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The Function of Dialogue in the Process of Evangelisation. A pastoral-theological appraisal of the relevance of Dialogue in a Nigerian context based on the experience of Igboland / Die Funktion des Dialogs im Prozess der Evangelisation. Eine pastoraltheologische Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Dialogs in Nigeria aufgrund von Erfahrungen in Igboland

The Church is mandated by Jesus Christ to continue the mission for which he was sent into the world. The mission of Christ, which consists in “bringing the good news to the poor, proclaiming liberty to captives, restoring sight to the blind, setting the downtrodden free and the proclamation of the Lord’s year of favour” , remains the fundamental basis of the missionary and evangelising vocation of the Church. She has a message to proclaim and that message is the proclamation of making the kingdom of God present in the lives of the people. Through the ages the Church has responded to this command of the Lord to evangelise, using various methods according to different situations and times. Dialogue is a conditio sine qua non in the Church’s evangelisation. By con-voking the Second Vatican Council, Pope John gave special attention to the Church’s self-knowledge, that is the knowledge of her nature and vocation as well as the realisation of the necessity of dialogue in the Church’s pursuit of Church unity and healthy relationships with non-Christian religions and bod-ies. Besides the emphases on the importance of dialogue in the Church’s exe-cution of her mission and apostolate of building up the people of God, evi-dence from the human sciences portray the indispensable and invaluable roles of dialogue and communication in a globalised world.
Date January 2002
CreatorsOchulor, Okechukwu Hilary
Source SetsUniversity of Würzburg
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typedoctoralthesis, doc-type:doctoralThesis

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