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Fighting change with change : a methodology for re-engineering an enterprise

Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The environment within which most organisations operate is ever-changing. In such a dynamic environment the only way an organisation is able to not just survive but thrive is by continuously, effectively and efficiently transforming/re-engineering itself (Hammer & Champy, 2001). Luckily, many organisations have realised and accepted this fact. The problem, however, is that the majority of transformation initiatives, launched by organisations, are unsuccessful. In fact, according to (Blanchard K. , 2010), 70% of change initiatives fail. There can only be two possible reasons for the existence of this very serious problem. Organisations either implement the wrong kinds of change initiatives or they ineffectively manage and execute the transformation efforts that they initiate. To solve this problem, an organisation needs to make use of a structured and integrated enterprise engineering methodology that enables it to effectively manage and execute the right kind of change initiatives (Martin, 1995).
In the literature that was reviewed, very few structured and integrated enterprise engineering methodologies were found to exist. The objective of this study was to bridge this research gap. In other words, the objective of this study was to develop a structured and integrated enterprise engineering methodology.
Developing the enterprise engineering methodology was done by following a basic system engineering process consisting of the following four steps: requirements analysis, system design, system development and system validation. During the requirements analysis step the functional characteristics that the enterprise engineering methodology needed to possess were identified. The purpose of the system design step was to firstly identify the set of methods that the enterprise engineering methodology should consist of and secondly to determine how these methods fit together to form an integrated methodology. The purpose of the system development step was to describe each of the methods that the enterprise engineering methodology needed to consist of in terms of how it is utilised as well as who should be involved during its utilisation. Lastly, during the system validation step the enterprise engineering methodology was evaluated based on how well it satisfies its functional requirements. Expert interviews as well as a case study were used to do this. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meerderheid organisasies, huidiglik in bestaan, wroeg met die konstante veranderinge wat plaasvind in die omgewing rondom hulle. In so ‘n dinamiese omgewing is ‘n organisasie se toekomstige winsgewendheid en groei hewiglik afhanklik van sy bevoegdheid om aaneenlopend en effektief veranderinge aan te bring (Hammer & Champy, 2001). Die probleem is dat 70% van transformasie-inisiatiewe wat geloots word nie die voordele wat van hulle verwag word suksesvol lewer nie (Blanchard K. , 2010). Hoekom gebeur dit? Hoekom is net 30% van transformasie-inisiatiewe wat geloots word suksesvol? Daar is net twee moontlike redes vir die bestaan van hierdie probleem. Organisasies loots óf die verkeerde tipe transformasie-inisiatiewe óf hulle bestuur hulle transformasie-inisiatiewe op ‘n oneffektiewe manier. Om te verseker dat ‘n organisasie nie in hierdie strik trap nie, moet dit gebruik maak van ‘n gestruktureerde en geїntegreerde besigheidstransformasie-metodologie wat die proses van verandering vergemaklik (Martin, 1995).
In die literatuur wat tot dusver nagevors is, kon daar maar ‘n handjievol besigheidstransformasie-metodologiëe opgespoor word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om hierdie gaping in die literatuur te vul. Met ander woorde, die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n gestruktureerde en geїntegreerde besigheidstransformasie-metodologie te ontwikkel.
‘n Stelselontwikkelingsproses is gevolg om hierdie metodologie te ontwikkel. Die vier stappe wat deel gevorm het van hierdie stelselontwikkelingsproses is die volgende: vereistebeskrywing, stelselontwerp, stelselontwikkeling en stelselvalidasie. Tydens die vereistebeskrywingstap van die proses is die funksionele eienskappe wat die besigheidstransformasie-metodologie moet besit geïdentifiseer. Die doel van die stelselontwerpstap was eerstens om die metodes waaruit die metodologie moet bestaan te identifiseer en tweedens om die wisselwerking tussen die metodes te bepaal. Die doel van die stelselontwikkelingstap was om elkeen van die metodes waaruit die metodologie moet bestaan te beskryf in terme van hoe dit toegepas word, asook wie betrokke behoort te wees tydens die gebruik daarvan. Tydens die stelselvalidasiestap is die metodologie geëvalueer in terme van hoe effektief dit die geïdentifiseerde funksionele behoeftes bevredig. Onderhoude met deskundiges asook ‘n gevallestudie is gebruik om dit te doen.
Date03 1900
CreatorsDu Preez, Jonathan
ContributorsSchutte, C. S. L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format168 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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