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Energy management in electric systems fed by fuel cell stacks

The growth of distributed energy resources together with the incorporation of new technologies in the generation and storage of energy are imposing new control and operational strategies. Due to its storage capability and that it is considered to be clean energy; fuel cell (FC) is one of the most promissory technologies as a stationary energy source in micro grids and also in transportation applications. Therefore, two main issues are addressed in this work; the conception, design, and setup of a fully instrumented test bench for proton exchange membrane (PEM) FC stacks and the design and experimental test of a new dynamic energy-exchange control strategy for multi source and multi load systems. To define the test bench instrument requirements, in the first part a complete dynamic model review is given. In the next section, relevant information regarding the setup of the FC test bench design and implementation is included, i.e., specification criteria of the instruments and acquisition and data display system. Some experimental results are performed in order to demonstrate the potentialities of the setup. In the following chapter, a new dynamic energy exchange control strategy (DSER) is introduced and tested in a two port system via simulation and experimentation. In order to establish a comparison and integrate the DSER in a FC application, in the fifth chapter a three port system - including a static model of FC - and two different control approaches, are tested via simulation. The thesis is closed with some concluding remarks and some potential research topics generated from this work.
Date09 March 2011
CreatorsSanchez, Antonio
PublisherUniversité Paris Sud - Paris XI
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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