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Cirkulär+plast=sant? : En studie om innovativa material till cirkulära förpackningar som alternativ till petroleum plast (från restprodukter i livsmedelsindustrin)

This study aims to examine the possibilities and limitations ofresidual products from the Swedish food industry for new uses inpackaging design. The selection in the study is semi strategicallyrandom and through the selection four interviews were conductedvia e-mail, two interviews from RISE and two from the Swedishdesign agencies Snask and Bedow. The interviews are based on thestudy's question issues; What innovative packaging materials withproperties corresponding to plastics are available in the Swedishmarket? And How does a selection of Swedish design agenciesapproach the innovative packaging materials available on theSwedish market? Through results and analysis we have come tothe conclusion that there is a great awareness of design agencieswhen it comes to making environmentally conscious designdecisions and that it is highly relevant in today's society. Duringthe study, interesting packaging material was discovered. What hasalso emerged is that it is a matter of course to have to be climatefriendly as everything depends on demand from customers andconsumers. There are no direct regulations to relate to, but it is upto each individual how to relate to a more sustainabledevelopment. However, in order for a societal transformation totake place, collaboration between the various social sectors isrequired (Svenska vetenskapsrådet Formas, 2018).
Date January 2020
CreatorsLind von Mentzer, Andrea, Lockner, Micaela
PublisherMittuniversitetet, Institutionen för design, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för design
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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