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Public-private partnerships in the transport sector : a case study of the railway systems of Zambia Limited

Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically, passenger railway service has played a vital role in the socio-economic
activities in Zambia. Its capacity to transport a great mass of people at a low cost has
had a profound appeal, especially amongst the low-income segment of society, in this
country. This research report sought to examine the concessioning process for Railway
Systems of Zambia Limited in relation to international best practice, to examine the
extent of passenger train delays in relation to acceptable international standards and to
recommend policy and remedial measures.
A review of relevant literature on public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects
including passenger railway concessioning and passenger train punctuality, in relation to
international standards was undertaken. The research covered the period 2002 to 2007,
with an average sample size of 11% (144 passenger train trips out of 1 344). Data from
timetables and train logbooks, relating to arriving and departing trains, enabled the
computation of the extent of delays or punctuality of trains. While international best
practice requires passenger trains to operate at between 90% and 95% punctuality rate
within 10 to 15 minutes of the timetable, Railway Systems of Zambia’s passenger trains,
for the period 2004 to 2007, recorded between 92% and 100% delay rates for trains
expected to arrive within 10 and 15 minutes of the timetable. The maximum delay for the
arrival of a train in 2005 was 1 422 minutes (23 hours 42 minutes).
Therefore, this research report recommends the formulation of a policy framework, a
legal and regulatory framework and the establishment of an institutional arrangement
that will be responsible for public-private partnerships projects in Zambia. In addition,
increased investment in the railway infrastructure by the concessionaire is recommended
in order for trains to increase speed and therefore improve their punctuality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Histories het spoorweg passasiersdienste nog altyd ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die sosio-ekonomiese
aktiwiteite van Zambië gespeel. Die kapasiteit om groot massas mense teen
‘n lae koste te vervoer, was baie aanloklik in hierdie land, veral vir die lae-inkomstegroep van die gemeenskap. Hierdie navorsingsverslag poog om die konsessioneringsproses van die Spoorwegsisteem van Zambië Beperk, in verhouding tot internasionale
toppraktyke, te ondersoek; om die omvang van passasierstreinvertragings in
verhouding tot internasionaal aanvaarbare standaarde te ondersoek en ook om beleid en
herstellende veranderings aan die hand te doen.
‘n Verslag van toepaslike letterkunde oor publiek-private vennootskappe in infrastruktuurprojekte, wat spoorweg passassiers konsessionering en stiptelikheid van passasierstreine vergelyk met internasionale standaarde, is onderneem. Die navorsing dek die periode van 2002 tot 2007, met ‘n gemiddelde steekproef grootte van 11% (144 passasiers treinritte uit ‘n total van 1 344). Data van treinroosters en treinjoernale, wat
verband hou met die aankoms en vertrek van treine, het die berekening van die omvang
van vertragings of stiptelikheid van die treine moontlik gemaak. Terwyl internasionale toppraktyke vereis dat passasierstreine binne ‘n 90% en 95% stiptelikheidskoers van 10 tot
15 minute, volgens die reisrooster, moet funksioneer, het die passasierstreine van
Zambië vir die periode van 2004 tot 2007, ‘n vertragingskoers van tussen 92% en 100%
vir treine wat binne 10 tot 15 minute van die reisrooster se tye moes aankom,
aangeteken. Die maksimum vertraging op die aankomstyd van ‘n trein was in 2005 teen
1 422 minutes (23 hours 42 minutes).
Derhalwe beveel hierdie navorsingsverslag aan dat ‘n beleidsraamwerk en ‘n wets- en
reguleringsraamwerk geformuleer moet word, asook die instelling van ‘n genootskapsooreenkoms, wat verantwoordelik sal wees vir die publiek-private vennootskapprojekte
in Zambië. Ter aanvulling word ‘n verhoogde belegging, deur die konsessionaris, in die
spoorweg infrastruktuur aanbeveel sodat treine vinniger kan ry en dus meer stiptelik sal wees.
Date12 1900
CreatorsSakala, Henry
ContributorsOcran, M., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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