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The role of higher education in public sector education and training : the case of the School of Government, University of the Western Cape

Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of Public Administration education and training has been under the spotlight by Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) since the early 1990’s and has received further prominence by the South African government in recent
years. The 1994 democratic elections has brought about challenges and opportunities for educational and training
institutions, among others, to reflect on their programme content, methodology and clientele and to gear themselves
towards the needs of a “developmental state”. In response to these challenges and opportunities, South African HEIs of
various types and sizes have attempted to introduce or reform Public Administration education and training programmes
to both fit into the new political dispensation and help transform its public service. However, the emergence of these
new education and training programmes have not been without difficulties.
Notable efforts have been the emergence of schools of governments or public management at various tertiary
institutions all of which purport to educate and train public officials for a democratic service. The euphoria that
accompanied the institutional reforms might suggest that all is well, but the reality records that not all programmes have
lived to their ideals. In the light of the above context, this study focuses on the School of Government (SOG), University
of the Western Cape (UWC). The school has been selected due to its formal commitment to the provision of public
service education and training for the post-apartheid civil service. The study focuses on the role of the school, its
leadership, structure, content and processes of education and training programmes for the public service in the country.
The study explores the broad global and national role of HEIs in general, and their particular role in the provision of
Public Administration education and training. The study traces the global and national debates with respect to how public
servants ought to be educated and trained, and illustrates the Public Administration education and training challenges
faced in South Africa. The study also explores the legislative and policy framework governing HEIs and public sector
education and training in South Africa.
The evaluation of the UWC School of Government is based on the adaptation of the IASIA/UNDESA Standards of
Excellence model to measure the role and performance of the case. The case study is measured through the application
of institutional and programmatic criteria. In addition to the institutional criteria, the programme criteria focuses on the
SOG’s programme development and review processes, its programme content, programme management and
administration, and the performance of its programmes. The analysis of the case study is preceded by a historiography
and background of the SOG and its education and training programmes. A critical analysis of the case study is
undertaken in relation to the institutional and programmatic criteria mentioned above. Based on the findings of the study,
the thesis concludes with recommendations relevant to the case study and provides more general recommendations
applicable to institutions involved in the provision of Public Administration education and training. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsiening van Publieke Administrasie onderrig en opleiding is onder die vegrootglas by hoër onderwys instellings
(HOIs) sedert die vroeë 1990’s en het in onlangse jare verdere prominensie verkry by die Suid Afrikaanse regering. Die
1994 demokratiese verkiesing het uitdagings en geleenthede vir onderrig en opleiding instellings teweeg gebring om,
onder andere, te besin oor programinhoud, metodologie en kliëntebasis en om hulself in rat te kry vir die behoeftes van
die ontwikkelingstaat. In reaksie op hierdie uitdagings en geleenthede poog Suid Afrikaanse HOIs van verskillende tipes
en groottes om Publieke Administrasie onderrig en opleidings programme in te stel of te hervorm sodat dit by die nuwe
politieke bedeling inpas en help om die publieke diens te transformeer. Die ontwikkeling van nuwe onderrig en
opleidings programme sou egter nie sonder sy eiesoortige probleme wees nie.
Die ontstaan van Skole vir Openbare Bestuur (SOB) by verskeie tersiêre instellings was aan die orde van die dag en kort
voor lank was voormelde instellings almal daarop uit om staatsamptenare vir ‘n demokratiese staatsdiens op te lei. Die
euforie wat met hervorming gepaard gegaan het, sou die skyn wek dat alles goed en wel is, maar die realiteit toon dat
nie alle programme aan die ideale wat gestel is voldoen het nie. In die lig van voormelde, fokus hierdie studie op die
Skool vir Openbare Regering (SOR) aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaap (UWK). Die SOR is gekies vanweë sy formele
toewyding tot die onderrig en opleiding van studente vir die publieke sektor in post-Apartheid Suid-Afrika. Voorts sal die
ondersoek fokus op die rol van die Skool, leierskap struktuur, onderriginhoud asook programprosesse vir onderrig en
opleiding in die openbare sektor.
Die studie ondersoek die globale en nasionale rol wat HOI’s in die algemeen speel en in besonder die voorsiening van
onderrig en opleiding in Publieke Administrasie. Verder volg die studie die globale en nasionale diskoerse oor hoe
staatsamptenare opgelei en onderrig behoort te word en illustreer, aan die hand hiervan, die uitdagings waarmee die
onderrig en opleiding van Publieke Administrasie in Suid-Afrika te kampe het. Die studie ondersoek ook die wetlike en
beleidsraamwerk waarbinne HOI’s en die publieke sektor in Suid-Afrika gereguleer word.
Die SOR aan die UWK word dan geevalueer aan die hand van die IASIA/UNDESA Model van Standaarde van
Uitsonderlikheid wat ook die rol en vordering in die gevallestudie meet. Meting van gevallestudie geskied met behulp van
die toepassing van institutionele en programmatiese kriteria. Addisioneel tot die institutionele en programkriteria word
daar ook gefokus op; programontwikkeling en hersieningsprosesse, programinhoud, programbestuur en administrasie
en program vordering binne die SOR. Ontleding van die gevallestudie word voorafgegaan deur ‘n historiese oorsig en
agtergrond van die SOR; en sy onderrig en opleidingsprogramme. In verhouding tot sy institutionele en programmatieka
kriteria, soos vermeld, word die studie onderwerp aan kritiese ontleding en ondersoek. Gebaseer op die bevindings van
die ondersoek, maak die tesis direk-verwante aanbevelings asook algemene aanbevelings gerig op instellings in die
breë wat betrokke is by die onderrig en opleiding van Publieke Administrasie.
Date12 1900
CreatorsHamza, Enayatulla
ContributorsBurger, A. P. J., University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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