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Impacts des processus aux interfaces solide/liquide sur la mobilité des éléments : Observations de terrain-Expérimentation-modélisation

One of the key research issues in surface geochemistry is to understand the processes responsible of the surface water compositions to both improve fundamental knowledge of controlling mechanisms and protection of water resources. Processes occurring at solid-solution interface are predominant among the known involved chemical mechanisms. Solids, such as soil colloids, particles, sediments or colloids occurring as suspension in waters, present very large specific surfaces. This latter point gives them strong complexation or sequestration properties for elements such as metals, trace elements...These solids include mineral (oxyhydroxydes Fe and Mn, silicates, carbonates ...), organic colloid (humic substances...) and biological cells (algae, bacteria...) bound or not in between them. Sorption, co-precipitation and surface precipitation are the three major processes at interfaces involving these solid surfaces. They partly control the mobility and dissolved concentrations of metals and trace elements in waters and soil solutions. However, these processes are themselves controlled by physico-chemical parameters such as pH, Eh, T..., the solid nature and the interactions in between. The present work has therefore been focused on assessing the influence of these factors on the reactivity of elements at solid/solution interfaces. To address this issue, a combined approach involving laboratory experiments and modelling to answer to the questions identified in the field, was used. Firstly, the impact of redox condition variations on the mobilization of metals sourced in minerals (natural and synthetic oxyhydroxydes Fe and Mn, and slags from metallurgic industry) was experimentally evaluated. In a second step, this work was focused on the in situ monitoring of the iron cycle in a natural wetland soil. This implied the development of an innovative tool allowing the insertion of synthetic iron oxides directly in soil horizons. This research has been conducted to identify the impact of the iron oxides reductive dissolution and/or mineralogical changes on the mobilization of associated trace elements. Since organic matter release is often linked to iron reductive dissolution in wetland soil solutions, two experimental studies were also conducted: (i) on the redox condition impact on the dynamics of organic matter and trace element mobility and (ii) on the impact of organic complexation on the rare earth element (REE) speciation in solution. This work is ended by a research project dedicated to the rare earth element partitioning at solid-water interface and its impact on REE geochemical behaviour and associated fingerprinting properties.
Date28 May 2008
CreatorsDavranche, Mélanie
PublisherUniversité Rennes 1
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typehabilitation ࠤiriger des recherches

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