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Generation and interfacing of single-photon light with matter and control of ultrafast atomic dynamics for quantum information processing

We develop a robust and realistic mechanism for the generation of indistinguishable single-photon (SP) pulses with identical frequency and polarization. They are produced on demand from a coupled double-Raman atom-cavity system driven by a sequence of laser pump pulses. This scheme features a high efficiency, the ability to produce a sequence of narrow-band SP pulses with a delay determined only by the pump repetition rate, and simplicity of the system free from complications such as repumping process and environmental dephasing. We propose and analyze a simple scheme of parametric frequency conversion for optical quantum information in cold atomic ensembles. Its remarkable properties are minimal losses and distortion of the pulse shape, and the persistence of quantum coherence and entanglement. Efficient conversion of frequency between different spectral regions is shown. A method for the generation of frequency-entangled single photon states is discussed. We suggest a robust and simple mechanism for the coherent excitation of molecules or atoms to a superposition of pre-selected states by a train of femtosecond laser pulses, combined with narrow-band coupling field. The theory of quantum beatings in the generation of ultra-violet radiation via a four wave mixing in pump-probe experiments is developed. The results are in good agreement with experimental data observed in Rb vapor when the laser phase fluctuations are significant.
Date11 October 2010
CreatorsGogyan, Anahit
PublisherUniversité de Bourgogne
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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