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Distribution of income among South African population groups

Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary objective of this study was to verify the extent to which income distribution
among the population groups in South Africa has changed since the 199! population census.
These were the findings:
It was established in this study that, at October 1996 the income share of Whites had dropped
from 71.2 percent (1970) to 51.9 percent. The White population constitute 12.6 percent of
South Africa population in 1996 but they received more than 50 percent of personal income in
the country. At October 1996 the per capita income of Whites was 8.8 times that of Africans,
4.5 times that of Coloureds and 2.3 times that of Indians. The study found that income
disparities between the population groups have narrowed, but there are a lot left to be done to
remove income inequalities in the country.
The study found that the income which accrued to each population group was not uniformly
distributed within the group. In all population groups, the poorest 40%, and the next 41-70%
household income classes suffered losses in household income shares between 1991 and
1996. In all population groups it was the richest 10% households who received the lion's
share of income which accrued to the group, between 1991 and 1996.
The study further found a shift in African employees from elementary occupations to artisan
and machine operators. Between 1995 and 1999 the proportion of Coloureds in elementary
jobs declined in favour of artisans, machine operators, managers and professionals. Indians
and Whites had the smallest proportion of their workforce engaged in elementary occupations
Only 5.4 percent of Africans aged 20 and above were found to possess degrees, diplomas and
certificates in 1999, compared to 6.5 percent Coloureds, 14.3 percent Indians, 31.5 percent
Whites. As high as 15.5 percent of Africans had not received any formal education at October
1999 compared to 7.9 percent Coloureds, 3.5 percent Indians and 0.3 percent Whites.
Unemployment in all population groups has increased since the 1996 South African
population census. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doelwit van hierdie studie was om die verandering in die omvang van die
inkomsteverdeling tussen die bevolkingsgroepe sedert die 1991 bevolkingsopname te
Daar is bevind dat die inkomste aandeel van Blankes vanaf 71.2 persent in 1970 na 51.9
persent in 1996 afgeneem het. Die Blanke bevolking het 12.6 persent van die Suid-Afrikaanse
bevolking in 1996 uitgemaak, maar hulle ontvang meer as 50 persent van persoonlike
inkomste in die land. In Oktober 1996 was die per capita inkomste van Blankes 8.8 keer meer
as dié van Swart Suid-Afrikaners en 6.8 keer meer as dié van Kleurlinge. Die studie het
gevind dat inkomsteverskille tussen die bevolkingsgroepe verminder het, maar dat daar nog
groot inkomste ongelykhede is.
Die studie het verder bevind dat die verdeling van inkomste binne elke bevolkingsgroep
ongelyk verdeel is. Tussen 1991 en 1996 het in alle bevolkingsgroepe, die armste 40%, en die
volgende 41-70% huishoudelike inkomsteklasse 'n daling in hul aandeel van huishoudelike
inkomste ondervind. In alle bevolkingsgroepe was dit die rykste 10% huishoudings wat die
grootste aandeel aan inkomste ontvang het tussen 1991 en 1996.
Die studie het ook gevind dat daar 'n verskuiwing van swart Suid-Afrikaanse werknemers van
elementêre beroepe na ambagsmanne en masjienoperateurs plaasgevind het. Tussen 1995 en
1999 het die verhouding van anderskleuriges in elementêre beroepe afgeneem ten gunste van
ambagsmanne, masjienoperateurs, bestuurders en professionele beroepe. Asiate en Blankes
het die kleinste verhouding van hulle werksmag in elementêre beroepe gehad.
In 1999 was slegs 5.4 persent van swart Suid-Afrikaners, ouderdom 20 en ouer, in besit van
grade, diplomas en sertifikate, in vergelyking met 6.5 persent Kleurlinge, 14.3 persent Asiate
en 31.5 persent Blankes. Tot en met Oktober 1999 het 15.5 persent van swart Suid-Afrikaners
geen formele opleiding ontvang in vergelyking met 7.9% Kleurlinge, 3.5% Asiate en 0.3%
Blankes. Werkloosheid het sedert 1996 in alle bevolkingsgroepe toegeneem sedert die 1996
Suid-Afrikaanse bevolkingsopname.
Date12 1900
CreatorsKofi, Ampofo-Twumasi
ContributorsRoux, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format68 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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