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Counselling, coaching and mentoring : a missing tool in people development?

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a huge challenge to improve its world competitiveness status in
order to ensure a better economic life for all. One of the more practical strategic
approaches is investment in human capital and more specific people development.
A more specific strategy might be to ensure that each and every supervisor is an
effective counsellor/coach/mentor. From the research done its seems that this is not
the case - probably due to the fact that these tools are not utilised or not well
integrated in the larger human resource development strategy.
It is quite clear that counsellors, coaches and mentors can and should utilise the
different motivational and learning theories coherently in accordance with the
applicability of the situation and the specific preferences of the individual protégé.
This will ensure maximum efficiency of education, training and development
But human resource systems do not seem to be integrated to the extent that the
proverbial golden thread can be followed from work design to the termination of an
employee. From the literature it is clear that all the necessary functions in human
resources can be included in an integrative system to allow optimum efficient
employees. The vagueness however (supported by the absence of work design and
management information systems in some models) just aggravates the current
researcher's concern about clear, exact guidelines to ensure proper counselling,
coaching and mentoring. The human resource system and the function human resource development as well as performance management definitely allow for
counselling, coaching and mentoring, but the support and reinforcement is not
From literature surveys it is clear that that counselling, coaching and mentoring can
be utilised effectively in human resource development. Insufficient evidence is
however available to show appropriate application of these tools.
It is thus clear that counsellors/coaches/mentors and protégés in South Africa do not
have a complete, practical and integrated human resource system and programme
that can facilitate maximum growth of the protégés. This is proven by the quiet period
since the middle eighties till the middle nineties; where - after affirmative action and
later the skills development act and employment equity act forced employers to relook
their development programmes as well as our poor performance in supplying
the number of managers needed for global competitiveness.
Due to the lack of empirical research, but from published material one can derive
that: Counsellors/coaches/mentors and or protégés in South Africa are not aware
what competencies each should possess; culturally diverse groups hamper growing
relationships in particular with coaches and protégés and that principles and
guidelines governing the coach/mentor/protégé relationship seems not to be
researched and shared in South Africa. More - over, inadequate processes exist to
link and integrate counselling/coaching/mentoring closely with competencies, people
development and human resource processes.
However there are sufficient guidelines in overseas publications to ensure that one can compile well integrated coaching/mentoring programmes that will ensure that
counselling, coaching and mentoring gain its legitimate place in people development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika staan voor 'n geweldige uitdaging om sy mededingendheidsmag te
versterk ten einde beter ekonomiese vooruitsigte aan sy burgers te skep. Een van
die mees praktiese strategieë is belegging in menslike kapitaal, meer spesifiek deur
die ontwikkeling van sy menslike hulpbronne.
'n Meer spesifieke strategie mag wees om sorg te dra dat elke toesighouer 'n
effektiewe voorligter/afrigter/mentor is. Vanuit die skrywer se navorsing blyk dit nie
die geval te wees nie, moontlik as gevolg van die feit dat hierdie toerusting nie deel is
van die omvattende menslike hulpbron ontwikkelings strategieë nie.
Dit is duidelik dat voorligters/afrigters/mentors die beskikbare motiverings- en leer
teorieë geintegreerd, in samehang met die geskiktheid van die situasie en die
spesifieke vooroordele van die individuele leerder moet aanwend ten einde
maksimum effektiwiteit vanuit opvoedings-, opleidings- en ontwikkelings intervensies
te verkry.
Maar menslike hulpbron sisteme blyk minder geïntegreerd te wees. Die navorser kon
nie die spreekwoordelike goue draad opspoor en volg vanaf werksontwerp tot en met
diensverlating nie. Vanuit die literatuur is dit duidelik dat al die noodsaaklike funksies
in menslike hulpbronbestuur in geïntegreerde sisteme ingesluit kan word ten einde
meer effektiewe werknemers te hê. Die vaagheid van hierdie integrasie (soos gesien
in die afwesigheid van byvoorbeeld werksontwerp en bestuurs-informasie in
sommige modelle) vererger die huidige navorser se bekommernis rakende duidelike, definitiewe riglyne om kwaliteit voorligting, afrigting en mentorskap te voorsien.
Voorligting, afrigting en mentorskap het definitief 'n plek in die menslike
hulpbronsisteme en menslike hulpbronontwikkeling en veral prestasiebestuur, maar
die ondersteuning en versterking is nie ooglopend nie.
Dit is ook duidelik uit die literatuur dat voorligting, afrigting en mentorskap effektief
aangewend kan word in menslike hulpbronontwikkeling, maar nie genoegsame
bewyse is beskikbaar om die toepaslike gebruik van die hulpmiddele aan te dui nie.
Dit is dus duidelik dat voorligters, afrigters, mentors en leerders in Suid Afrika nie
volledige, praktiese geïntegreerde menslike hulpbronsisteme en programme het om
maksimale ontwikkeling van die leerder te bewerkstellig nie. Dit word bewys deur die
min gepubliseerde materiaal - vanaf die middel tagtigs tot die middel negentigs,
waarna regstellende aksie, die vaardigheidsontwikkelings- en werknemergelykheids -
wetgewing, werkgewers geforseer het om hernude ywer ten opsigte van
ontwikkelingsprogramme te toon. Verder ook deur die land se swak vertonings ten
opsigte van die voorsiening van genoegsame kwaliteit bestuurders nodig vir globale
Weens die gebrek van empiriese navorsing, maar uit gepubliseerde material, kan die
navorser aflei dat: Voorligters, afrigters, mentors en leerders in Suid-Afrika nie
besef oor watter vaardighede hul behoort te beskik nie; verskille in kulturele groepe
die ontwikkeling belemmer van goeie verhoudinge spesifiek tussen afrigters en
leerders en dat beginsels en riglyne wat die verhoudinge tussen voorligters, afrigters,
mentors en leerders rig nie nagevors en versprei word in Suid-Afrika nie. Verder is daar onvoldoende prosesse om voorligting, afrigting en mentorskap duidelik met
vaardighede, menslike hulpbronontwikkeling en menslikehulpbron prosesse te
verbind en te integreer.
Daar is egter genoegsame riglyne in oorsese publikasies om te verseker dat goed
geïntegreerde voorligting-, afrigting- en mentorskapsprogramme opgestel kan word
wat sal verseker dat voorligting, afrigting en mentorskap hul regmatige plek inneem
in menslike hulpbronontwikkeling.
Date03 1900
CreatorsGroenewald, Johann P.
ContributorsDenton, M., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format147 p.
RightsStellenbosch University

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