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The reuse of process & system knowledge gained during the implementation of projects with the aim of reducing the implementation time and costs of related projects : the DCSA case study

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: At the beginning of 1999, DaimlcrChrysler SA prepated itself for becoming part of the family
ofintcmational plants within DaimlerChrysler AG. To do this, DaimlcrChryslcr SA had to
produce vehicles for the international markets and not just for the local markets. This meant
that they were required to change many processes and systems.
Many processes were aligned with processes used within DaimlerCbrysler AG, while certain
standatd systems like PLUS. which is the shop floor control system, were implemented. A
brand new SAP system was also implemented.
During the implementation of these processes and systems, a documentation methodology
was developed to ensure that the processes and systems implemented in South Africa, could
be reused elsewhere in the world. At the same time, a project implementation methodology
was also developed to ensure that this project and futw:c projects w· document processes and
systems in this manner, while ensuring strict quality control.
This study looked at the above methodologies developed at DaimlerChrysler SA with the aim
of knowledge reuse and the subsequent reduction of cost and project implementation time.
It was found that the process modelling methodology used at DaimlerChrysler SA was
comprehensive. Compared to other process modelling methodologies available in the
literature, the methodology used by Daimlc.tChrysler SA covered most aspects i.e. detailed
organisation structures (e.g. line and staff relationships) and informacion structures (e.g. data
file structures).
Within the DaimlcrChryslcr documentation methodology a strong emphasis is placed on
maintaining the link between the process and system documentation. This link is important
during the system development cycle, as well as for the pmpose of reuse of software.
International plants wanting to use the process and system documentation from
DaimlerChrysler SA as a basis for their implementations could easily follow the
documentation. The documentation flows from a high level process and system concept, to
detail process descriptions, to system specification docwnents, and t \stly program names and
customizing settings required for the use of the system functionality.
It was found that the project implementation methodology used at DalmletChrysler SA was
following conventional project management guidelines, whist ensuring the maintenance of
process and system docwnentation as required by the reuse approach.
DaimletChrysler's reuse approach of process and system knowledge is built on the foundation
of using innovation teams in local organizations together with a team coordinating centralised
rollout. The approach also focuscd on the development of certain modular components that
can be 100% rcused. It was found that interfaces between the DaimletChrysler core systems
were ideally suited for this modular approach.
The International Production Template approach led to significant cost savings. So fat, each
implementation showed an improvement in total project implementation cost and time
compated to the previous implementation. Each implementation was also used as an
opportunity to further itnprove the template by adding functionality and widening the scope.
This study showed conclusive evidence that system and process knowledge can effectively be
reused, resulting in significant cost and time savings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aan die begin van 1999, het DaimlerChrysler SA homself gereed gemaak om deel te vorm van
die familie van intemasionale aanlegte binne DaimlerChrysler AG. Om dit te vermag moes
DaimlerChrysler SA voertuie vir die intemasionale markte produseer:, en nie net vir die
plaaslike markte soos in die verlede nie. Hiervoor moes hulle menige prosesse en stelsels
Verskeie prosesse is in Iyn gebring met prosesse soos gebruik binne DaimlerChrysler AG,
tenvyl sommige standaard stelsels soos PLUS, wat 'n produksie beheer stelsel is,
geimplementeer is. 'n Splintemuwe SAP stelsel is ook geimplementeer.
Gedurende die implementering van hierdie prosesse en stelsels, is 'n dokumentasie metodiek
ontwikkel om te verseker dat prosesse en stelsels wat in Suid Afrika geimplementeer word, in
ander wereld dele hergebruik kan word. Terselfdertyd is 'n projek implementerings metodiek
ontwikkel om te verseker dat bogenoemde en toekomstige projekte, prosesse en stelsels op
hierdie wyse sal dokumenteer terwyl streng kwaliteitsbeheer toegepas word.
Hierdie studie het gefokus op bogenoemde metodieke soos deur DaimlerChrysler SA
ontwikkel, met die doel om kennis en kundigheid te hergebruik, en sodoende koste en tyd te
Die studie het bevind dat die proses modellering metodiek soos deur DaimlerChrysler SA
gebruik, omvattend was. Vergelykende met ander proses modellering metodieke soos in die
Iiteratuur gevind, dek die metodiek soos deur DaimlerChrysler SA gebruik die meeste aspekte
o.a. die fynste besonderhede van organisatoriese strukture en inligting strukture (data).
Die DaimlerCbryslcr dokumentasie metodiek fokus sterk daarop om 'n verbintenis te
bewerkstellig tussen proses en stelsel dokumentasie. Hierdie verbintenis is belangrik tydens die
stelsel se onwikkelings kringloop, asook vir die doel van die hergebruik van die sagteware.
Sodoende kan internasionale aanlegte wat die proses en stelsel dokumentasie wil gebruik as
basis vir hul implementasies, maklik die vloei volg. Die dokumentasie vloei vanaf 'n hoë vlak
proses en stelsel konsep na gedetailleerde proses beskrywings na stelsel spesifikasie dokumente
en laastens rekenaar program name en konfigurasie verstellings wat benodig word vir die
beoogde stelsel funksionaliteit.
Daar is gevind dat die projek implementerings metodiek soos deur DaimlcrChrysler SA
toegepas konvensionele projek bestuur beginsels volg, terwyl die metodiek verseker dat die
proses en stelsel dokumentasie soos vereis deur die hergebruik benadering, op datum gehou
DaimlerChrysler se benadering van die hergebruik van prosesse en stelsels is gegrond op die
die gebruik van innovasie spanne in plaaslike organisasies, saam met 'n span wat die uitrol
daarvan koordineer vanuit 'n sentrale oogpunt. Die benadering fokus ook op die ontwikkeling
van sekere modulere komponente wat 100% hergebruik kan word. Daar is gevind dat die
koppelvlakke tussen die leidende DaimlerChrysler stelsels uiters geskik is vir hierdie modulere
Die Intemasionale Produksie Patroon as benadering het tot aansienlike koste besparings gelei.
Tot op datum het elke implemenrasie 'n besparing getoon ten opsigte van die totale projek
implementeringskoste in vergelyking met die vorige projek. Elke implementering is ook
gcbruik as 'n geleentheid om die patroon verder te verbeter deur addisioncle funksionaliteit by
te voeg en die omvang te vergroot.
Hierdie studie het onweerlegbare bewyse gelewer dat stelsel en proses kennis op 'n effektiewe
wyse hergebruik kan word, en wat sodoende kan lei tot beduidende koste en tyd besparings.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSmith, Herman
ContributorsVon Leipzig, Konrad, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format119 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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