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De Rham Theory and Semialgebraic Geometry

This thesis consists of six chapters and deals with four topics related to De Rham Theory on semialgebraic sets.
The first topic deals with L-infinity cohomology on semialgebraic sets. We introduce smooth L-infinity differential forms on a singular (semialgebraic) space X in Rn. Roughly speaking, a smooth L-infinity differential form is a collection of smooth forms on disjoint smooth subsets (stratification) of X with matching tangential components on the adjacent strata and of
bounded size (in the metric induced from Rn).
We identify the singular homology of X as the homology of the chain complex generated
by semialgebraic singular simplices, i.e. continuous semialgebraic maps from the
standard simplex into X. Singular cohomology of X is defined as the homology of the
Hom dual to the chain complex of the singular chains. Finally, we prove a De Rham
type theorem establishing a natural isomorphism between the singular cohomology and the cohomology of smooth L-infinity forms.
The second topic is a construction of a Lipschitz deformation retraction on a neighborhood of a point in a semialgebraic set with estimates on its derivatives. Such a
deformation retraction is the key to the results of the first and the third topics.
The third topic is related to Poincare inequality on a semialgebraic set. We study
Poincare type Lp inequality for differential forms on a compact semialgebraic subset of Rn
for p >> 1. First we derive a local inequality by using a Lipschitz deformation retraction with estimates on its derivatives from the second topic and then we extend it to a global inequality by employing a technique developed in the appendix. As a consequence we obtain an isomorphism between Lp cohomology and singular cohomology of a normal compact semialgebraic set.
The final topic is in the appendix. It deals with an explicit proof of Poincare type
inequality for differential forms on compact manifolds. We prove the latter inequality by
means of a constructive 'globalization' method of a local Poincare inequality on convex sets. The appendix serves as a model case for the results of the third topic in Chapter 5.
Date31 August 2011
CreatorsShartser, Leonid
ContributorsMilman, Pierre
Source SetsUniversity of Toronto
Detected LanguageEnglish

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