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The motivations behind brand choice in the older segment in the Western Cape, South Africa

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mature market is increasing, and has been identified as the fastest growing demographic segment globally. Throughout the world, and even more so in the developing countries, the decline in fertility rates and in the increasing life expectancy rates, means that the proportion of people aged 60 years or older will reach two billion by 2050. In South Africa, one in ten people will be over 65 years old by 2025.The result of the growing ageing population has both social and economic implications and effects businesses, communities, families and individuals: everyone is affected.
This market has, however, been neglected by marketers for years, and their needs are therefore increasingly unmet. They are stereotyped as isolated and grumpy, and are generally under-researched, yet they have increasing wealth and are willing to pay premiums. Some research into this market has been conducted in Japan, Europe and the United Kingdom, but no study of this nature in South Africa currently exists.
This study seeks to identify the relevance of this market in the Western Cape, South Africa by studying their motivations behind brand choice. The six fast moving consumer goods categories, which were studied are: dishwashing liquid; laundry powder; bar soap; toothpaste; instant coffee and tea. These items were chosen specifically to be gender-neutral and relevant to the South African market.
The study was conducted through face-to-face, shopper intercept, survey questionnaires, which consisted of a five-point Likert Scale and categorical questions. The total sample size was 184 respondents, and represents the ethnic composition of the Western Cape.
The results of this study reveal that the ageing population purchase household items, such as dishwashing liquid and laundry powder according to quality and product performance. Furthermore, they purchase personal care items such as soap and toothpaste according to brand loyalty or preference, and not price. Lastly, beverages are bought on brand loyalty and quality. Therefore, price is not the main motivation criteria for the ageing consumer for these specific items. Furthermore, the mature market seldom displays interest in promotion, packaging or availability of items.
The secondary results delve into the findings per age group and demographic group. A secondary finding of importance is that the older mature consumer, 80-plus, purchase primarily on price, and seldom on brand loyalty, thus the younger mature market tend to display higher brand loyalty purchasing behaviour. Finally, the African ageing consumer cite price more often as a motivational factor, than other ethnic groups, with the exception of coffee purchasing in which the White demographic is more price conscious.
This study concludes with recommendations for organisations going forward to capture the mature markets as well as possible future research into the ageing demographic group. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volwasse mark is voortdurend aan die toeneem en word geidentifiseer as die vinnigste groeiende demografiese segment globaal. Wêreldwyd, veral in ontwikkelende lande is daar 'n afname in aanwas en 'n toename in lewensvewagting. Dit het tot die gevolg dat die aantal mense 60 jaar en ouer, teen die jaar 2050 'n getal van twee biljoen sal bereik. In Suid Afrika sal een uit elke tien mense teen die jaar 2025 ouer as 65 jaar wees. Hierdie groeiende ouer populasie het beide sosiale en ekonomiese implikasies en affekteer besighede, gemeenskappe, gesinne en individue; dus word almal daardeur geraak. Ten spyte van die feite word hierdie mark egter al jare deur bemarkers afgeskeep en hulle markbehoeftes bly toenemend onvervuld. Hierdie groep word gestereotipeer as afgesonderd en nors en ten spyte van die feit dat die groep 'n toenemende aanwas toon en gewillig is om premies te betaal, word daar oor die algemeen min navorsing oor hulle gedoen. Daar is wel studies oor die ouderdomsgroep in Japan, Europa en die Verenigde Koninkryk beskikbaar, maar daar is huidiglik geen navorsing van die aard beskikbaar in Suid-Afrika nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die relevansie van hierdie mark in die Weskaap te identifiseer deur vas te stel wat die groep motiveer in terme van handelsnaam keuse. Die studie fokus op die volgende ses vinnig bewegende verbruikersgoedere: skottegoedwaspeep, stafie seep, tandepaste en kitskoffie-en tee. Hierdie items is spesifiek gekies omrede hulle nie geslagsspesifiek is nie en omrede die produkte relevant is tot die Suid-Afrikaanse mark. Die studie is geloods deur klante in die winkel te nader en dan persoonlike onderhoude te voer waartydens 'n vraelys, wat uit 'n vyf-punt Likert-skaal en kategoriese vrae bestaan, te voltooi. Die proefstukgrootte bestaan uit 184 respondente en het die totale etniese samestelling van die Weskaap ingesluit. Die resultaat van die studie het onthul dat die ouer bevolking huishoudelike items soos opwasmiddel en waspoeier aankoop vir kwaliteit en doeltreffendheid van die produk. Produkte vir persoonlike versorging, soos seep en tandepasta word aangekoop na gelang van handelsnaam en nie prys nie. By die aankope van tee en kitskoffie, blyk handelsnaam-lojaliteit en kwaliteit die belangrikste oorwegings te wees. Prys blyk dus nie die hoof motiveringskriteria vir die ouer verbruiker van hierdie spesifieke items te wees nie. Verder demonstreer die ouer mark selde 'n belangstelling in promosies, verpakking of die beskikbaarheid van items. Die sekondêre resultate fokus op bevindinge per ouderdom en demografiese groepering. 'n Sekondêre bevinding van belang is dat die ouer volwasse verbuiker, 80 plus, primêr aankope doen gebasseer op prys en selde op handelsnaam lojalitiet. Die jonger volwasse mark neig egter om 'n hoër handelsnaam lojaliteit te toon in hul aankope. Laastens dui die studie daarop dat vir die ouer Swart verbruiker, prys meer dikwels 'n motiverende factor is, as vir enige ander etniese groep. Die uitsondering is koffie-aankope, waar Blanke verbruikers meer prysbewus is. Die studie sluit af met aanbevelings vir organisasies om die ouer mark so goed as moontlik in die toekoms te begryp asook moontlike toekomstige studies in terme van die ouer volwasse demografiese groep.
Date12 1900
CreatorsLaubser, Leonore
ContributorsTerblanche‒Smit, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxiii, 134 p. : col. ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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