vers un État de droit sontilscompatibles avec le régime moniste ? Une participation active du citoyen à la vie politique dansl’avenir contribue-t-elle à changer en quelque sorte son statut actuel dans sa relation avec l’État ?...etc.Nous donnerons au lecteur les réponses adéquates à ces questions, pour qu’il puisse mieuxcomprendre le statut du citoyen au Vietnam dans les différentes périodes de l’histoire. / In a democratic society, it is necessary that the relationship between the State and its citizens is equal.Citizen participation in political life should be considered not only as the criterion for assessing thelevel of a country's democracy, but also as the condition of the legitimacy of the power of rulers. Inshort, in the rule of law, the people must be the center; the origin of government. Vital organs of theState apparatus must be directly or indirectly appointed by the people. The most important problems ofthe country must be consulted by the people before the authorities make any final decisions. The rightto vote, eligibility and the right to participate in popular consultations are the basic political rights ofcitizens. But in reality, for various reasons, these rights are not respected in many countries. How theserights are they exercised and guaranteed to Vietnam, what are the appropriate solutions to strengthenfor a better guarantee of these rights is the theme of our thesis, which answers a series of questions: Isthe participation of a Vietnamese citizen’s political life an acquired right or a given right? Under whatcircumstances does a citizen participate? What are the restrictions to a citizen’s participation? Are thelegal frameworks adequate to encourage participation? What are the influences from its participationin the Communist Party in power? In the current context, what should be done to facilitate and ensuregenuine participation of citizens in the future? Are the practice of direct democracy and the tendencyof strengthening grassroots democracy enough to build a rule of law that is compatible with the Party-State system? Active participation of citizen in political life in the future could help to change hiscurrent status in the relationship with the State? We hope to give the reader adequate answers to thesequestions, so they may better understand the status of Vietnamese citizen throughout different periodsof history.

A constitucionaliza??o da solu??o pac?fica de conflitos na ordem jur?dica de 1988

Lucena Filho, Humberto Lima de 12 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HumbertoLLF_DISSERT.pdf: 1093833 bytes, checksum: 064965fb9cf18de70b5382ae2a3f273c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-12 / In the Brazilian legal context, conflict resolution is studied and analyzed over a majority jurisdictional view, which is one of the reasons of litigation culture that creates a jurisdictional resolution hopeness. The practical impact of such reality is the loss of quality in the public service of the judicial function, moved, as a rule, by the overcrowdings, slowness of legal procedures and the relegation of peaceful resolution methods to peripheral plan. However, the Federal Constitution of 1988, following the Ordinary Law constitutionalization phenomenon provides specific guidance about the values towards the litigation resolution. The study, therefore, aims to approach the constitutionalization of conflict resolution in order to identify, through scientific and spiritual interpretation in conjunction with the systematic paradigm, what are these values, as well as operation and legal representation and practice of these measurements. In this sense, the thesis is to study the initial point of the analysis of conflict theories and explanations about the culture of litigation matched with concepts of creation and interpretation, constitutionalization, access to justice and social pacification public policies. It is used for this purpose, the logical-deductive method with the aid of the dialectic immanent in Law / No contexto jur?dico brasileiro, a solu??o de conflitos ? estudada e analisada sob uma ?tica majorit?ria de judicialidade, raz?o pela qual se constata uma cultura demandista, cuja esperan?a resolutiva reside essencialmente nos provimentos jurisdicionais. A repercuss?o pr?tica de tal realidade ? a perda de qualidade no servi?o p?blico prestado pela fun??o judicial do Estado, impulsionada, em regra, pelo abarrotamento do Poder Judici?rio, morosidade dos procedimentos e relega??o de pr?ticas pac?ficas de resolu??o de controv?rsias a um plano perif?rico. Por?m, a Constitui??o Federal de 1988, seguindo o fen?meno constitucionalizador do direito ordin?rio, prev? orienta??es espec?ficas no que tange aos valores informadores da solu??o de lit?gios. Tem, portanto, o presente trabalho o escopo de abordar a constitucionaliza??o da solu??o pac?fica de conflitos no sentido de identificar, por interm?dio da interpreta??o cient?fico-espiritual em conjunto com o paradigma sistem?tico, quais s?o tais valores, bem como a operacionaliza??o e representa??o jur?dico-pr?tica dessas aferi??es. Nesse sentido, a disserta??o tem como ponto de estudo inicial a an?lise das teorias do conflito e esclarecimentos acerca da cultura da litig?ncia compatibilizados com conceitos de constitui??o e interpreta??o, constitucionaliza??o, acesso ? justi?a e pol?ticas p?blicas de pacifica??o social. Utiliza-se, para tal fim, o m?todo l?gico-dedutivo com o aux?lio da dial?tica imanente ? Ci?ncia Jur?dica

