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Educa??o ambiental: media??es sociais e pol?ticas e a indol?ncia do Poder P?blico ? sua inclus?o no ensino formal

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Previous issue date: 2010-04-19 / As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else / Como resultado da previs?o de mudan?as irrevers?veis nas condi??es necess?rias ? manuten??o da vida no planeta, inclusive a humana, a educa??o ambiental passou a ganhar destaque no cen?rio pol?tico, em face das press?es sociais visando ao desenvolvimento individual e coletivo de valores, conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e compet?ncias voltadas ? conserva??o do meio ambiente. No Brasil, somente, em 1999, foi positivado o direito de todos ? educa??o ambiental, tamb?m elevada ? condi??o de componente essencial e permanente da educa??o nacional. Desde ent?o, compete ao Poder P?blico, em cada ente federativo, desenvolver a??es para torn?-la presente, de forma articulada, em todos os n?veis e modalidades do processo educativo, em car?ter formal e n?o-formal. Esta pesquisa toma, como objeto de investiga??o, a educa??o ambiental escolar e tem por objetivo analisar as media??es sociais e pol?ticas estabelecidas entre essa Pol?tica Nacional de Educa??o Ambiental e os contextos associados ao processo de sua produ??o legislativa, a natureza pol?tica das concep??es de educa??o ambiental subjacentes ? Lei n? 9.795/99 (BRASIL, 2009c) e, tamb?m, as a??es e omiss?es do Poder P?blico do Rio Grande do Norte, nos dez anos de vig?ncia desse diploma legal, relacionadas ao imperativo de inser??o dessa educa??o na rede estadual de ensino. A condu??o da investiga??o do objeto de pesquisa foi orientada por uma compreens?o hist?rico-cr?tica dos fen?menos ambientais e sociais, bem como do processo educativo como um todo, uma vez que s? o pensamento dial?tico tem potencial para capturar o mundo da realidade ao destruir a pseudoconcreticidade subjacente ? problem?tica socioambiental. Na an?lise, partiu-se do pressuposto de que, em face do predom?nio de um modo de organiza??o social em que as leis de mercado gozam de supremacia em rela??o ?s leis da natureza, a educa??o ambiental, ao desenvolver consci?ncias cr?ticas individuais e coletivas sobre a problem?tica socioambiental, pode tornar-se uma amea?a aos interesses econ?micos hegem?nicos de explora??o indiscriminada de recursos naturais. Os resultados da pesquisa sugerem que, enquanto pr?tica educativa a ser desenvolvida de forma integrada, cont?nua e permanente em todos os n?veis e modalidades do ensino formal, a educa??o ambiental n?o se concretizou no estado do RN em raz?o do descaso e desrespeito do Poder P?blico estadual, diante da necessidade de promover as medidas necess?rias e legalmente previstas para torn?-la uma realidade presente na educa??o b?sica da rede estadual de ensino. O sil?ncio legislativo, quanto ? aprova??o de uma Pol?tica Estadual de Educa??o Ambiental - imprescind?vel ? defini??o de diretrizes, normas e crit?rios para a educa??o ambiental no RN - e a omiss?o da Administra??o P?blica, relativamente ao desenvolvimento de a??es essenciais para que as atividades vinculadas ? Pol?tica Nacional de Educa??o Ambiental pudessem ser desenvolvidas na educa??o escolar, representam a decis?o pol?tica por um n?o-fazer, mesmo diante da exig?ncia legal de uma manifesta??o de car?ter comissivo. Esse atuar omissivo, quanto ? execu??o de a??es estrat?gicas concretas, urgentes e devidamente planejadas para o alcance da finalidade de inser??o da educa??o ambiental, de forma interdisciplinar, na educa??o de car?ter formal, confirma o desinteresse do poder hegem?nico pela educa??o ambiental, conquanto possa ser desenvolvida com base em uma concep??o pol?tica cr?tica, configurando-se como atividade pol?tico-pedag?gica de natureza contra-hegem?nica. O evolver de uma educa??o ambiental cr?tica, conforme a an?lise dos princ?pios b?sicos e objetivos fundamentais, elencados na Lei n? 9.795/99 (BRASIL, 2009c), ? possibilidade real e subjacente ? Pol?tica Nacional de Educa??o Ambiental, como reflexo das media??es sociais e pol?ticas estabelecidas entre essa pol?tica p?blica e os contextos relacionados ao processo de sua produ??o legislativa, respons?veis pela aprova??o de uma norma legal que, tamb?m, expressa a vontade coletiva, sobretudo, por uma efetiva prote??o ambiental. Palavras chaves: educa??o ambiental, educa??o formal, pol?ticas p?blicas e inclus?o curricular uma efetiva prote??o ambiental
Date19 April 2010
CreatorsMacedo Filho, Francisco Dutra de
ContributorsCPF:05754372434,, Figueiredo, Jo?o Batista de Albuquerque, CPF:12416444387,, Loureiro, Carlos Frederico Bernardo, CPF:97148547768,, Almeida, Maria Doninha, CPF:02668947472,, Mendon?a, Fabiano Andr? de Souza, CPF:94196834434,, Cabral Neto, Ant?nio
PublisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, UFRN, BR, Educa??o
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageUnknown
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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