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Three-dimensional hybrid grid generation with application to high Reynolds number viscous flows

In this thesis, an approach is presented for the generation of grids suitable for the simulation of high Reynolds number viscous flows in complex three-dimensional geometries. The automatic and reliable generation of such grids is today on the biggest bottlenecks in the industrial CFD simulation environment.
In the proposed approach, unstructured tetrahedral grids are employed for the regions far from the viscous boundaries of the domain, while semi-structured layers of high aspect ratio prismatic and hexahedral elements are used to provide the necessary grid resolution inside the boundary layers and normal to the viscous walls. The definition of the domain model is based on the STEP ISO standard and the topological information contained in the model is used for applying the hierarchical grid generation parameters defined by the user. An efficient, high-quality and robust algorithm is presented for the generation of the unstructured simplicial (triangular of tetrahedral) part of the grid. The algorithm is based on the Delaunay triangulation and the internal grid points are created following a centroid or frontal approach. For the surface grid generation, a hybrid approach is also proposed similar to the volume.
Semi-structured grids are generated on the surface grid (both on the edges and faces of the domain) to improve the grid resolution around convex and concave ridges and corners, by aligning the grid elements in the directions of high solution gradients along the surface. A method is also developed for automatically setting the grid generation parameters related to the surface grid generation based on the curvature of the surface in order to obtain an accurate and smooth surface grid. Finally, a semi-structured prismatic/hexahedral grid generation algorithm is presented for the generation of the part of grid close to the viscous walls of the domain. The algorithm is further extended with improvements meant to increase the grid quality around concave and convex ridges of the domain, where the semi-structured grids are known to be inadequate.
The combined methodology is demonstrated on a variety of complex examples mainly from the automotive and aeronautical industry.
Date29 June 2004
CreatorsAthanasiadis, Aristotelis
ContributorsDeconick, Herman, Degrez, Gerard, Migeot, Jean-Luis, Lacor, Chris, Coussement, Gregory, George, Paul-Luis, Delanaye, Michel
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles
Source SetsBibliothèque interuniversitaire de la Communauté française de Belgique
Detected LanguageEnglish
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