Emergence, Evolution and Consolidation of Labor Law / Surgimiento, evolución y consolidación del Derecho del Trabajo

Boza Pro, Guillermo 25 September 2017 (has links)
Labor Law arose from the need to provide protection  to  the  objectively weak part of the employment relationship: The  worker. However, how did Labor Law originated and inwhich way did it acquire its protective nature? In this article, the author presents a comprehensive history of the origins of Labor Law, the various stages it went through and even its arrival to Peru, as well as the challenges it currently faces. / El Derecho del Trabajo surge ante la necesidad de brindar protección a la parte objetivamente débil de la relación laboral: El trabajador. Sin embargo, ¿cómo se originó el Derecho del Trabajo y de qué forma adquirió su carácter protector? En el presente artículo, el autor nos presentauna completa historia sobre los orígenes del Derecho del Trabajo, las diversas etapas por las cuales tuvo que transitar e incluso su llegada al Perú, así como los retos que enfrenta actualmente.

Duração razoável da investigação criminal: uma garantia fundamental do investigado

Nunes, Marcelo Alves 10 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-12T17:43:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Alves Nunes.pdf: 983327 bytes, checksum: 867fe7eac9d8f63ba9c7a5163a2f0fbd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-12T17:43:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Alves Nunes.pdf: 983327 bytes, checksum: 867fe7eac9d8f63ba9c7a5163a2f0fbd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-10 / The proposition of constitutional guarantees in the criminal investigation stage is undoubtedly a significant progress in building a more ethical and fairer criminal case, consistent with republican values embodied in the Constitution of 1988. Thus, as an Estate institution, the Judicial Police has been ideologically remodeled, assuming a more guaranteed conformation in this constitutionalist era of law. This is because, in the early stage of the police investigation, the investigated might suffer serious restrictions on their nuclear legal heritage, as an example of dignity, freedom, intimacy and equity. Indeed, the choice of the legislature by the rule of non-term research officer [not only] demands immediate review, since the lack of regulatory control over the investigative acts fosters abuse of the Estate-police rather than expensive state values of the human person. As a reaction, the guarantee of reasonable duration of administrative procedures, constitutionally erected a fundamental right by EC 45/2004 (CF, art. 5th, inc. LXXVIII), points to the urgent need for critical revisiting of the criminal investigation, taken as a whole, since the delay in the completion of the procedure exacerbates feelings of distress and unfairly stigmatizes the investigated person, on whom an anticipated punishment, that cannot be confirmed by the State court, in a subsequent procedural step of the persecution criminis. Using the timing of the criminal investigation as its centerpiece, this study was initiated, from elementary concepts, positive legislation (ordinary and constitutional), the case law, the phenomenon of constitutionalization of law and specialized doctrine. In the exploration of the object of knowledge, related juridical aspects of sensitive relevance to the subject have not been left aside, especially the unintended consequences of investigation for the penal action, the possible defenses of the subject of prosecution, and the liability of the State and its agents, complementing and enriching excessively theoretical arguments submitted to reflection. / A proposição de garantias constitucionais na fase de investigação criminal constitui, sem dúvida, significativo avanço na construção de um processo penal mais ético e justo, consentâneo com os valores republicanos materializados na Constituição Federal de 1988. E assim, como instituição de Estado, a Polícia Judiciária vem sendo ideologicamente remodelada, assumindo conformação mais garantista nesta era constitucionalista do direito. Isso porque, na prematura fase do inquérito policial, é possível o investigado sofrer sérias restrições em seu patrimônio jurídico nuclear, com afetação de sua dignidade, liberdade, intimidade e patrimônio. Com efeito, a opção do legislador pela regra do não-prazo em matéria de investigação policial [e não só] reclama imediata revisão, vez que a ausência de controle normativo sobre os atos investigatórios fomenta abuso do Estado-polícia em detrimento de caros valores da pessoa humana. Como reação, a garantia da duração razoável dos procedimentos administrativos, constitucionalmente erigida à categoria de direito fundamental pela EC n. 45/2004 (CF, art. 5º, inc. LXXVIII), aponta a premente necessidade de revisitação crítica da investigação criminal, considerada em seu conjunto, posto que a demora na conclusão do procedimento agrava o sentimento de angústia e estigmatiza injustamente a pessoa investigada, a quem é infligida antecipadamente uma pena que poderá não ser confirmada pelo Estado-juiz, em etapa subsequente da persecutio criminis. Tomada a tempestividade da investigação criminal como eixo central, foi desenvolvido o presente estudo acadêmico, a partir de conceitos elementares, da legislação positivada (ordinária e constitucional), da jurisprudência, do fenômeno da constitucionalização do direito e da doutrina especializada. Na exploração do objeto de conhecimento, não foram olvidados aspectos jurídicos correlatos, de sensível relevância para o assunto, notadamente as consequências da investigação intempestiva para a ação penal, as possíveis defesas do sujeito da persecução, e a responsabilidade civil do Estado e de seus agentes, complementando e enriquecendo sobremaneira os argumentos teóricos submetidos à reflexão.

