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Marketing no setor moveleiro: um estudo no cluster de Ub?/MG / Cooperative management of marketing strategies in the furniture industry: a study in the cluster of Ub? / MG

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2016 - Ia?sa Helena Magalh?es.pdf: 3242381 bytes, checksum: 7a846850d7e3da0299fc3c26eb14984d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-08 / CAPES / Cooperation between organizations is a way to generate gains and to add different skills in the companies involved. It was identified that cooperation in the operational level between Ub?-MG?s furniture factories occurs in small acts of loans and are based on the personal relationships between the actors, however, the strategic framework such cooperation is even less clear. Therefore, the general objective of research was proposing a structure of Cooperative management of marketing strategies applying to micro, small and medium sizes of Ub??s furniture business in the cluster. The study was developed in two different stages. Firstly, it was started by accomplishing targets in the study, so it has improved the form through interviewing governors of the local cluster (?Intersind?). It was useful to obtain information about the field study and the furniture sector. When getting those form-tests done, it was possible to implement the forms abroad. Moving forward, they were conducted twenty detailed interviews with managers in the headquarters of the undertakings. After all, those data were processed and analysed using statistic methodology called Kruskal-Wallis. The main idea of the research was verifying the medium degree of cooperation, competition and trust between the selected micro, small and medium sized undertakings. Thereby, the analysed data could be useful since it helps verifying if the different undertakings were statistically different or similar. The statistical test has proved the medium degree of cooperation, competition and trust between the selected micro, small and medium sized undertakings should be considered similar since there is no significant difference. There were researched twelve different strategies to compile the cooperation structure of the general propose of the work. As part of the results, they were obtained different values, in percentage, in order to identify feasible cooperation strategies and management strategies. To be considered feasible, the strategy should present values as 50% or more, which means managers actually agree with the feasibility of the strategy. As a result, it has been that the strategies identified as viable to be performed in a cooperative way are: 1) cooperative management of communication and advertising; 2) creating a quality seal of furniture; 3) creation of a collective mark for the furniture of Ub? cluster; 4) partnership in technology and design; 5) creation of an industrial sightseeing tour; 6) cooperation in the purchase of basic raw material (common to other companies); 7) cooperative management of transport of finished products. Moreover, the results have shown features for the different undertaking business, for the different profiles of managers, and for the different marketing strategies put in place by organisations. The statistical non parametric test Kruskal-Wallis showed that the mean degree of cooperation, competition and trust between micro, small and medium enterprises can be considered equal, whereas no significant difference. Thus, we conclude the study with the development of a cooperation structure for Ub??s furniture cluster. / A coopera??o entre organiza??es ? uma forma de gerar ganhos e de adicionar diferentes compet?ncias nas empresas envolvidas. Identificou-se que a coopera??o no ?mbito operacional entre as f?bricas moveleiras de Ub?-MG ocorre em pequenos atos de empr?stimos e ? pautada nas rela??es pessoais entre os atores, por?m, no ?mbito estrat?gico essa coopera??o ainda ? menos evidente. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi propor uma estrutura de gest?o cooperada de estrat?gias de marketing para micro, pequenas e m?dias empresas do cluster moveleiro de Ub?/MG. O estudo foi realizado em duas fases distintas. A primeira etapa iniciou-se com a elabora??o do meta-estudo e por meio de uma entrevista explorat?ria com um gestor do sindicato patronal do cluster de Ub? foi poss?vel conhecer o local e obter informa??es para a elabora??o do question?rio. De posse desses dados, o instrumento de pesquisa foi elaborado e pr?-testado. Realizou-se na segunda fase do estudo, a coleta de dados que constituiu em vinte entrevistas aprofundadas com gestores de f?bricas de m?veis do cluster em tela. Posteriormente, esses dados foram processados e analisados pela t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do. Pesquisaram-se doze estrat?gias para a elabora??o da estrutura de coopera??o proposta no objetivo geral do estudo. Como parte dos resultados, obteve-se o percentual de viabilidade dessas estrat?gias serem realizadas de forma cooperada, assim como, a forma de gest?o das mesmas. As estrat?gias e as formas de gest?o foram consideradas vi?veis de serem cooperadas quando mais de 50% dos gestores entrevistados alegaram a sua viabilidade. Como resultados, tem-se que as estrat?gias identificadas como vi?veis de serem realizadas de forma cooperada s?o: 1) gest?o cooperada de comunica??o e propaganda; 2) cria??o de um selo de qualidade dos m?veis; 3) cria??o de uma marca coletiva para os m?veis do cluster de Ub?; 4) parceria em tecnologia e design; 5) cria??o de um roteiro tur?stico industrial; 6) coopera??o em compra de mat?ria-prima b?sica (comum ? outras empresas); 7) gest?o cooperada de transporte de produtos acabados. Al?m disso, descreveram-se os resultados referentes ?s caracter?sticas das empresas, o perfil dos gestores entrevistados e as estrat?gias de marketing adotadas pelas organiza??es. O teste estat?stico n?o param?trico Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que as m?dias dos graus de coopera??o, concorr?ncia e confian?a entre as micro, pequenas e m?dias empresas podem ser consideradas iguais, visto que n?o apresentou diferen?a significativa. Com isso, conclui-se o estudo com a elabora??o de uma estrutura de coopera??o para o cluster moveleiro de Ub?.
Date08 March 2016
CreatorsMAGALH?ES, Ia?sa Helena
ContributorsSaldanha, Jorge Alberto Velloso., Saldanha, Jorge Alberto Velloso, Olivares, Gustavo Lopes, Boava, Diego Luiz Teixeira
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Administra??o, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Ci?ncias Sociais Aplicadas|Instituto Multidisciplinar de Nova Igua?u|Instituto de Tr?s Rios
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ

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