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Preval?ncia de oclusopatias e caracter?ticas cefalom?tricas e dentais de escolares cearense da cidade de Fortaleza

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Previous issue date: 2008-08-15 / The people of Cear? state are descended from miscegenation between the Portuguese colonizers and the native population, resulting in a different facial pattern from other populations. It is important that this pattern be thoroughly understood, along with its minimum and maximum values so that they can be assessed and respected, allowing professionals who deal with the craniofacial complex to work more efficiently and scientifically. Aim: To characterize the morphological pattern of individuals from Cear? state, whose father and grandfather are also native from Cear?, in the 10-12 year age group, not submitted to previous orthodontic treatment, in order to determine: 1) the prevalence of occlusal pattern; 2) the prevalence of dental anomalies (DA) and, 3) the skeletal and dental cephalometric characteristics of individuals that present with normal occlusion and harmonious facial pattern. Methodology: A list of 10-12 year-olds was obtained from 515 schools containing 162,713 students (Education Secretariat of Cear? State), from which 234 individuals were examined (107 boys and 157 girls). The assessment criteria adopted were: 1) Angle s Classification System to determine occlusal pattern. The occlusal characteristics were measured through overbite, overjet, crowding and interincisal diastema. 2) DA are anomalies of number, shape, size, eruption and structure and, 3) in the group that presented with normal occlusion, we used cephalometric analysis measures proposed by Downs, Steiner, Tweed, Holdaway, Jacobson and McNamara. Results: 1) 25.8% of the schoolchildren had normal occlusion, 47.5% class I malocclusion, 22.3% class II malocclusion and 4.2% class III malocclusion. No statistically significant difference was found between the age group studied and sex. Thirty percent of the individuals had normal overbite, while 36.7% and 19.7% had increased and reduced overbite, respectively. Normal overjet was found in 33.7% of the individuals, increased overjet in 50% and reduced in 16.3%. Dental crowding was observed in 62.5% of the individuals and the presence of interincisal diastema in 14.8%. 2) The prevalence of DA was 56.1%, 6.8% in the number, 10.8% in shape, 4.1% in size, 34.5% in eruption, 26.4% in structure and 17.4% had more than one DA. No association was found between DA and sex, but DA was significantly associated to malocclusion (p<0.05); 3) there was no association between sex or facial type between the measures of nasal-labial angle, position and effective maxillary length, effective mandibular length and the sagittal relationship between the molars, overjet and overbite, position of upper incisors, lower incisors and between the incisors themselves. There was a difference between sex, on the VERT index and in lower anterior facial height, upper incisor inclination and line-H, between facial types for the occlusal plane angles, mandibular plane, facial axis, lower incisor inclination, mandibular position, upper incisor position, lower anterior facial height, ANB and line-H. It was concluded that: 1) the most prevalent occlusal type was class I malocclusion, with no distinction for sex or age group, and the assessment of occlusal characteristics showed that excessive overbite and overjet were the most predominant findings, along with a high occurrence of tooth crowding; 2) a high prevalence of DA was found, particularly eruption anomalies, not influenced by sex but significantly associated to malocclusion and 3) individuals from Cear? are predominantly brachyfacial, exhibiting a number of similarities inherent to their facial pattern, such as a convex profile, retracted jaw, reduced lower third and protruded lower incisors. This study was multidisciplinary, involving researchers from the areas of epidemiology, radiology and dentistry, thereby meeting the multidisciplinarity requirements of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences / Sabe-se pela hist?ria do Estado do Cear? (Nordeste do Brasil) que a forma??o ?tnica do povo cearense ? oriunda da miscigena??o do portugu?s com o ?ndio, formando um padr?o facial diferente de outras