Direitos de personalidade e transexualidade: a promoção da dignidade da pessoa humana em uma perspectiva plural

Scheibe, Elisa 31 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:20:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 31 / Nenhuma / A partir do advento da Constituição de 1988 há uma reformulação do papel da pessoa, que passa a ocupar o centro do sistema. Esse movimento teve conseqüências que se alastraram por todo o sistema jurídico. Neste contexto, os transexuais, pessoas que não se identificam com seu sexo biológico, necessitam encontrar o seu lugar. Para tanto, é necessário compreender que o que se relaciona ao sexo e a sexualidade não pode ser reduzido a uma simplificada visão biológica. Entretanto, socialmente, quem não se enquadra no binômio masculino/feminino está fadado à rejeição, à discriminação, à exclusão, paradoxalmente contrário à diversidade sexual existente. Em uma sociedade que insiste em apostas duais, nas quais prevalece o preconceito e, conseqüentemente, a exclusão social, reconhecer a pluralidade e a diversidade é condição indispensável para a promoção da dignidade. A cirurgia e a possibilidade de retificação de registro são caminhos na busca pelo reconhecimento dessa dignidade. O princípio da dignidade da pessoa hum / Since the advent of the Constitution of 1988, there has been a reformulation of the role of the person, who starts to occupy the center of the system. This movement had consequences which spread out through the entire juridical system. In this context, the transsexuals, people who do not identify with their own biological sex, need to find their space, and in order to do so, it is necessary to understand that what is related to sex and sexuality cannot be reduced to a simplified biological view. However, socially, who does not fit in with the binomial male/female is predestined to rejection, discrimination, exclusion, which is paradoxically contrary to the existing sexual diversity. In a society that insists on dual bets, in which prevails prejudice and consequently social exclusion, recognizing plurality and diversity is the indispensable condition to promote dignity. Surgery and the possibility of sex reassignment are ways to the recognition of this dignity. The principle of human dignity constitutes a valu

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