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The adjective in Xhosa

Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adjectives in Xhosa represent a small, closed class of descriptive nominal modifiers, which
are categorized as the adjective because of their morphological behaviour, i.e. they all
have to appear with the prefix of the noun which is the head of the Noun Phrase.
There are other nominal modifiers in Xhosa, which may have the same descriptive
function as the small class of morphological adjectives. Attention focuses on the relative
clauses and descriptive possessives.
The term "Adjective" in Xhosa includes the semantic adjective. Various scholars define the
adjective as a distinct category by establishing specific criteria for. Semantic prototypes
with noun, adjective and verb types, i.e. semantic types according to Dixon (1991) are
considered. Semantic types in Xhosa may also have this feature. The following categoreis
have been considered: morphological adjective, descriptive possessive, relative clauses,
i.e. nominal relative clauses and the verbal relative clauses.
With regard to the morphological adjective: Some basic notions on the morphological
adjectives, specifically the morphology of adjectives, adjectival phrases, the distribution of
the adjectives, comparison and the co-ordinated adjectives, and the definite morpheme
are dealt with.
The following values have been dealt with regarding the structure of the relative clause,
i.e. the nominal relative clause with the definite morpheme [a], the copulative verb and
the nominal relative complements of the copulative verbs.
Two issues have been discussed in the case of the descriptive possessive: firstly, where
the descriptive part is the head of the Noun Phrase with meanings such as groups, nouns
denoting quantity, cardinal numbers, the partitives, units of measure and mass, humans
with the features of psychological and physical features, the infinitive clause, and
secondly, the descriptive part is the complement of the preposition [-a-]. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adjektiewe in Xhosa verteenwoordig 'n klein geslote klas van deskriptiewe nominale
bepalers wat as 'n adjektief kategorie beskou word op grond van hul morfologie, di.i. hulle
moet almal voorkom saam met die prefiks van die naamwoord wat die kern is van die
Daar is ander nominale bepalers in Xhosa wat dieselfde deskriptiewe funksie as die klein
klas van morfologiese adjektiewe kan hê. Aandag is gegee an die relatiewe en
deskriptiewe possessiewe.
Die term "adjektief" in Xhosa sluit die semantiese adjektief in: verskeie taalkundiges
definieer die adjektief as 'n aparte kategorie deur spesifieke kriteria vir adjektiewe te
bepaal. Semantiese prototipes met naamwoorde, adjektiewe en werkwoordtipes, d.i.
semantiese tipes volgens Dixon (1991) is ondersoek. Semantiese tipes in Xhosa kan ook
hierdie kenmerk hê. Die volgende kategorieë is ondersoek: Morfologiese adjektief,
deskriptiewe possessief, relatief klouse waaronder nominale en werkwoordelike relatiewe
Met verwysing na die morfologiese adjektief: sekere basiese begrippe ten opsigte van die
morfologiese adjektief is nagegaan, waaronder spesiefiek die morfologie van adjektiewe,
adjektief frases, die distribusie van die adjektiewe, vergelyking en die neweskikkende
adjektiewe sowel as die bepaaldheidsmorfeem.
Die volgende sake is oorweeg met betrekking tot die struktuur van die relatief klous: die
nominale relatief klous met die bepaaldheidsmorfeem [-a-], die kapulatiewe werkwoord en
die nominale relatiewe komplemente van die kopulatiewe werkwoorde.
Twee sake is bespreek in die geval van die deskriptiewe possessief: eerstens, die
deskriptiewe deel is die kern van die naamwoordfrase met betekenisse soos groepe,
naamwoorde wat kwantiteit aandui, hooftelwoorde, partitiewe, eenhede van maat en
massa, mense met sielkundige en fisiese kenmerke, die infinitief klous,· en tweedens die
deskriptiewe deel is die komplement van die preposisie [-a-].
Date03 1900
CreatorsBottoman, Ntombesizwe
ContributorsDu Plessis, J. A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages .
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatvii, 135 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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