popula??es. ? importante que se conhe?a profundamente este padr?o com seus valores m?nimos e m?ximos para que estes possam ser avaliados e respeitados, permitindo que profissionais que atuam no complexo cr?nio-facial trabalhem mais apropriada e cientificamente. Objetivo: Caracterizar o padr?o morfol?gico do indiv?duo cearense, filho e neto de cearenses, inclu?do na faixa et?ria entre 10 e 12 anos, n?o submetidos a tratamento ortod?ntico pr?vio, com o prop?sito de verificar: 1) a preval?ncia do padr?o oclusal; 2) a preval?ncia de anomalias dent?rias (AD) e, 3) as caracter?sticas cefalom?tricas esquel?ticas e dent?rias dos indiv?duos que apresentaram Oclus?o Normal e padr?o facial harm?nico. Metodologia: A partir de uma lista de crian?as entre 10 e 12 anos obtidas de 515 escolas contendo 162.713 estudantes (Secretaria de Educa??o do Estado do Cear?) foram examinados 234 indiv?duos (107, do g?nero masculino e 157, do g?nero feminino). Como crit?rios de avalia??o adotaram-se: 1) o Sistema de Classifica??o de Angle para determinar o padr?o oclusal. As caracter?sticas oclusais foram medidas atrav?s de overbite, overjet, apinhamento e diastema inter-incisal. 2) as AD constitu?am-se em anomalias de n?mero, forma, tamanho, erup??o e estrutura e, 3) no grupo que apresentava Oclus?o Normal foram utilizadas algumas medidas das an?lises cefalom?tricas de Downs, Steiner, Tweed, Holdaway, Jacobson e McNamara. Resultados: 1) 25.8% dos escolares apresentavam Oclus?o Normal, 47.7%, M? Oclus?o de Classe, 22.3%, M? Oclus?o de Classe II e 4.2%, M? oclus?o de Classe III. N?o foi encontrada diferen?a estatisticamente significante entre a faixa et?ria estudada e g?nero. Trinta por cento dos indiv?duos tinham overbite normal. 36.7% e 19.7% apresentavam overbite aumentado e reduzido, respectivamente. O overjet normal foi encontrado em 33.7% dos indiv?duos, overjet aumentado em 50% e reduzido, em 16.3%. Apinhamento dent?rio foi observado em 62.5% dos indiv?duos e a presen?a de diastema inter-incisal em 14.8%. 2) A preval?ncia de AD foi de 56.1%, sendo 6.8% de n?mero, 10.8% de forma, 4.1% de tamanho, 34.5% de erup??o, 26.4% de estrutura e 17.4% apresentando mais de uma AD. N?o foi encontrada associa??o entre AD e o g?nero, mas as AD estavam significantemente associadas ? M? Oclus?o (p<0.05); 3) n?o houve associa??o entre g?nero ou tipo facial entre as medidas para o ?ngulo naso-labial, posi??o e comprimento efetivo da maxila, comprimento efetivo da mand?bula e rela??o sagital entre os maxilares, para overjet e overbite, posi??o dos incisivos superiores, incisivos inferiores e dos incisivos entre si. Houve diferen?a entre g?neros, no ?ndice Vert e nas medidas AFAi, inclina??o do incisivo superior e H-nariz e, entre os tipos faciais para os ?ngulos do plano oclusal, plano mandibular, do eixo facial, inclina??o do incisivo inferior, posi??o da mand?bula, posi??o do incisivo superior, AFAi, ANB e linha H. Concluiu-se que: 1) o tipo oclusal mais prevalente foi a M? Oclus?o de classe I, sem distin??o de g?nero ou faixa et?ria e, ao se avaliarem as caracter?sticas oclusais, o overbite eo overjet excessivos foram os achados mais predominantes, havendo uma alta ocorr?ncia de apinhamento dent?rio; 2) verificou-se uma alta preval?ncia de AD, particularmente as anomalias de erup??o, n?o sendo a ocorr?ncia de AD influenciada pelo g?nero, por?m estando significantemente associada ? M? Oclus?o e, 3) o indiv?duo cearense ? predominantemente braquifacial, apresentando algumas singularidades inerentes ao seu padr?o facial, como perfil convexo, mand?bula retru?da e incisivos inferiores projetados. A realiza??o deste estudo teve car?ter multidisciplinar, envolvendo pesquisadores das ?reas de epidemiologia, radiologia e ortodontia, preenchendo os requisitos da multidisciplinaridade do Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ci?ncias da Sa?de
Date15 August 2008
CreatorsMartins, Maria da Gl?ria Almeida
ContributorsCPF:50337157472,, Stuani, Maria Bernadete Sasso, CPF:09748635805,, Miguel, Jos? Augusto Mendes, CPF:86707833715,, Guerra, Ricardo Oliveira, CPF:39643069400,, Ferreira, Maria ?ngela Fernandes, CPF:39817270459,, Lima, Kenio Costa de
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias da Sa?de, UFRN, BR, Ci?ncias da Sa?de
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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