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潛夫論政治思想研究 / The Political Thought About Qian Fu Lun


關鍵字:王符、潛夫論、東漢政治 / Wang Fu was a political commentator of East Han Dynasty. His book “Qian Fu Lun” described the politics, economy, and social norms at that time with rich content. Fan Hua suggested in his “Post Han Book” that Wang used criticism to ridicule the gain and loss at that time, and observed the politics, indicating that Wang’s Qian Fu Lun” was important to the study of historiography of East Han.
This paper, based on the records in “Qian Fu Lun” and political problems during East Han, extended the historical facts recorded in “Qian Fu Lun” and compared the data with the contents in other two records of Han history, in order to organize the political thoughts expressed in Wang’s “Qian Fu Lun”. Chapter 2 introduces Wang Fu and his “Qian Fu Lun”, including his biography, experience, origin of thoughts, and compilation and contents of “Qian Fu Lun”. Chapter 3 discusses the political problems of East Han reflected in “Qian Fu Lun”, from the perspectives of the origin of political thoughts in East Han, and political and social norms. Chapter 4 presents the five political theories of Wang Fu, which are practicality, emphasis on the laws, advocacy of morals, recruitment of virtuous personnel, and solidifying the borderline. The main characteristic of Wang’s political theories is its realism. Therefore, this chapter also discusses the criticisms and suggestions proposed by Wang in his “Qian Fu Lun” concerning the political situation and social norms during East Han Dynasty. Chapter 5 is the conclusion, and expounds the time values of the political problems and thoughts reflected in “Qian Fu Lun”.

Keywords: Wang Fu, Qian Fu Lun, politics in East Han / 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻探討 2
第貳章 王符生平、思想淵源及著作 5
第一節 王符生平 5
(一)關於生卒年 6
(二)關於生平 9
第二節 王符的思想淵源 15
第三節《潛夫論》撰作時間與內容 19
第參章 東漢初年的政治問題 23
第一節 中央政府的腐敗 23
(一) 外戚宦官交替專權: 23
(二) 統治集團內部殘殺: 30
(三) 吏治腐敗,豪族地主勢力膨脹與農民起義 31
第二節 重利浮奢敗壞社會風氣 34
第三節 赦宥頻繁 40
第四節 東漢中後期邊疆形勢 48
第五節 《潛夫論》之思想背景 53
第肆章 王符《潛夫論》的政治思想及其貢獻 56
第一節 五大政治理論:務本、重法、德化、用賢、實邊 57
第二節 民為邦本,以民為基 76
第三節 選賢舉能,考名責實 83
第四節 重視邊防、禦寇實邊 90
第伍章 結論 101
參考文獻 104
Date January 1997
Creators游世揚, Yu-shih Yang
Contributors何廣棪, Guan-Ian Ho
Publisher華梵大學, 東方人文思想研究所
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Relation《史記》,西漢,司馬遷撰,北京:中華書局。 《春秋繁露》,西漢,董仲舒撰,台北:臺灣商務印書館。 《漢書》,東漢,班固撰,北京:中華書局。 《孟子注疏》,東漢,趙岐注,孫奭疏,臺北:藝文印書館,重刻宋板十三經注疏本。 《論語注疏》,魏,何晏等注,北宋,邢昺疏,臺北:藝文印書館,重刻宋板十三經注疏本。 《三國志》,西晉,陳壽撰,北京:中華書局。 《後漢書》,南朝宋,范曄,西晉,司馬彪,北京:中華書局。 《資治通鑑》,北宋,司馬光等撰,北京:中華書局。 《四書集註》,南宋,朱熹撰,台北:學海出版社。 《直齋書錄解題》,南宋,陳振孫撰,台北:臺灣商務印書館。 《四庫全書總目》,清,紀昀等撰,北京:中華書局。 《四庫全書總目提要》(武英殿本),清,永瑢、紀昀等撰,台北:臺灣商務印書館。 《廿二史劄記》,清,趙翼撰,王樹民校證,北京:中華書局。 《全後漢文》,清,嚴可均輯,台北:臺灣商務印書館。 《荀子集解》,清,王先謙撰,台北:藝文印書館。 《後漢書集解》,清,王先謙集解,台北:臺灣商務印書館。 《潛夫論》之版本 《潛夫論集釋》,胡楚生,台北:鼎文書局,1979 《潛夫論箋》,(東漢)王符撰,(清)汪繼培箋,彭鐸校正,台北:漢京文化事業出版社,1984.05 《新譯潛夫論》,彭丙成譯注,台北:三民書局,1998.05

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