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Should I stay or should I go : Zimbabwes white writing, 1980 to 2011

Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis finds its epistemological basis in two related motives: the re-conceptualisation of white
writing in Zimbabwe as a sub-category of Zimbabwean literature, and the recognition of white
narratives as necessarily dialogic. The first motive follows the realization that writing by
Zimbabwean whites is systematically marginalized from “mainstream” Zimbabwean literature
owing to its perceived irrelevance to the postcolonial Zimbabwean nation. Through an application of
Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory, this thesis argues for a recognition of white writing as a literary
sub-system existing in relation to other literary and non-literary systems in Zimbabwe’s polysystem
of culture. As its second motive, the thesis also calls for a critical approach to white Zimbabwean
narratives built on the understanding that the study of literature can no longer be left to monologic
approaches alone. Rather, white narratives should be considered as multiple and hence amenable to
a multiplicity of approaches that recognize dialogue as an essential aspect of all narratives. The
thesis attempts, by closely reading nine white-authored narratives in Zimbabwe, to demonstrate that
white Zimbabwean literature is characterized by multiplicity, simultaneity and instability; these are
tropes developed from Bakhtin’s understanding of utterances as characterized by a minimum of two
voices. To consider white writing in Zimbabwe as a multiplicity is to call forth its numerous
dimensions and breadth of perceptions. Simultaneity posits the need to understand
opposites/conflicts as capable of existing side by side without necessarily dissolving into unity.
Instability captures the several movements and destabilizations that affect writers, characters and the
literary system. These three tropes enable a re-reading of white Zimbabwean narratives as complex
and multi-nuanced. Such characteristics of the literary system are seen to reflect on the experiences
of “whiteness” in postcolonial Zimbabwe. The white narratives selected for examination in this
thesis therefore exhibit crises of belonging that reflect the dialogic nature of existence. In sum, this
thesis is meant as a dialogue, culminating in the proposition that calls for a decentred and
redemptive literary experience. / AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis vestig sy epistemologiese basis in twee verwante motiewe: die herkonseptualisering
van skryfwerk deur wit skrywers in Zimbabwe as ’n sub-kategorie van Zimbabwiese letterkunde, en
die erkenning van wit narratiewe as onontkombaar dialogies in aard en wese. Die eerste motief volg
die argument dat die skryfwerke van wit Zimbabwieërs stelselmatig gemarginaliseer is uit
“hoofstroom” Zimbabwiese literatuur, as gevolg van dié skryfwerke se beweerde irrelevansie tot die
koloniale Zimbabwiese nasie-staat. Deur Even-Zohar se polisisteem teorie toe te pas, pleit hierdie
tesis vir die erkenning van letterkunde deur wit skrywers as ’n literêre sub-stelsel wat bestaan in
verhouding tot ander literêre en nie-literêre sisteme in Zimbabwe se polisisteem van kultuur. As sy
tweede motief, vra die tesis ook vir ’n kritiese benadering tot wit Zimbabwiese narratiewe, gebou op
die verstandhouding dat die studie van letterkunde nie meer suiwer aan monologies benaderings
oorgelewer behoort te word nie. Inteendeel, wit narratiewe moet as veelsydig beskou word, en dus
vatbaar vir ’n verskeidenheid benaderings wat dialoog as ’n noodsaaklike aspek van alle verhale
erken en verken. Deur nege wit outeurs se verhale in Zimbabwe noukeurig te lees, dui hierdie tesis
aan dat wit Zimbabwiese literatuur gekenmerk word deur veelvuldigheid, gelyktydigheid en
onstabiliteit; hieride is teoretiese konsepte wat ontleen is aan Bakhtin se begrip van uitsprake
(“utterances”) as bestaande uit ’n minimum van twee stemme. Om wit lettere in Zimbabwe as
veelvuldig te verklaar is om die talle dimensies en breedtes van persepsie in letterkundige korpus te
erken. Gelyktydig postuleer die tesis die moontlikheid dat teenoorgesteldes/konflikte langs mekaar
kan en móét bestaan, sonder om noodwendig in ’n eenheid te ontaard. Onstabiliteit, soos dit hier
verstaan word, omvat die verskillende bewegings en ontstuimige roeringe wat skrywers, karakters
en die literêre sisteem beïnvloed. Hierdie drie konsepte laat ’n herlees van wit Zimbabwiese verhale
toe wat as kompleks en multi-genuanseerd bestempel kan word. Sulke kenmerke van die literêre
sisteem moet in ag geneem word om die ervaring van “witheid” in post-koloniale Zimbabwe
effektief uit te beeld. Die wit verhale wat gekies is vir herlees in hierdie tesis beeld dus krisisse van
bestaan uit wat die dialogiese aard van die menslike bestaan omvat. Ter afsluiting is hierdie tesis bedoel as ’n dialoog wat kulmineer in ’n oproep vir gedensentraliseerde en verlossende ervarings
van die letterkunde in sy geheel.
Date12 1900
CreatorsTagwirei, Cuthbeth
ContributorsDe Kock, Leon, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of English.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format217 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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