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Rationale of the beehive model of organisational renewal for entrenching change and high performance

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Beehive Model (Figure 1.1) of organisational renewal is a theoretical model and
analytical tool, in a honeycomb formation as developed by Nel (2001), which is used
to obtain a 'snapshot' of organisational compliance with the application of either best
or poor practices associated with seven individual workplace practices within the
contemporary economic climate. Each of the seven workplace practices has eight
pairs of indicators, in a questionnaire format (Appendix A), used to obtain the
'snapshot' of how an evaluated organisation/department/business unit performs
regarding the application of either poor or best practices. The workplace practices,
namely Strategy, Change Leadership, Stakeholder Commitment, Pay and Incentives,
Talent Creation, Business Disciplines, and Structures, are suggested to be strongly
related to and critical for entrenching change and high performance in organisations
if best practices are applied correctly as driven by strategy. It is suggested that the
application of poor practices within the organisational environment is likely to result in
inertia and poor performance.
The study project endeavour to determine the rationale behind the Beehive Model of
organisational renewal for the entrenchment of change and high performance in
organisational culture, as justified by recent academic literature, using a literature
review as research design. The correlation of entrenched change and high
performance with the application of best practices, and entrenched organisational
inertia and poor performance with the application of poor practices, is in both cases
assumed to be positive and no attempt is made to empirically test the correlations
within this study project. The Beehive Model and the literature reveal a synthesised environment that culturally
and structurally integrates workplace practices and questionnaire indicators,
reinforcing and causing high performance, and endeavouring to create and explain
the following scenario: All employees are enabled and empowered to achieve their
maximum capability and potential through formal and informal workplace practices
and processes that are integrated throughout the organisation and structured in such
a way that makes them clear and simple to understand and easy to use, channels
information flow purposefully, encourages and forces active information flow, and
delivers relevant and useful information within specific contexts as underpinned by
competent employees that are actively involved in the design, implementation, usage
and ongoing adjustment of the workplace practices. This encourages contextual
business understanding, and commitment to and participation in performance enhancing
problem solving through effort that is aligned with strategy.
The findings suggest that the Beehive Model's structure and purpose and the
associated questionnaire indicators are soundly supported by recent academic theory
as well as the limited available empirical research on related topics. It is therefore
possible to conclude with a reasonably high level of confidence, as viewed against
the backdrop of trends in the literature, that high compliance with the correct and
holistic application of best practice, as associated with the seven workplace practices'
indicators, is likely to result in the entrenchment of change and high performance
within an organisation's culture. The literature reviewed also strongly suggests the
industry independence of the effective application of the Beehive Model's
questionnaire indicators. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die 'Beehive'-model (Figure 1.1) van organisatoriese vernuwing is 'n teoretiese
model en analitiese werktuig, in 'n heuningkoekformaat soos ontwerp deur Nel
(2001), wat gebruik word om 'n 'kiekie' te verkry van organisatoriese nakoming ten
opsigte van die toepassing van goeie of slegte praktyke binne die kontemporêre
ekonomiese klimaat. Elkeen van die sewe werkplekpraktyke het agt pare aanwysers,
in 'n vraelysformaat (Aanhangsel A), wat gebruik word om die 'kiekie' te verkry van
hoe die geëvalueerde organisasie/afdeling/besigheidseenheid presteer ten opsigte
van die toepassing van óf slegte óf goeie praktyke. Daar word te kenne gegee dat
die werkplekpraktyke, naamlik Strategie, Veranderingsleierskap, Verbintenis van
belanghebbendes, Vergoeding en Aansporing, Talentskepping, Besigheidsdissiplines
en Strukture, sterk in verband staan met en kritiek is vir die vaslegging van
verandering en hoë prestasie binne organisasies indien goeie praktyke korrek
toegepas word soos gedryf deur strategie. Daar word te kenne gegee dat die
toepassing van slegte praktyke binne die organisasie-omgewing waarskynlik
traagheid en swak prestasie tot gevolg sal hê.
Die studieprojek poog om die rasionaal van die 'Beehive'-model van
organisasievernuwing vir die vaslegging van verandering en hoë prestasie in die
organisasiekultuur te bepaal soos geregverdig deur onlangse akademiese literatuur
deur die gebruikmaking van 'n literatuuroorsig as navorsingsontwerp. Daar word
aangeneem dat die korrelasie van vasgelegde verandering en hoë prestasie met die
toepassing van goeie praktyke, en vasgelegde organisasietraagheid en swak
prestasie met die toepassing van swak praktyke in beide gevalle positief is en geen poging word aangewend om die korrelasies empiries te toets as deel van hierdie
studieprojek nie.
Die 'Beehive'-model en literatuuroorsig toon 'n saamgevoegde omgewing wat
kultureel en struktureel die werkplekpraktyke en vraelysaanwysers integreer en
daardeur hoë prestasie versterk en veroorsaak, en wat poog om die volgende
scenario te skep en te verduidelik: Alle werknemers word in staat gestel (bekwaam)
en bemagtig om hul volle vermoë en potensiaal te bereik deur formele en informele
werkplekpraktyke en prosesse wat regdeur die organisasie geïntegreer is en wat
duidelik en eenvoudig gestruktureer is om dit maklik te maak om te verstaan en te
gebruik, informasievloei doelgerig te kanaliseer, aktiewe inligtingsvloei aan te moedig
en te forseer, en wat toepaslike en nuttige inligting binne bepaalde verband lewer
soos ondersteun deur bekwame werknemers wat aktief betrokke is by die ontwerp,
implementering, gebruik en deurlopende aanpassing van die werkplekpraktyke. Dit
moedig die kontekstuele begrip van die besigheid, asook verbintenis tot en deelname
aan prestasieverhogende probleemoplossing aan deur inspanning wat strategiegerig
Die bevindings dui daarop dat die 'Beehive'-model se struktuur en doel en die
gepaardgaande vraelysaanwysers sterk ondersteun word deur onlangse akademiese
teorie asook beperkte beskikbare empiriese navorsing ten opsigte van verwante
onderwerpe. Daarom is dit moontlik om met 'n redelike hoë mate van vertroue tot die
gevolgtrekking te kom, soos gesien teen die agtergrond van tendense in die
literatuur, dat 'n hoë mate van nakoming van die korrekte en holistiese toepassing
van goeie praktyke, soos geassosieer met die sewe werkplekpraktykaanwysers, waarskynlik sal lei tot die vaslegging van verandering en hoë prestasie in die kultuur
van 'n organisasie. Die literatuuroorsig dui ook redelik sterk op die
begryfsonafhanklikheid van die doeltreffende toepassing van die "Beehive'-
Date03 1900
CreatorsBouwer, Ernst Jooste
ContributorsDenton, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format443 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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