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Assessing company strength in South Africa using value added : 1990 - 2000

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The publication of the Value Added Statement should be seen as an attempt to
introduce financial results to all the stakeholders of an organisation that aided in its
wealth creation process. However, the current practice to present Value Added
Statements in a variety of ways is not conducive to financial analysis and users of the
information find it difficult to compare company results.
The information on the Value Added Statement provides useful knowledge of the
contribution of employees and fixed assets, the relative relationship of dependency
and control between the organisation and its suppliers and the long-term
requirements of the organisation to meet market demands.
This study project aims to determine if value added-based ratio analysis could be
used to measure company strength and be useful as a tool in corporate strategy
formulation. The areas of investigation included productivity of production factors,
reinvestment in capital and overall business control.
The measures used to determine productivity also provided insight into the capital
and labour intensity of companies and sectors. The model that was developed in this
section indicates how companies differ in terms of their intensity and how productive
their production factors are. It was found that although some companies were able to
exert high value added to sales ratios, they did not perform as well when their
productivity levels were measured. This is an indication that an imbalance exists between the current production factor proportions and management should try to find
the optimal solution for increased productivity.
The search for the optimal point between labour and fixed assets could convince
management to reduce employee numbers or fixed assets to increase their
productivity ratios. This is not a favoured approach as companies are dependent on
their production factors for continuous growth and prosperity. The aim is to
determine if companies have the means to invest in their production factors to
increase their levels of productivity. Reinvestment in capital refers to fixed assets, as
well as investment in training and development of current employee skills. The
investigation revealed that many companies have the ability to reinvest, while others
appear to be in a less favourable position.
The last section was an attempt to measure the overall business control of
companies when their margins on sales and value added were compared. These
ratios provided insight into the ability of companies to add value through their own
production skills or by command of lucrative contracts with suppliers. Those
companies that are able to show high values on both ratios are said to display a high
degree of overall business control.
In conclusion it was found that value added-based ratio analysis could be used to
identify problem areas in corporate strategy. Management's reaction to those areas
and their continuous drive to improve value creation in the organisation would
eventually lead to increased national wealth creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die publikasie van die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde moet gesien word as 'n
poging om finansiële resultate aan alle belanghebbendes van 'n organisasie, wat
bygedra het tot die proses van welvaartskepping, aan te bied. Die huidige praktyk
om die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde op verskeie maniere aan te bied is egter nie
bevorderlik vir finansiële analise nie en gebruikers van die inligting vind dit moeilik om
maatskappy resultate te vergelyk.
Die inligting op die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde verskaf waardevolle kennis oor
die bydrae van werknemers en vaste bates, die relatiewe verhouding van
afhanklikheid en beheer tussen die organisasie en sy verskaffers en die langtermyn
behoeftes van die organisasie om aan markverwagtinge te voldoen.
Hierdie studieprojek poog om vas te stel of toegevoegde waarde gebaseerde
verhoudingsanalise gebruik kan word om maatskappyvermoë te bepaal en of dit 'n
nuttige instrument in korporatiewe strategieformulering kan wees. Die areas van
ondersoek het die produktiwiteit van produksiefaktore, herinvestering in kapitaal en
algehele besigheidsbeheer ingesluit.
Die maatstawwe wat gebruik is om produktiwiteit te bepaal het ook insig gegee oor
die kapitaal- en arbeidsintensiteit van maatskappye en sektore. Die model wat
ontwikkel is in hierdie afdeling wys hoe maatskappye verskil in terme van hul
intensiteit en hoe produktief hul produksiefaktore is. Dit is gevind dat, alhoewel
sommige maatskappye in staat was om hoë waardes vir die toegevoegde waarde tot verkope verhouding te openbaar, hulle nie so goed gevaar het toe hul produksie
vlakke gemeet is nie. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat 'n wanbalans bestaan tussen die
huidige produksiefaktor verhouding en bestuur moet probeer om 'n optimale
oplossing te vind vir verhoogde produktiwiteit.
Die soeke na die optimale punt tussen arbeid en vaste bates kan bestuur oortuig om
werknemer getalle of vaste bates te verminder ten einde hul
produktiwiteitsverhouding te verbeter. Dit is nie die aangewese benadering nie
aangesien maatskappye afhanklik is van hul produksiefaktore vir volgehoue groei en
welvaart. Die doel is om te bepaal of maatskappye die middele het om te investeer
in hul produksiefaktore ten einde hul vlakke van produksie te verhoog.
Herinvestering in kapitaal verwys na vaste bates, sowel as investering in opleiding en
ontwikkeling van bestaande werknemer vaardighede. Die ondersoek het openbaar
dat baie maatskappye wel oor die vermoë beskik om te herinvesteer, terwyl ander
blyk om in 'n minder gunstige posisie te wees.
Die laaste afdeling was 'n poging om die algehele besigheidsbeheer van
maatskappye te bepaal wanneer die marge op verkope en toegevoegde waarde
vergelyk word. Hierdie verhoudings bied insig oor die vermoë van maatskappye om
waarde toe te voeg deur hul eie produksievaardighede of deur middel van
winsgewende kontrakte met hul verskaffers. Maatskappye wat in staat is om hoë
waardes vir beide verhoudingsgetalle te openbaar word beskou as maatskappye met
'n hoë algehele besigheidsbeheer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsKing, Cecilia
ContributorsHamman, W. D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business .
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format134 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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