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Žmonių išteklių valdymo tobulinimas, plėtojant sveikatos priežiūrą Kauno mieste / The improvement of human resources management by development of health care in kaunas

Magistro darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje atliekama žmoniškųjų išteklių valdymo tobulinimui taikytinų teorijų ir metodikų studija. Tai bendrosios charakteristikos, strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo ir tradicinio personalo valdymo skirtumai, šiuolaikinės viešojo administravimo ir veiklos audito teorijos ir metodikos bei jų panaudojimo galimybės tobulinant žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą. Antroji dalis skirta žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tobulinimui įvertinti ir tirti, analizuojant Lietuvoje įgyvendinamos sveikatos politikos pagrindines nuostatas bei bendrąsias raidos tendencijas. Trečioji darbo dalis apibendrina žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tobulinimo tyrimą bei rezultatus Kauno miesto asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose, t.y., poliklinikose. Tyrimo tikslai, metodika, organizacijų charakteristika, apibūdinimas, tyrimo rezultatai, pasiūlymai bei išvados išskiriami į smulkesnes darbo dalis. / Studying human resources is important because it leads to an improved practice in the management of what is often proposed as the organization’s most important resource, its people. As far as human resources become more and more important factor of any company’s activity under the circumstances of the changing business world, analyzing the relation between the strategy of human resources management and the strategy of the business management turns to the matter of great relevance. The analysis of human resources and motivation theoretic issues, it is anything to go by that this field is enough investigated. However the growing fluctation stimulated to the comprehensive analysis. There aren‘t any measurement of health care quality and no particular giudelines on how to improve human resourses management by developing health care in Kaunas. In this Master Thesis we analyzed „The improvment of human resources management by development of health care in Kaunas. All the other resources, like capital, raw materials and information, are rated as homogeneous and can be incorporated in the process of product making by using the power of human resources. As far as human resources become more and more important factor of any healthcare company’s activity under the circumstances of the changing organization intrinsic causes world. The improvment of human resources management by development of health care becomes very important linking of human resources with strategic goals and... [to full text]
Date23 June 2014
CreatorsŠuminskienė, Edita
ContributorsBartkus, Edverdas Vaclovas, Vilnius University
PublisherLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), Vilnius University
Source SetsLithuanian ETD submission system
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeMaster thesis

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